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Warcraft Life team
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Работы по серверу SL Oribos [Баги сервера]

20.01.2021 обновление SL Oribos.

* Revert "Core/ItemEffectEntry update itemeffects"
This reverts commit 9c45183fd2f8ce9106ebf021437734e941238e03.
* Core\Loot: Fix group loot roll crash.
("auto" caused it, changed to Rolls::iterator. also added some failsafes just in case)
can still crash if bags are full and the SAME boss is ".respawn" and looted again.
* DB\World: Cleanup db.
* Core\Scripts: Rewrite instance_darkmaul_citadel.cpp + fix all crashes in it (that we know of).
* DB\World: Fix ExilesReach factions for horde side and alliance.
* Core\Scripts: Adjust private cole and captain garrick sparring quests.
* Core/ItemEffectEntry update itemeffects
* ...
* DB\World: Contentuning and questsorid for 40051.
* content tuning id? content fucking-up-id...
* DB\World: Adjust tempfix for dh talent choosing. (NOTE: Delete wow cache!)
* typooooo on comment :D
* fix typo on dh tempfix.
* Core\Scripts: Tempfix for DemonHunter talent choosing.
NOTE: Talents activate on quest The Imp Mother's Tome
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Fixed crash in Imonar
* Update client data dl link to (no mmaps, comes later, and rest of the dbc locales too).
* update core requirements dl link.
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Fixed crash in Anubesset
* Core/Opcodes define somes guild bank opcodes / Fix guild bank
* Core/Implement SetMaxDurability
* Core\Scripts: Fix druid dual-wield 2.
* update size of minimal client
* Update readme.md minimal client dl link to
* Core\○Scripts: Fix druid dual-wield learning.
* rename sql to proper syntax.
* Update allowed gamebuild to
* Core/Scripts: Fix another Violet Hold crash
* Core/Fix trainer ridding / Fix Guild item swap
Need to get if we use trainer_spell db or npc_trainer.
trainer_spell = sniff
npc_trainer = wowheadparser
choose it and i will clean the code
* Core/Smalls fixes
* Core/Scripts: Antoran High Command, fixed multiple crashes
* Revert "Fixed crash in Darkmaul Citadel."
This reverts commit 3a6da8bd1e62108a82e2fcbe5fc05417ecac0aca
* Core/Packet implement opcode SetCurrencyFlags
* Core/Roll implemented CMSG_DO_MASTER_LOOT_ROLL
* Core/Spells: Defined new spell attributes & Fix Load/UnmapTiles errors
Need extract data from client with new version of mapextractor compiled
* Fixed crash in Darkmaul Citadel.
* Fixed crash in Aluriel script.
* Fixed crash in Millificent Manastorm.
* Fixed crash in Aggramar script.
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Fixed Golganneth Wrath hook.
* Fixed Jump and Dive Down hooks.
* Fixed Focused Dreadflame hooks.
* Fixed Incorporeal Shot hook.
* Core/Update Spell Effects to SL
* Fixed Purgatory and Lightning Conduit hook corrections.
* Fixed Molten Feather hook
* Fixed Flarecore hook.
* Fixed Lightning Conduit hook.
* Fixed crash in Kingaroth
* DB\World: Spawn gameobjects for dungeons\raids: Antorus 1712, Trial of valor 1648, vault of the wardens 1493, cathedral of the eternal light 1677.
* DB\World: Spawn creatures for dungeons\raids: Antorus 1712, Trial of valor 1648, vault of the wardens 1493, cathedral of the eternal light 1677.
* rename sql............... :D
* Fixed build error in Druid spells.
* Fixed build error in Atramedes
* Fixed crash in Guldan script.
* Fixed crash in High Priestess Azil
* Fixed Guild Battle Standard hooks corrections.
* Fixed Guild Battle Standard hooks.
* Fixed Warlock T16 4P Aura hook corrections.
* Fixed Warlock T16 4P Aura hook.
* Fixed all Clone Me hooks.
* Add CloneMe generic corrections.
* Fixed Solitude hook.
* Fixed Fel Eruption hooks and preventing a crash from it.
* Fixed Last Resort, Fiery Brand and Astral Protection hooks correction.
* Fixed Astral Form hooks.
* Fixed Fel Barrage (spell and aura) and Spirit Bomb hooks.
* Fixed True Bearing hook.
* Fixed Meteor Slash hook.
* Fixed Massive Crash hooks.
* Fixed Mana Tea hooks.
* Fixed Cauterize Hooks.
* Fixed Bone Shield hooks.
* Fixed Cauterize and Bone Shield hook corrections.
* Fixed Unshackled Fury hooks.
* Fixed Nurture hooks.
* Added Nurture Aura correction sql.
* Fixed Water Auras and Ionization hooks.
* Fixed Screech hooks.
* Fixed Overcharge damage hook.
* Fixed Double Swipe hook.
* Fixed Reckless Charge spells hooks and converted an AuraScript to SpellScript.
* Fixed Reckless Charge Effect to match hooks.
* Fixed Earth Shield hooks.
* Fixed Cinders hooks.
* Fixed Raden spell hook.
* Fixed Durumu's Rays hooks. (Red, Yellow, Blue)
* Fixed Disintegration beam and precast hooks.
* Added SonicBreath sql hook.
* Fixed Sonic Breath hooks.
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Build error, missed a ;...
* Miss-type, fixed
* Fixed crash in MindFlayerKaarhj script.
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Fixed sql which can lead to database error.
* Core/Fix GetRoll
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Fixed build error.
* Added ScarletHalls (Vanilla) proper header file.
* Implemented Armsmaster Harlan script.
* Instance script implemented correctly now, miss-click.
* Implemented Flameweaver Koegler script.
* Implemented Houndmaster Braun script.
* Implemented ScarletHalls (Vanilla) instance script.
* Added ScarletHalls (Vanilla) dungeon sql.
* Added missing defines into PitOfSaron.
* Implemented Scourgelord Tyrannus script.
* Core/RemoveFromGroup
* Core/Fix crash in lootroll. Need verrify
* Added LadyNazjar boss sql.
* Implemented Lady Nazjar script.
* Defined UpperBlackrockSpire dungeon in Draenor scriptloader.
* Added UpperBlackrockSpire dungeon sql.
* Added UpperBlackrockSpire header file.
* Implemented UpperBlackrockSpire instance script.
* Implemented Warlord Zaela script.
* Implemented Ragewing the Untamed script.
* Implemented Orebender Gorashan script.
* Implemented Kyrak script.
* Implemented Commander Tharbek script.
* Added UpperBlackrockSpire dungeon file.
* Fixed wrong script attached to Felhouds.
* DB\World: Fix Portal to Stormwind now you get TP to the right location
* fix build.
* fix build
* Core\Scripts: Fix crash 3/3 in boss_dragons_of_nightmare.cpp
* Implemented TombOfSargeras trash scripts.
* Implemented TombOfSargeras instance script.
* Implemented Sisters of Moon script.
* Implemented Sasszine script.
* Implemented Maiden of Vigilance script.
* Implemented Kiljaeden (ToS) script.
* Implemented Harjatan script.
* Implemented Goroth script.
* Implemented Fallen Avatar script.
* Implemented Desolate Host script.
* Implemented Demonic Inquisition script.
* Added TombOfSargeras proper header file.
* Implemented Worldbreaker script.
* Implemented Varimathras script.
* Implemented Kingaroth script.
* Implemented Imonar script.
* Implemented Hasabel script.
* Implemented Felhounds script.
* Implemented Eonar script.
* Implemented Coven Shivarres script.
* Implemented Argus script.
* Implemented Antoran script.
* Implemented Aggramar script.
* Added Antorus proper header file.
* Implemented Antorus trash scripts.
* Implemented Antorus instance script.
* Added AntorusTheBurningThrone raid sql.
* Added TombOfSargeras raid sql.
* Core\Scripts: Fix crash in boss_dragon_lethon::UpdateAI (2 crashes on same script).
* Core\Scripts: boss_fel_lord_betrug change float to Position constant.
* Cherry-picks from BfaCore + fix datatypes (still float on xyz...) + rename sql to proper syntax.
* DB\World Quest Fix Poison Water (Corrected quest related item drop)
* DB\World Quest Fix Cleanising the Waters (Added missing object)
* DB\World Quest Fix Cleanising With Hill (Added missing object)
* Core/Scripts: Adderis && Aspis, fix door after their kill
* DB/Areatrigger: Fix old Scholomance entrance
* Core/Spells: Arcane Barrage, fix target slow from Chronoshift
* Core\Build: Fix build errors. and fix datatypes (still float, not double).
* Core/Spells: Arcane Barrage, fix target slow from Chronoshift
* DB/Spells: Reapply deleted scriptnames from some mage spells
* Core/Spells: Meteor, corrent comment
* Core/Spells: Adjust chance for Finger of Frost triggered from Frozen Orb
* Core/Spells: Fix Fingers of Frost
* Core/Creature: Remove double check IsInEvadeMode
* Fixed Launch Beer hook + Net hotfix.
* Fixed Empower Rune Weapon hook.
* Fixed Brewfest Speed hooks.
* Fixed Mark of Anguish hook.
* Core/Scripts: Dragons of Nightmare, prevent crash
* Core/Scripts: Priestess Azil, prevent crash
* Fixed Cheat Death hook.
* Fixed Ardent Defender hook.
* Updated Ardent Defender and Cheat Death correct hooks.
* Fixed Wolpertinger Net (41621 id) hook.
* Fixed Fire (ODS) spell boundhook.
* Script/Fix crash on loading script
Plz Verify if the scriptname exist else the core crash :)
* Script/Fix boss_star_augur_etraeus
not use auto but int32
NULL = nullptr plz
* Script/Fix boss_elisande geteffect have now 1 argument :)
* Script/Fix CastCustomSpell & getEffect
getEffect have 1 argument now :)
CastCustomSpell with float value is implemented now
* Script/Fix guldan script
* Core/Spell Rewrite CastCustomSpell & update somes spells/boss/Instances scripts
* Implemented Star Augur Etraeus script.
* Implemented Tichondrius script.
* Implemented Krosus script.
* Implemented High Botanist Telarn script.
* Implemented Guldan script.
* Implemented Elisande script.
* Added TheNighthold proper header file + defined some blank scripts, details within.
* Fixed build error in TheNighthold trash scripts + defined some blank scripts, details within.
* Implemented TheNighthold instance script.
* Implemented Trilliax script.
* Implemented Skorpyron script.
* Implemented Chronomatic Anomaly script.
* Implemented Aluriel script.
* Defined missing bosses from TheNighthold in scriptloader.
* Added TheNighthold raid sql.
* Core/Spells: Implemented using base weapon damage in spell attack power formulas
* Core/Map: Fix crash bug when teleporting out of map
* Revert "Fix build pt.4"
This reverts commit 8dc43dd420bc04fce7b77ca9e1cd9b425e948c3d
* Fix build pt.4
* Tempfix build pt.3
* Tempfix build pt.2
* Tempfix build pt.1
* Core/Spells: Fix Earthquake crash
* Core/Scripts: Fix Shivermaw crash
* Implemented EmeraldNightmare instance script.
* Added EmeraldNightmare proper header file.
* Implemented Xavius script.
* Implemented Ursoc script.
* Implemented Nythendra script.
* Implemented Ilgynoth script.
* Implemented Elerethe Renferal script.
* Implemented Dragons of Nightmare script.
* Implemented Cenarius script.
* Added TheEmeraldNightmare raid sql.
* Added TrialOfValor raid sql.
* Added Trial of Valor proper header file.
* Implemented Trial of Valor instance script.
* Implemented Odyn (ToV) script.
* Implemented Helya (ToV) script.
* Implemented Garm script.
* DB\World: Minor adjustment on last commit.
* DB\World: Fix infinite loop on mardum (bad data on 2021_01_11_00_world_sniffs_9.0.2.37142).
* DB\World: Fix sniffs overwriting old AT's.
* Core/Spell Fix SelectEffectImplicitTargets with data errors.
* Core/Spell Temporary fix crash on SelectEffectImplicitTargets
* Core/Implement item_display_info.db2 for @Mastermind ;)
* Script/Fix compile in boss_festerface
* Core/Set difficulty none by default on GetSpellInfo (prevent missing)
* Fixed build warnings in Fel Lord Betrug.
* Added VioletHold(Legion) proper header file.
* Added VioletHold(Legion) trash scripts.
* Implemented VioletHold(Legion) instance script.
* Implemented Shivermaw script.
* Implemented Saelorn script.
* Implemented Mind Flayer Kaarhj script.
* Implemented Millificent Manastorm script.
* Implemented Festerface script.
* Implemented Fel Lord Betrug script.
* Implemented Blood Princess script.
* Implemented Anubesset script.
* Added VioletHold(Legion) dungeon sql.
* Added ReturnToKarazhan dungeon sql.
* Added ReturnToKarazhan proper header file.
* Fixed build error in ReturnToKarazhan trash scripts.
* Implemented ReturnToKarazhan instance script.
* Implemented Vizaduum script.
* Implemented Shade of Medivh script.
* Implemented Opera script.
* Implemented Nightbane script.
* Implemented Moroes script.
* Implemented Mana Devourer script.
* Implemented Maiden of Virtue script.
* Implemented Curator script.
* Implemented Attumen script.
* Core\Misc: Remove old unused CONFIG_SAVE_RESPAWN_TIME_IMMEDIATELY and add some comments.
* Fix build and mpi datatype.
* rename sql
* Added CathedralOfEternalLight sqls.
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Implemented CathedralOfEternalLight instance script.
* Added CathedralOfEternalLight proper header file.
* Implemented Trashbite the Scornful script.
* Implemented Mephistroth script.
* Implemented Domatrax script.
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Implemented Agronox script.
* Core\PreparedStatements: Fix pet_aura difficulty.
TODO: get right difficulty, set to NONE atm.
ERROR SQL(p): INSERT INTO pet_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, difficulty, stackCount, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges) VALUES (28, BINARY, 3256, 7, 7, 1, 20000, 469, 0, 0)
[ERROR]: [1264] Out of range value for column 'stackCount' at row 1
* renamed sql.... YYYY_MM_DD_XX_DB_comment.sql
* Added VaultOfTheWardens dungeon sql.
* Added VaultOfTheWardens proper header file.
* Implemented VaultOfTheWardens instance script.
* Implemented Tirathon Saltheril script.
* Implemented Inquisitor Tormentorum script.
* Implemented Glazer script.
* Implemented Cordana Felsong script.
* Implemented Ashgolm script.
* Fixed build error in BlackRookHold trash scripts caused by scriptnames overlap.
* Added BlackRookHold dungeon sql.
* Implemented BlackRookHold instance script.
* Implemented Smashspite the Hateful script.
* Implemented Lord Kurtalos Ravencrest script.
* Implemented Illysanna Ravencrest script.
* Implemented Amalgam of Souls script.
* Added BlackRookHold proper header file.
* renamed sql to proper syntax after cherry-pick.
* Core/Spells: Frenetic Speed, fix proc from Scorch
* DB\World: Fix quest Flamebreaker Close issue: Flamebreaker [Quest] - BFACore Thanks to @wr4i7h
* TC-cherry-pick: DB/Quest: Update quest_offer_reward.
+ renamed sql files from the "future"..............
* Added HallsOfValor dungeon sql.
* Implemented HallsOfValor instance script.
* Added HallsOfValor proper header file.
* Fixed build error in HallsOfValor script caused by wrong defines.
* Implemented Odyn (HallsOfValor) script.
* Implemented Hyrja script.
* Implemented Hymdall script.
* Implemented Godking Skovald script.
* Implemented Fenryr script.
* Added DarkheartThicket dungeon sqls.
* Implemented DarkheartThicket instance script.
* Added DarkheartThicket proper header file.
* Fixed build error caused by missing defines in DarkheartThicket scripts.
* Implemented Shade of Xavius script.
* Implemented Oakheart script.
* Implemented Dresaron script.
* Implemented Archdruid Glaidalis script.
* Added NeltharionsLair dungeon sqls.
* Implemented NeltharionsLair instance script.
* Fixed build error caused by missing ids in NeltharionsLair trash scripts.
* Added NelthariosLair proper header file.
* Implemented Ularogg Cragshaper script.
* Implemented Rokmora script.
* Implemented Naraxas script.
* Implemented Dargrul the Underking script.
* Revert "HOPEFULLY its fixed now (spell_hunter.cpp line 2533 crash)"
This reverts commit 0de887992c39b243fe4bf9351cde6412a7918861
* Added CourtOfStars dungeon sql.
* Added proper CourtOfStars header file.
* Implemented CourtOfStars instance script.
* Implemented Talixae Flamewreath script.
* Implemented Patrol Captain Gerdo script.
* Implemented Advisor Melandrus script.
* Added TheArcway dungeon sqls.
* Added proper TheArcway header file.
* Implemented TheArcway instance script.
* Implemented Naltira script.
* Implemented Ivanyr script.
* Implemented General Xakal script.
* Implemented Advisor Vandros script.
* Defined Corstilax into scriptloader.
* Implemented Corstilax script.
* Core/Entities: Fix crash SpellDamageBonusTaken + SpellDamageBonusDone
* Removed SaveCost function from Soul Cleave due to crashes and had no utility for the moment.
* HOPEFULLY its fixed now (spell_hunter.cpp line 2533 crash)
* TC-cherry-pick: DB/Quest: Update quest_request_items.
* DB\World: Add missing part of "Core/Instances: Use level requirements from MapDifficultyXCondition.db2".
* Core/Spells: Fix Unstable Resonance effect
* DB\World: add 2021_01_11_02_world_castle_nathria_REAPPLY.sql
* DB\World: Fix areatrigger id overwriting on 2020_12_22_01_world_fix_daily_quest_cooking_29356.
* Fixed a crash where Taint of the Sea scriptname is used in two different scripts, changed the Trial of Valor one instead of a newer from Maw of Souls, ToV requires scripts first.
* Core\Player: Fix math again in Player::ResurrectPlayer (fixes revive command percentages).
* Core\Config: Adjust starting levels to blizz official.
* Adde MawOfSouls dungeon sqls.
* Updated MawOfSouls header file to work acordingly with new scripts.
* Fixed build errors in MawOfSouls trash scripts.
* Implemented MawOfSouls InstanceScript.
* Implemented Ymiron script.
* Implemented Helya script.
* Implemented Harbaron script.
* .
* move update to right folder
* BUILD ERROR: Missed something on Violet Hold crashfix.
* Fixed a crash in Uu'nat where players with Unstable Resonance were not present and due to lack of checks, it would have crashed. Also fixed correct hooks for Unstable Resonance effect.
* DB/Creature: Nyalotha AI
* Removed debug line from Restless Cabal.
* Fixed multiple crashes in Dread Waste file, like: containers executing whithout having inserts, Reset calling events without being in combat, moved all schedules from Reset to EnterCombat functions. (some events required combat states)
* Fixed a crash in Professor Putricide where spellscript could not find GetHitUnit anymore and EffectValue(EFFECT_0) could not be removed.
* Fixed a crash in Violet Hold.
* Fixed a crash in Warlord Zon'ozz where Scripted_NoMovementAI would not be used, converted to ScriptedAI.
* Fixed a crash in Malkorok where newTargets container was empty and when targets container is populated by newTargets list which is empty, results into crash.
* Fixed a crash in Zorlok where TextEmote was not properly handled.
* Fixed a crash on Bethilac "uiCount" method, wouldn't count properly.
* Fixed a crash in Flash Heal where additional check for ToPlayer could cause crash when caster is found but is not a player. Its enough to check for a caster and not its typeId.
* Fixed a crash in Flurry where BasePoint value could not be read.
* Core\PreparedStatements: Fix mysql error on garrison startTime out of range.
[ERROR]: [1264] Out of range value for column 'startTime' at row 1
Unhandled MySQL errno 1264. Unexpected behaviour possible.
* Core\PreparedStatements: Fix mysql error on creature respawnTime out of range.
[ERROR]: [1264] Out of range value for column 'respawnTime' at row 1
ERROR Unhandled MySQL errno 1264. Unexpected behaviour possible.
* DB\Misc: Add sniffs from for shadowlands areas (TODO: clean double spawns).
* Core\DB2: Fix return values on DB2Manager::GetTextSoundEmoteFor.
* Fixed crash triggered by an exploit with a crafted whisper message
* Fixed a crash in Council o Captains encounter where when killed, a captain could not find controller to count deaths.
* DB\Characters: Adjust char db difficulty update to support any version of db 2021_01_10_00_characters_implement_difficulty.
* Core\Spells: Fix crash on spell_mage_flurry::HandleDummy.
* CORE/Fix crash in SpellDamageBonusDone
* Core/Fix script_params possible loading crash
* Core/Fix RemoveRewardedQuest and include now the seasons quests
* Core/Fix GetRoll
* Merge branch 'master' of Varjgard / ShadowCore
* Fixed a crash on Execute where target is alive but when a ModifyPower was called, caster is not present.
* Fixed a crash in Wild Growth spellscript where EFFECT_2 could not be read BasePoints since its UNKNOWN EFFECT so its handled better now.
* Core/Fix Crash on CharFactionChangeResult
* Core/Instances: Use level requirements from MapDifficultyXCondition.db2 (Missing save)
* Core/Instances: Use level requirements from MapDifficultyXCondition.db2 instead of access_requirement db table
* Core/DataStores: Refactor map lookups to use Trinity::Containers::MapGetValuePtr
* Core/Units: Fixed max damage of base attack
* Fixed a crash where hunter's pet basic attack wil crash if the "attack" has been initiated but the target dies from other sources so damage cannot be calculated anymore.
* Fixed a crash in SaveCost when there was a chance caster no longer had (or dies\DC) power PAIN.
* Core/Scripts: Nazjatar
* Core/Scripts: Nazjatar scriptloader
* Nazjatar directory
* Spellbook, talents, mounts etc fixed. thanks for Arcaniafr for the hard work :)
* Core\Scripts: Fix datatypes (it is still float, not double! more coffee needed? :D )
* Cherry-picks from BfaCore (39 in total).
* rename sql to proper syntax...
* DB/Spells: Fix Uunat's Unstable Resonance debuffs
* Core/Scripts: Fix Raal The Gluttonous
* Core/Scripts: Fix Soulbound Goliath
* DB\World: Fix quest The King's Command (QuestID: 29547) (Forgot to add condition). (NOT TESTED)
* Core/Scripts: Implement boss Raal the Gluttonous (Waycrest Manor)
* Core/Scripts: Soulbound Goliath fix(now raidboss death check works correctly)
* Core/Scripts: Implement Soulbound Goliath (Waycrest Manor)
* Core/Scripts: Add trash mobs to header file (waycrest_manor.h)
* DB\World: Fix quest The King's Command (QuestID: 29547)
* DB\World: Fix quest Druid of the Claw (QuestID 2561) (corrected file name)
* DB\World: Fix Quest: Druid of The Claw (QuestID: 2561) (added SAI for door)
* Core/Scripts: Prevent another crash in Freehold
* DB/Misc: Disable Trial of the Crusader
* DB\World Fix Nyxondras Broodling Spawn and Multi Spawn Nyxondra
* Added deletes before inserts to fix primary key errors.
* DB\Hotfixes: Add missing item 158078.
* Core\Scripts: Fix datatype (it is supposed to be float, not double).
* Core/Scripts: Humongris, rewrite, fix another crash
* Core/Scripts: Fenryr, remove unneeded line
* DB\ World spawn boss Humongris
* Fixed a bug where Adderis and Aspix script would give compile error to BfACore but worked in ShadowCore.
* Core/Scripts: Humongris, fix crash
* Remove my air_blaoon_cpp script
* Fix for panda start zone. my mistake :)
* Fix Multi Spawn (Stillpine Ancestor Akida)
* DB\World: Panda starting zone quest fixes and QuestPOI's
* DB/SAI: AI - Crucible of Storms, Battle of Dazar'alor, Ny'alotha, the Waking City
* DB\World Fix Professions Trainer Herbalism and Jewelcrafting in Draenei Starting Zone
* DB/Phasing: Lost Isles, some forced phases
* Core/Quest: 447 + Life Savings, improve and fix phasing
* DB/Gilneas: Corrections
* Fixed: Stormstrike shouldn't trigger Crashing Lightning and Crash Lightning should trigger an additional Crash Lightning Aura(187878)
* Core/Quest: Endgame tempfix
* Core/Quest: The Battle for Gilneas City, tempfix pt.2
* Core/Quest: The Battle For Gilneas City, tempfix
* Core/Quest: Exodus
* Core/Quest: The Hungry Ettin
* Core/Quest: Gasping for Breath
* Core\PreparedStatements: Fix CHAR_INS_CHAR_ACTION.
(cherry picked from commit b932e954b48714c30ba1f269bd6f396250f80539)
* DB\World: Convert to SLDB 2020_12_29_12_world_more_fixes_westfall.sql.
(cherry picked from commit 8a83b61aa56a3cd55415639a625420b18f324e2c)
* DB\World: Exiles reach questline esES translation by RaggaHC.
(cherry picked from commit e1b74418a0b0846008cda3a5c67d57bef1ddfff3)
* Update minimal client dl link on README.md
(cherry picked from commit 27542607583910b020934f9e63a8c831f79e9a88)
* Core/Scripts: Gilneas, fixes which weren't merged from BFA
(cherry picked from commit 1636a2bde9b88fb1fce8e5bffa293fe84b7eedbc)
* Added RP Events after Sporecaller Zancha part2.
(cherry picked from commit 235b3f44e421c727021e594f3fb2f604d832ab31)
* Added RP Events after Sporecaller Zancha part1.
(cherry picked from commit 282cf09c12daa76d3777ae2e426a17c721753997)
* Added a npc fix, was unselectable.
(cherry picked from commit a8d5a41649485ec650e88ba021e47211726a7aba)
* DB\Characters: Update structure for difficulty.
* Core/ total Rewrite spell and implement difficulty with spellbook fixed & talent data fixed
add column difficulty in characters_aura and pet_aura int
* DB\World: Update SQL script fix for SLCore DB structure. Let me know if there's any script that i made to update them to SLCore DB structure.
* Revert "Core\Player: Fix spell book (original fix by Arcaniafr, spell difficulty removed on this one)."
This reverts commit c8a3b2d4317797f008a2969ca604f937e3c9d270
* DB\Old: Fix error in old updates (dont import, just for archiving purposes).
* Core\Config: Fix typo on "korean" dbc name. (it is same on sl and bfa after all).
* Update README.md requirements download link.
* rename sql to proper syntax.
* Added TheEternalPalace misc sql.
* Added The Eternal Palace to scriptloader.
* Added The Eternal Palace data header.
* Added Instance The Eternal Palace PH script.
* Added Zaqul PH.
* Added The Queens Court PH.
* Added Radiance of Azshara PH.
* Added Queen Azshara PH.
* Added Orgozoa PH.
* Added Lady Ashvane PH.
* Added Commander Sivara PH.
* Added Blackwater Behemoth PH.
* Added The Eternal Palace directory.
* Core\PreparedStatements: Fix level rollback on warlocks.
* Update README.md clientdata download link with mmaps.
* Fix build after cherry-pick (all cherrypicks are tested).
Missing commits compared to arcaniafr-rewrite branch:
* Core/DataStores: Fixed sending localized hotfixes and improved db2 loading error messages [arcaniafr]
* Core/Rewrite Threat Manager [arcaniafr]
* Core/Multiple update [arcaniafr]
* HotfixOptionalData [arcaniafr]
* SMSG_PLAY_SOUND [arcaniafr]
* Treat entering other vehicles mounted on main vehicle as swapping seats [arcaniafr]
* Implement DbcLocale [arcaniafr]
* Core/PacketIO: Convert all leftover packets to use packet classes [arcaniafr]
* Core/Rewrite localString for prevent crash (alerted by XáXá #2748) [arcaniafr]
* Core/Multiples Update & fix [arcaniafr]
* Core/ Fix loading db2 with local constant final [arcaniafr]
* Core/Fix C++ counter [arcaniafr]
* Core/ Fix copyright from me [arcaniafr]
* DB/Rewrite Character_aura [arcaniafr]
* Core/Implement CastDifficulty & update somes datas [arcaniafr]
* Core/Implement Spell Difficulty into shadowcore [arcaniafr]
* DB/Update creature_template to core getCreatureTemplate
* Core/Clean HandleTrainerBuySpellOpcode
* Core/Spell Fix Coldflame & fix some possible crash
* Core/Spell Fix Fingers of Frost
* CORE/Packet convert SMSG_INVALIDATE_PLAYER to new packet class
* Core/Implement TRADE SKILL
* Core\Player: Fix spell book (original fix by Arcaniafr, spell difficulty removed on this one).
* Updated TempleOfSerathliss first boss spell effect
* Added Temple of Sethraliss dungeon sql.
* Implemented Merektha script. (properly this time, copy-paste fail)
* Implemented Galvazzt script. (properly this time, copy-paste fail)
* Implemented Avatar of Sethraliss script.
* Implemented Galvazzt script.
* Implemented Merektha script.
* Implemented Adderis and Aspix script.
* Core\Player: Fix buff saving and buff loading. (Aura saving)
20.01.2021 обновление SL Oribos.
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
26.01.2021 обновление SL Oribos.
* Core\Misc: Some code cleaning + change opcode logger messages back to trace.
* DB\World: Adjust stats on BurningCrusade dungeons.
This is part2 of dungeon stat fixing.
Creature level scaling is working and based on dungeon difficulty.
Adjusted dungeons:
Opening of the Dark Portal
Magisters Terrace
Shattered Halls
Shadow Labyrinth
Escape from Durnholde
Sethekk Halls
Auchenai Crypts
Slave Pens
Hellfire Ramparts
Blood Furnace
* DB\World: Update 2021_01_25_06_world_PROJECT_dungeon_Classic.sql Creature level scaling is working and based on dungeon difficulty.
* opcode logging
* Fixed Generic spells: Break Shield, Mounted Charge, Herbalism Trap, Mining Trap hooks. Might throw errors.
* Core/LootRoll fixed & optimised lootroll + implement displayToast need more work
* Fixed BlackHole hooks.
* Fixed Bramble Patch hooks.
* Fixed Barrage of Leaves hooks.
* Fixed Rallying Cry hooks.
* Fixed Seraphim hooks.
* Fixed Drowned hooks.
* Missed typo2
* Missed Typofix1
* Fixed ShadowConductor hooks.
* Fixed Pistol Barrage hooks.
* Fixed Firebloom target hooks.
* Fixed Trash Bear Form hooks.
* DB\Hotfixes: Drop temp tables.
+ rename 1 sql update.
* DB\World: Delete challenge mode door from scholomance dungeon.
* Core\Game: Fix more stupid equations that cause client crashes.
* Core\Game: Fix equation on Rate.MoveSpeed that caused client crash on login if movespeed was 0.
* Core\Server: Fix MaxCoreStuckTime unexcpected crashes on slow computers.
* Fixed Shield Slam hooks with custom methods.
* Implemented script for SpellCustomEffectHandler to bypass broken SpellEffectFn hooks.
* Implemented defines for SpellCustomEffectHandler to bypass broken SpellEffectFn hooks.
* Core\Objects: Implement gameobject_addon AIAnimKit (we already have gob template animkit).
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Quests: Fixed marking quest objectives as complete clientside for objectives using flagging instead of counters.
Core/Quests: Fixed marking quest objectives as complete clientside fo… · TrinityCore/TrinityCore@e3a9b18
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Chat: Send broadcast text id in sound packets to allow playing encrypted sound files.
TC-cherry-pick: Core/Commands: Add optional broadcast text id argument to .debug playsound command.
Core/Chat: Send broadcast text id in sound packets to allow playing e… · TrinityCore/TrinityCore@2e4609f
Core/Commands: Add optional broadcast text id argument to .debug play… · TrinityCore/TrinityCore@d94f0d2
* Core/AI: ScriptedAI and BossAI can use IsNormal directly now
* fix syntax in 2021_01_25_02_world_stormwind_guard_hp_fix.sql
* DB\World: Adjust stats on Classic dungeons. + fix broken lfg entries.
This is part1 of dungeon stat fixing, i will fix all from Classic-SL.
We dont have scaling implemented properly yet, so creature min\max lvl will be set to cre min lvl.
Max access requirement allowed level is set to 60 so we wont spoil the fun, it is stupid if player cant enter a dungeon after leveling up.
Adjusted dungeons:
darkmaul citadel
sunken temple
lower blackrock spire
blackrock depths
razorfen downs
dire maul
stormwind stockade
scarlet monastery
scarlet halls
razorfen kraul
blackfathom deeps
wailing caverns
shadowfang keep
ragefire chasm
* DB\World: Tempfix for warlock soul leech crash, remove when properly fixed.
* DB\World: Update 2021_01_25_03_world_instance_cleanup_start.sql.
* DB\World: Adjust player class level stats to level 1-60.
* Core\Scripts: Rename AddSC_boss_brutallus_legion to more logical name since there is 2 same name npc's.
* fix redefinition of AddSC_boss_world_brutallus
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore
* Fixed compile error.
* Core\Scripts: Adjust folder structure according to wow map, and add missing "boss_malificus" script to loader.
* DB\World: Start dungeon\raid adjusting, cleanup first.
* remove whitespace from filename
* DB/World fixing Stormwind Guards HP
* Revert "Delete 2021_01_25_01_world_raid_theeternalpalace.sql"
This reverts commit 6a6c39aba9ddf2a2bd9f6dc5a864c817a51f8f48
* Delete 2021_01_25_02_wStormwind_Guard_HP_fix.sql
* Delete 2021_01_25_01_world_raid_theeternalpalace.sql
* Fixing Stormwind Guard's HP on patrolling at Nortshire-Goldshire-Stormwind line
* typo
* Core\Scripts: Adjust private cole and captain garrick sparring.
* Core\Scripts: Adjust following angles on DarkMaul bots.
* adjust little
* Core\Scripts: Rewrite DarkmaulCitadel dungeon bots a little to fix crashes.
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Commands: Fix .go zonexy command.
* Core\BattlePets: Instead of deleting the pet pointer, set it to nullptr so it stays allocated. + Fix compile warning.
* Update Nyalotha header file.
* Updated Nyalotha scriptloader.
* Added Vexiona PH.
* Added TheProphetSkitra PH.
* Added Hivemind PH.
* Added ShadharTheInsatiable PH.
* Added RadenTheDespoiled PH.
* Added Nzoth PH.
* Added Maut PH.
* Added Iilgynoth PH.
* Added Drestagath PH.
* Added DarkInquisitorXanesh PH.
* Added CarapaceOfNzoth PH.
* Fixed bugs in Zaqul.
* Fixed bugs on RadianceOfAzshara.
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore
* Fixed bugs in QueensCourt.
* Core\BattlePay: If product doesnt exist return "Battlepay::product emptyList" instead.
* Core\BattlePay: Fix battlepay namespace and Battlepay::product return values.
* Core\Loot: Cherry-pick AOE loot from commit f7222ba9563d517d16d92a82abea17dfe6e4ccbc
* Fixed crash in SiegeOfOrgrimmar.
* Core/Spells: Fix Mana Break crash + damage
* Implemented Zaqul script.
* Implemented Queens Court script.
* Implemented Radiance of Azshara script.
* Implemented Queen Azshara script.
* Implemented Orgozoa script.
* Implemented Lady Ashvane script.
* Implemented Commander Sivara script.
* Implemented Blackwater Behemoth script.
* Added EternalPalace raid sqls.
* Added EternalPalace hotfixes sql.
* Updated some corrections for Eternal Palace raid.
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore
* Revert "Core/lootRoll Definitive fix for lootroll crash tested & work"
This reverts commit f7222ba9563d517d16d92a82abea17dfe6e4ccbc
* Core\AllFunctionsAndScripts: Fix them all after overrides removed...
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore
* Revert "Core/lootRoll Definitive fix for lootroll crash tested & work"
This reverts commit f7222ba9563d517d16d92a82abea17dfe6e4ccbc
* Core\Scripts: Fix function on exilesreach.cpp...
* TC-cherry-pick: Scripts/Commands: Fixed .modify gender not setting correct customizations.
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Spells: IsAllowingDeadTargets now checks effects targets as well.
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore
* TC-Cherry-pick: Core/Vehicles: Treat entering other vehicles mounted on main vehicleas swapping seats.
* DB/Update all bpet trainer
* Core/lootRoll Definitive fix for lootroll crash tested & work
* Core\Scripts: Allow DemonHunters to change talent spec always.
TODO: tempfix, remove when playerchoice has been fixed properly.
* Core\Misc: Rewrite access_requirement.
Check access_requirement table instead of MapDifficultyXCondition.db2 because we can not override db2 conditions properly at the moment.
To use MapDifficultyXCondition.db2 uncomment "failedMapDifficultyXCondition" from Player::Satisfy.
The new code for MapDifficultyXCondition is still on core, but lets use the old way instead, it works so why change? -Varjgard
* Core\Loot: Tempfix for Group::GetRoll crash (set to free-for-all).
TODO: revert this tempfix when grouploot is properly fixed.
* Revert "Core\Loot: Tempfix for Group::GetRoll crash." (revert for cleaner tempfix)
This reverts commit ae64946c56270ea9df8d5043fec13c888b1e787a.
* Core\Loot: Tempfix for Group::GetRoll crash (all loot is forced to PERSONAL_LOOT for now, basically free-for-all).
* Revert "Core/Fix loot roll"
This reverts commit 66b923a6adbbea4c56ac87ed823ee20983f06cc1.
* Typo
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore
* Fixed a bug in Uu'nat where MovementInform is called when he is engaged, MotionMaster issue.
* Core/Fix loot roll
* Core/Tryed to fix lootroll, verify player before get it
* Revert "Core/LootRoll temporary fix"
This reverts commit 86d52211645908cbb1e2648be0d73d402ef3ee0f
* Cherry-picks from BfaCore: (40 in total)
* Move sql (2cd71d34dad7c59129b71b69f783d5f0ab88073b)
* Core/Spells: Eclipse
* DB\World Fix Quest Impending Retribution
* DB\World Fix Quest Under the Choking Sands
* DB\World Fix Quest Under the Choking Sands
* DB/Areatriggers: Fix size for all DH soul fragments
* DB: Fix sql name
* DB\World Fix Item loot from Item Satchel of Helpful Goods
* Fix Creature Level from Stormshield Guard
* DB/Areatriggers: Some missing data for mage spells
* Core/Spells: Vengeful Retreat
* DB/Creature: Assing scriptnames for Waycrest Manor bosses
* DB: Fix sql name
* DB/Spells: Assign Darkest before the dawn
* Core/Spells: Darkest before the dawn, fix proc
* Core/Scripts: Update Fel Rush to current code standards
* Core/Scripts: Improve && fix Shattered Souls
* DB/Areatriggers: Fix all areatriggers for Shattered Souls
* Core/Spells: Fix Fel Rush
* Core/Spells: Define some hunter spells
* Core/Spells: Fix Lethal Shots
* Core/Spells: Fix Calling the Shots
* Removing obsolute quest Calligraphed Letter (id: 31141) from all referenced tables
* Core/Scripts: Gorak Tul
* Core/Scripts: Lord and Lady Waycrest
* Core/Scripts: Heartsbane Triad
* Core/Scripts: Raal the Gluttonous
* Core/Scripts: Soulbound Goliath
* Core/Scripts: Waycrest Manor base.cpp, script intro, blizzlike
* Core/Scripts: WM header
* DB/Misc: Mine Cart, Motherlode, basics
* DB/Misc: Fixed state of door which should be activated only on challenge mode in Scholomance
* DB/Misc: Fixed Antorus entrance
* DB/Misc: Fixed Uldir entrance, exit
* fix syntax error
* DB/World Fixing Quest Minimap/Map trackers for quest: A Little Oomph (id: 25013)
* DB\World Fix Grix "Ironfists" Barlow now is Trainer and Vendor now can buy goods
* DB\World Fix cost Forgotten Techniques of Kul Tiras and Zandalar
* Core/Scripts: Base stuff for Mine cart in Motherlode, reset, state, faction
* Core/Scripts: Zul, Reborn do not call encounter minions to combat on reset when encounter isn't in progress
* rename sql to proper syntax
* DB\World: Spawn TerraceOfEndlessSpring raid.
* DB\World: Spawn Scholomance dungeon.
* Core/Spells: Fix Rain of Fire crash
* DB\World: Spawn GrimrailDepot dungeon.
* well, as much as possible... - Update 2021_01_23_00_fix_trainer_battlepet_gossip.sql
* Fix comment execute on Mysql 5.7 - Update 2021_01_23_00_fix_trainer_battlepet_gossip.sql
* Fix - Update 2021_01_23_00_fix_trainer_battlepet_gossip.sql
* Fix - Update 2021_01_23_00_fix_trainer_battlepet_gossip.sql
* Fix - Update 2021_01_23_00_fix_trainer_battlepet_gossip.sql
* DB\World: Player Create Info Action Bar Druid Fixes
* DB\World: Player Create Info Action Bar Monk Fixes
* DB\World: Player Create Info Action Bar Fixes
* DB/Trainer spell set max level to 20 before more search
* Core/LootRoll temporary fix
* db/add all battlepet gossip
* Core/Rewrite gossip system and trainers system
* Core/Spells: Fix Trail of Ruin crash
* Core/Scripts: Fix some Darkmaul crashes
* Core/Scripts: CoEn, fix multiple instakills
* Core/Scripts: Fix Festerface crash
* Core/Scripts: Fix Star Augur Etraeus crash
* Core/Scripts: Fix Argus crashes
* Core/Clean NPCHandler
* Core/ Rewrite trainer need clean
* Core/PacketIO: Convert all leftover packets to use packet classes & clean code
* Core/Spells: Assign spell effect handles for new apply aura effects
* Core/Spells: Implemented and update somes target types
* Core/Spells: Removed duplicated check again to send info to client
* Core/Spells: Removed duplicated check
* Core/Spells: change to the way the spell effect SPELL_EFFECT_JUMP work
* Core/Items: Implemented new bonus type (extra ItemEffect)
* Core\Bpay: Remove useless else statement.
* Core\Scritps: Adjust effect.
* Core\Misc: Fix datatypes.
* Update README.md clientdata dl link with mmaps. (enus only for now, rest of locales will come later)
* Fix compile on Linux GCC 8 & boost 1.67
* Core\Tools: Fix mmaps generator mapmagic.
* Core/Scripts: Fix Hasabel crash
* Core/Scripts: Fix Saelorn crash
* Core/Scripts: Fix annother Imonar crash
* Core/Scripts: Fix another Kingaroth crash
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
16.02.2021 обновление SL Oribos.
* update CoreLauncher to v 3.1
* fix typo
* DB\World: Update battlepay_purchases table sructure. (correct?)
* Core\Scripts: at_warlock_rain_of_fire crash tempfix.
* Core/AI: A little change for BossAI
* Core\GameObject: Fix GameObject::UseDoorOrButton, now you can use doors and buttons. (Fixes for example: DeathKnight quest "The Endless Hunger").
* Core\Packets: Set cursor icon to default if object is a herb.
* Core\SpellEffect: Fix logic on EffectOpenLock.
* DB\World: Disable runeforging bonus spell 326805 (Rune of Sanguination DK - server freeze).
* DB/Creature: Rework Muradin and Falstad AI, adjust their creature data for expansion
* DB/Creature: Let's bring some city bosses back to action, Tyrande && Muradin
* rename sql.
* DB\World: Adjust query 2021_02_12_00_world_go_herb_template.sql.
* DB\World: Fix sql "sql/updates/world/2021_02_09_fix_tyrande_sai.sql".
* enum SPELL_PRIEST_WEAKENED_SOUL defined twice.
* Core/Spells: Some herbs using different go type, let's modify script a little too
* DB/Gameobject: A little update for herbs, part 2
* DB/Gameobject: A little update for herbs
* Core/Spells: Fix skill gain when gathering herbs and mining nodes
* Core/Player: Fixed issue when player wasn't able to get skillpoint from fishing
* Core/Quests: Fix WorldQuest flag
* DB/Gameobject: Fix coords of Nazzivus Monument Glyphs
* DB\World: Fix Tyrande SAI (exported from TDB 3.3.5a)
* Core/Spells: Power Word: Shield
* Core/Scripts: Missing define
* DB\Quest fix Quest Survey Alcaz Island and add conditions
* DB\Quest Fix Quest Traitors Among Us
* Core/Spells: Soul Reaper
* DB/Misc: Re-assign some scriptnames for Defile
* DB/Spells: Assign Gargoyle Strike
* Core/Spells: Gargoyle Strike
* Core/Spells: Epidemic, fix range
* DB/Spells: Assign scriptnames
* Core/Spells: Pestilent Pustules, Army of the Damned, Fix crash in Grip of the Dead, Death and Decay rewrite, Unholy Frenzy
* Core/Scripts: Adderis and Aspix, some changes
* Core/Spells: Fix calc amount for Fel Rush damage
* DB/Quest: Remove Corruption
* Core/Scripts: Improve Flynn's tempsummon
* Adjust last crashfix a little (add fail safe).
* Core\Spells: Fix at_warlock_rain_of_fire::OnPeriodicProc crash. (happens if areatrigger is removed before the damage is casted).
* typo
* Core\ScriptedAI: Fix EscortAI waypoint executing.
Fixes all quests etc that use EscortAI, like DeathKnight "Massacre at lights point".
* Update README.md with new bugtracker www.
* Core/BattlePay push my temp work
* Core\Player: Unlock 4 extra backbag slots (authenticator\sms protector).
slots are unlocked but backbag is not resized, resize backbag to 20 slot.
* Core\EscortAI: Implement some functions and fix (maybe?) npc_escortAI::MovementInform.
Implement IsEngaged
Implement IsEngagedBy
Implement SetImmuneToAll
Implement IsImmuneToAll
Implement SetImmuneToPC
Implement IsImmuneToPC
Implement SetImmuneToNPC
Implement IsImmuneToNPC
Implement IsEscortNPC
* Core\Misc: Some optimizations and tc-cherry-pick "Fix static analysis issues".
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Creatures: Fixed crediting loot and quests for creatures using level scaling
* DB\World: Mount skill, trainers of stormwind and orgrimmar (Arkane).
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Players: - Fixed auto learning class abilities that are rewarded from quests if starting Exile's Reach in case player chose not to start there
* TC-cherry-pick: DB/World: Remove deprecated spells from riding trainers
* TC-cherry-pick: DB/World: Fix player_racestats
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Spells: Define spell effect attributes
* TC-cherry-pick: Gameobject/Script: Remove outdated script
* TC-cherry-pick: Creature/script: Add locales to innkeepers gossip options
* Core\Unit: Clean and optimize SPELL_AURA_MOD_AUTOATTACK_DAMAGE handle.
* TC-cherry-pick: Dep/G3D: Add static assert checks for Array functions being used with non-POD types
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Quests: Correct criteria tree quest objective update conditions
* Apply same raid group restriction as normal objectives
* Check that player is on quest before updating criteria
* Remove non-GM requirement
* Fix nopch build & warning
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Trainers: Remove all "hidden" rank based requirements for learning spell from trainers and always only rely on trainer_spell.ReqAbility fields in database
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Quests: Automatically add quests with AUTO_PUSH flag to player.
* Removed check for world quests on criteria tree reset
* Quests are currently filtered by their tag to only allow untagged or tag == 0 quests (other types are unsupported)
* Core\AdventureJournal: Remove AdventureJournalMaxSuggestions, it is useless since the suggestions are limited by default already.
* rename sql
* Core\Config: Set AuthSeedVerification to 0, if it is 1 core might freeze for some unknown reason.
* Core/Scripts Quest The Deadliest of Poisons
* Fix quest The Deadliest of Poisons for rogue in zone exiles reach
* Core/Fix mining/herb/LockPicking
* BattlePay implement temporary battlepay_purchases
* Core/PacketIO implement somes battlepay opcodes
* DB/Fix battle pay prices
* Core/BattlePay Implement purchases database & opcodes
* Fix repo (remove obsolete files).
* DB\World: Fix syntax 2021_02_08_02_Implement_battle_pay_database_and_clean_all.sql.
* Arcania-battlepay
* rename file
* Core/Scripts & DB - Fix quest A Rogue's End
* Core/DB add ScriptName for creature 36457 for quest 14416
* World\Config: set AuthSeedVerification to 1 since it is working now.
* DB\World: Fix infinite scene loop when player enters stormwind keep.
* Core\Scripts: Disable all onArrivalScripts (needs rewrite).
* Core\AdventureJournal: Some adjustments.
* Core/BattlePay Rewrite config file & implement currency choice
* Fix previous commit
* Core/Future - Implement Autorestart server
* Core/BAttlepay fix load shop datas
* Core/BattlePay update for last commit
* Core\Scripts: Adjust tushui pole dancer.
* Core\Scripts: Adjust darkmaul dungeon bot spell range from 10000000 to 1000....
* Core\Scripts: Remove SetLevel from scripts, this is already handled by creature_template_scaling.
* Core\AdventureJournal: Implement adventurejournal (thanks to osleyder for some parts of code).
* Core\Group: Fix crash on Group::RemoveMember.
* Core\Scripts: Fix overrides... still a lot missing...
* Core\Scripts: Remove CheckCheaters, we dont need that.
* Core\Instances: Implement DoOnPlayers (traesh version), remove ApplyOnEveryPlayer, fix Crashes from shit code on ApplyOnEveryPlayer, remove BroadcastPacket from instance (not supposed to be there and not used). + clean code.
* Core\Scripts: Fix npc_tushui_monk_on_pole::npc_tushui_monk_on_poleAI::DamageTaken crash.
* Core\Scripts: Tempfix for spell_warlock_summon_darkglare and spell_warlock_soul_leech.
* DB\World: Some fixes for spirit healers.
* Core/BattlePay update ProductListResponse & clean up. need test
* Core\Scripts: Fix crash on npc_captain_garrick_161350.
* Core\Scripts: Fix boss_harlan_sweete::UpdateAI crash.
* DB\World: Clean lfg_dungeon_rewards.
* DB\World: Fix typo that allowed players to use flyingmounts inside dungeons...
* DB\World: Some adjustments.
* Core\Looting: Add config option to disable GroupLootRolling if it causes crashes.
# Group Looting
# Group.Loot.Roll.Enabled
# Description: Enable\Disable group loot rolling
# NOTE: EXPERIMENTAL! Might crash server!
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)
Group.Loot.Roll.Enabled = 0
* rename sql to proper syntax
* fix build.
* Update worldserver.rc include
* Update bnetserver.rc include
* Update GitRevision.cpp include
* Cmake\Genrev: Fix genrev.cmake to display hash correctly on console.
* Forgott conditions, only can see gossip on quest The Missing Fleet and The Vanishing Lord
* DB\World Fix Player can no longer see NPCs after use Will Melborne Gossip
* Core/Scripts: Lord and Lady Waycrest, minor changes
* DB/Misc: Fix some data for Echo Isles
* Sql rename
* DB/Misc: Sql name
* Core/Scripts: Young and Vicious
* Core/Scripts: Adderis and Aspix cleanup
* DB/Spells: Reassign Fel Rush damage
* Core/Spells: Fix some typos
* fix build
* DB/Spells: Assign Claw
* Core/Spells: Claw
* Core/Spells: Fix some mistakes
* Core/Spells: Typo
* DB/Spells: Assign Inexorable Assault, FrostScythe
* Core/Spells: Inexorable Assault, FrostScythe, Cold Heart, Rime, Avalanche, Obliteration
* DB\World Fix Forced to Watch from Afar
* DB/Misc: Fix sql name and query
* DB/Misc: Missing data for shaman totems, re-assing scripts
* Core/Spells: Wind Rush, Tremor, Earthgrab totems, cleanup + new scripts, reorganize scripts, not finished yet
* Core/Scripts: Store totem scripts where should be, instead another loaders
* Core/AI: BossAI distancetimer typo
* Core/Spells: Mass Entanglement typo
* DB/Areatrigger: Some ats needed for druid spells
* Core/Spells: Fix Lunar Beam, Ursol Vortex, Mass Entanglement, Predator
* Core/Spells: Missing enum
* Core/Scripts: Flynn Fairwind, adjust base script a little
* DB/Spells: Assign Photosynthesis
* Core/Spells: Photosynthesis
* Core/Spells: Spring Blossoms
* Core/Spells: Cultivation + Rejuvenation update
* DB/Spells: Assign Tiger Dash
* Core/Spells: Tiger Dash
* DB/Spells: Starsurge, Starfall scripts
* Core/Spells: Starlord
* Core/AI: BossAI will now despawn if distance from home pos is too big
* Core/Instances: Force players to dismount on enter
* Core/Spells: Fiery Brand
* Core/Spells: Fix Fel Rush, final change
* Fix wrong sql export
* Core/Spells: Chain Reaction
* Core/Spells: Delete old Felblade script
* DB/Spells: Assign Blink
* Fix sql name
* Core/Spells: Blazing Soul, Prismatic Cloak
* Core/Spells: Delete old useless Void Reaver script
* DB/Spells: Fix Sigil of Silence, Sigil of Misery, Immolation aura is now debuff
* Fix sql name
* Core/Spells: Fix Momentum
* DB/Spells: Assign Felblade
* Core/Spells: Fix Felblade
* Core/BattlePay full getproductlist structure fixed. Need somes rewrites and search for working
* Core/BattlePay fix crash on battlepaydisplaycard open
* Core/BattlePay update and fix jamBattlePayDistributionObject
* Core/TransmogrifyItems fixed
* Update violet_hold.cpp - fix error: braces around scalar initializer for type ‘uint32’
* Implemented a general fix for classes which are missing certain spells from their spellbook.
* Removed warlock missing spells fix, will make a general one for certain spells\classes.
* Core/BattlePay Fix SMSG_BATTLE_PAY_GET_PRODUCT_LIST_RESPONSE crash on battlepay. need update database and code for work now
* Core/PacketIO fix adventure datas
* Fixed issue when some warlock spells were not learned automatically as you advance through level.
* Core/PacketIO Implement new packet AdventureJournalUpdate & AdventureJournalDataResponse
* Core/battlePay somes rewrite in the packet but need more search for work
@TODO problem with jambattlepaydisplaycard need more long search
* ADD TODO For rewrite level for SL
* Core/Scripts Update level for dungeon boss
* Fixed Good Karma talent.
* Added Focused Thunder sql.
* Fixed Focused Thunder talent.
* Fixed Spirit of the Crane talent.
* Added Spirit of the Crane spell sql.
* Fixed compile error, missing defines.
* Remove older script of Lifecycles and added a working one to Enveloping Mist and Vivify.
* Added Lifecycles spell_proc entry.
* Fixed Summon Darkglare crash.
* Typo fix RadianceOfAzshara
* Core/Loot roll disenchant fix
I have'nt this error then i can't test
* Core/BattlePay update temp Product List Response need more search
* Remove ulgy script from VioletHold(Legion) instance file.
* Added a new method to start VioletHold(Legion).
* Added VioletHold crash fix (instance) and forgotten scriptnames.
* Core/battlepay fix error
* DB/Delete data in exploration_basexp
* DB/Fix creature max level | level 100 = boss level shadowlands
* DB/Fix more creatures name end
* DB/Fix more creatures name TODO who is the npc 250 000????
* DB/DB/Fix more creatures name
* DB/ fix my mistake
* DB/Fix creatures name
* Core\Scripts: Tempfix crash boss_guldan::boss_guldanAI::JustDied.
* Core\Scripts: Tempfix for Nighthold raid crash.
* DB\World: Clean bad spawns from VioletHold dungeon (legion).
legion version of violethold needs scripting, it is not scripted at all.
* Core/GroupLoot fix crash with disenchant loot need to update disenchant loot DB
* convert sql to sldb
* Core\Scripts Update bfa_boss_zaqul.cpp - Fix path includes
* Core\Scripts Update bfa_boss_queen_azshara.cpp - Fix error compile on Linux & possible crash
* Revert "Core/Scripts: Improve && fix Shattered Souls". this commit breaks shattered souls that worked before.
* Core/Scripts: Fix The Hungry Ettin
* Revert "DB/Areatriggers: Fix all areatriggers for Shattered Souls"
This reverts commit 3c2df12bd022eb0f4cf5085d6164ee5967499483
* DB/Misc: Some data for Queen Azshara
* Core\Scripts: Tempfix crash boss_star_augur_etraeus DATA_STAR_AUGUR_ETRAEUS_GRAVITY_PULL_COUNTER.
* Core\Scripts: Tempfix crash at_fetid_gas::OnUnitEnter (wrong aura id?).
* Core\Spells: Fix crash on spell_warlock_soul_leech.
* Core\Loot: Tempfix for Group::GetRoll crash (set to free-for-all).
TODO: revert this tempfix when grouploot is properly fixed.
* Core/Implement Display Toast Method
Последнее редактирование:


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14.03.2021 Обновление SL Oribos до версии ревизии от 2021_03_14 Через 30 минут. В течение 45 минут SL сервер будет отключен.
ShadowCore 9.0.2 Repack changelog
* DB\World: Remove shadowlands spawns from repack.
Shadowland spawns will be added to repack area by area.
* DB\Base: Update database to SLDB_902_2021_03_12 and archive old updates.
* DB\World: VaultOfWardens fixes.
* Core\LFG: Implement "DungeonFinder.UnlockAll" config option. Final Part.
* Core\LFG: Implement "DungeonFinder.UnlockAll" config option. Part2.
* Core\LFG: Implement "DungeonFinder.UnlockAll" config option.
Core\LFG: Use access_requiremnt for lfg instead of contentTuningId.
World\Config: Update worldserver.conf.
* Core\Player: Fix EnvironmentalDamage formulas (fixes dh zone "fel lava" damage).
* Core/Spells: Fix damage of Rain of Fire
* Core\Entities: Fix combat evading. (selectvictim)
* Core/Scripts: Enum Oribos, delete ws
* Core/SpellAuras: Disable ASSERT for AuraApp
* DB/Gameobject: Fix dupli spawn of Portal to Torghast and assign script
* Core/Gameobject: Fix portal to Torghast, Tower of the Damned
* DB\World: Mardum remove more invisible hostile controller npcs.
* DB\World: Mardum remove invisible hostile controller npcs.
* DB/Creature: Shandris Feathermoon spawn for Into the Maw
* Core/Quest: Into the Maw
* DB\World: Fix gossip on mardum and vow.
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore
* DB/Quest: Speaking ot the Dead
* Core/Quest: Speaking to the Dead
* DB/Quest: Field Seance
* Core/Quest: Field Seance
* DB\World: Fixes for factions, levels, bad data, classes etc.
* Move SQL
* BattlePay: Change battlepay_display_info_locales VARCHAR to 255 add first Translation
* Replace 2021_03_12_01_world_spawn_Cleanup.sql
* DB/Creature: Lot of Spawn Cleanup in The Maw
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* DB/Misc: Don't update creature names from FR sniffs
* DB: Fix wrong creature names
* update email
* DB\World, Core\Scripts: multiple fixes (mardum rewrite part1).
-define RegisterCreatureScript
-fix mardum spell 193387 "The Keystone: Quest Completion - Play Metamorphosis Scene"
-add a delay to some phase updates to improve performance (blizz is also 1 sec on most parts)
-start rewriting mardum and implementing new content from sniffs.
* DB\Hotfixes: Remove bad data.
* TC: Core/Auras: Do not warn about nonexisting proc spells when spell id is 0 and aura is a dummy.
* add terms of service.
* update email
* Update paypal address.
* change dh start level to blizz.
* Core\Bpay: Fix bpay productlist return value warning.
* DB/Creature: Assign scriptnames for starting quests in Maw
* Core/Quest: A Fractured Blade, Ruiner's End, Fear to Tread, On Blackened Wings, Speaking of Dead, The Lion's Cage,
* DB/Creature: Assign some training dummy scripts
* Rename SQL
* Rename SQL
* Core/Creature: Rescript and improve some training dummy scripts
* Core/Quest: Fix coordinates for quest Through Shattered Sky
* Core/Scripts: Second Wind
* Fix magic numbers for e76927e3
* Core/Scripts: Slice and Dice
* Core/Scripts: Warrior should take +3 rage when he take damage (blizzlike)
* Core/Scripts: Rework for "Consecration", now applies debuff on the enemies that reduces a movement speed, +fix for "Consecrated Ground"
* Core/Scripts: Activate brickdoor after HD defeat
* Core/Scripts: Enum Brickdoor CN
* DB/Gameobject: Fix duplicate brickdoor spawns
* DB/Hotfixes: Decryption keys for creature sounds
* DB/Quest: Fix Enter the Illidari: Coilskar, Orders for Your Captains, On Felbat Wings
* Core/Scripts: Update Sludgefist pos after CoB
* DB/Misc: Castle Nathria cleanup, fix some flags and update CoB positions + some phasing
* DB/Misc: Castle Nathria, clean mess from sniffs
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Fix Auchindoun spawns for mythic
* Update 2021_03_07_00_world_areatriggers.sql
* DB/Misc: Cleanup
* Core/Scripts: Activate Sludgefist after CoB
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* Core/Scripts: Sludgefist, handle flags
* Core/Scripts: Sludgefist -> GetGUID
* DB/Creature: Massive creature stats update
* DB/Misc: Rest of the Revendreth data
* DB/Misc: Rest of the Ardenweald data
* DB/Hotfixes: Broadcast text
* Fix error: macro "SpellObjectAreaTargetSelectFn" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3
* DB/Misc: Clean some controllers and personal objects
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Rest of the missing data for Castle Nathria
* Unix - jemalloc (define to JEM_MADFREE_DEF)
* Unix - compile parameters MADV_FREE & NOJEM
* DB/Areatriggers: Assign scriptnames
* DB/Areatriggers: Castle Nathria
* Core/Scripts: Echoing Sonar, Echoing Screech, improve movement
* Core/Spels: Smoldering Plumage
* Core/Spells: Vicious Lunge
* Core/Spells: Expunge, Gluttonous Miasma
* DB\World, DB\Hotfixes: Full data for DemonHunter zones (from shadowlands sniffs).
I will start to rewrite the scripts for mardum and vault of wardens to implement some new data, and to fix old scripts.
* DB/Creature: a lot of Spawn Cleanup Necrotic Wake, The Maw, Stormwind
* Core\SceneMgr: Define some unknown scene flags. (data from sniffs).
* Core/AI: Do not call summons to DoZoneInCombat if they have non-combat flags
* DB/Locale: Update frFR quest locale from all wowhead exited data (there may be declination missings)
* DB/Template: Update creature_template_locales names for frFR locale from all wowhead exited data
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* DB/Creature: Shriekwing 66 Sludgefist controllers, custom change to fix flags
* Core/Scripts: Call all boss scripts for Castle Nathria
* Fix my warning in e09cf136
* DB/Template: Update creature_template names from all wowhead exited data
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* Core/BattlePay update and fix crash in DisplayVisualData & add new datas in products
* DB/Creature: Shriekwing, small fixes
* DB/Template: Update gameobject_template_locales names for frFR locale from all wowhead exited data
* DB/Template: Update gameobject_template names from all wowhead exited data
* missed for fe7b5ec0
* Scripts/DK: Fix Death Strike (small example that how we use PlayerStorage)
* Core/Player: Implemented a new storage system for the player
* Core/Spells: Fix power gain from SPELL_AURA_MOD_POWER_GAIN_PCT (this will fix spells like Holy Avenger)
* missed for e8d809ae
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* Revert "Revert "TC-cherry-picks.""
This reverts commit e09cf1362d0679c1126d68cd24e3de1328a41c7d
* Core/Spells: Fix SPELL_AURA_OVERRIDE_ACTIONBAR_SPELLS_TRIGGERED (this will fix cases, when you can't use a trigger spell, eg. wowhead.com/spell=221771)
* DB/Creature: Parsed data for npc levels from wowhead
* Core/Packets: Implement SMSG_PVP_MATCH_INITIALIZE, (fixed when the scoreboard did not open in bg's/arenas)
* Revert "TC-cherry-picks."
This reverts commit feab1bd37f0c3cf30909f86e118cf97c31dcb230
* Move SQL
* TC-cherry-pick: Update hotfixes to 37474 (forgot comment from last commit).
* TC-cherry-picks.
Core/PacketIO: Increase max allowed incoming packet size for CMSG_HOTFIX_REQUEST.
Core/AuctionHouse: Fix overflow in item ordering.
Core/PacketIO: Fix suppressing building SMSG_UPDATE_OBJECT packets.
* DB/Creature: Spawn Cleanup from Creature 166925 to 167050, More Spawn Cleanup in Zone Necrotic Wake Entrance
* DB/Creature: More Spawn Cleanup Necrotic Wake Entrance, and Clean creature_addon from deleted Spawns
* DB/Creature: More Spawn Cleanup in Stormwind and Orgrimmar
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* DB/Creature: Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, assign scriptname
* Core/Scripts: ShadowlandsIntro scriptloader
* Core/Scripts: ShadowlandsIntro, ChillingSummons + Through Shattered Sky
* Add new directory
* Revert "Core/Quest: Chilling Summons, both versions"
This reverts commit 52c66b95d9560510824a3a09f4dc2c40fbbab354
* Core/Enable LoadCreatureClassLevelStats
* Core/Quest: Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me, use enumerators instead of magic numbers
* DB/Misc: Rest of the Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald data
* DB/Creature: Big Spawn Cleanup Necrotic Wake Entrance
* Core/Areatrigger Update inside unit before AT OnCreate is called
* Scripts/Commands Allow to set aura duration using ".aura spellId duration"
* Core/Hotfixes Fix loading of hotfix optional data
* Core/Gossip Correctly fix OnGossipHello for gameobjects
* Revert "Core\GameObject: Fix function UseDoorOrButton call for OnGossipHello."
This reverts commit 9a9b5283e9e9001a3bd12dd1f58ae8e04e6ceaf5.
* DB/Creature: Spawn Cleanup The Frozen Throne
* Updates to quest_template_addon (PervQuestID and ExclusiveGroup) values
* Core/Scripts: Add missing include
* Rename SQL
* DB/Quest: Chilling Summons, little changes to make it work
* Core/Quest: Chilling Summons, both versions
* DB/Creature: Assign scriptnames for Chilling Summons, both versions
* DB/Creature: Mass creature update
* Core/Script Fix damageEvents
* Core/Handler Fix gossip scripts
* DB/Gameobject: Fix a lot of go starters / enders from 8.2 to 9.02
* Core/Gossip implement gossip_option_choice
need good data in gossip_menu, gossip_menu_option & gossip_menu_option_action database
* DB/Creature: Fix most of the creature quest starters/enders for SL
* Rename SQL pt.2
* Core/Spells: Fix crash in Justicar's Vengeance
* DB/Creature: Some basic fixes for Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
* Rename SQL
* DB/Instances: Fill scenario objectives for all SL dungeons
* Core/LFG fix filter levels & expansions
* Core/Unit Fix SelectVictim for SPELL_AURA_MOD_FIXATE
* Core/Spells Implement SPELL_AURA_ALLOW_INTERRUPT, Fix 8 boss spells
* Core/Spells : Implement SPELL_AURA_MOD_FIXATE, fix +/- 400 boss spells
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* DB/Creature: First Part Spawn Cleanup in Necrotic Wake Entrance
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* DB/Creature: Fix a lot of Multispawns from Knight of the Ebon Blade in The Frozen Throne
* DB/Creature: Fix some stats and display scale in Threater of Pain
* Core/LFG Implement contentTuning & fix SendLfgPartyLockInfo
* Core/AI Fix DamageEventMap
* DB/Command Fix application of battlepay new command
* Core/RBAC Fix align
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
# Conflicts:
# src/server/game/Accounts/RBAC.h
* DB/Gameobject: Remove another go spawn which isn't supposed to be in Plaguefall
* DB/Gameobject: Cleanup in Plaguefall
* Update BattlePayHandler.cpp Fix for unix file names
* Core/Add command for add battlepay credit in game
* DB/typo thanks to Essention for pointing this
* Core/BattlePay update data for buy battlepet work
* Core/ClubFinder init files
* Core/PacketIO: Use hotfix status enum instead of magic numbers in SMSG_DB_REPLY
* DB/Update filedataID for characters rename/factionchange/raceChange/customize
* Core/BattlePay remove useless function and update for rename/factionchange/raceChange/customize characters
* DB/Creature: Fix a lot of Multispawns in Stormwind and The Frozen Throne (Part 1)
* DB/Misc: Fix sniffed gossip data for quest Chilling Summons, both versions, translate, add tele, fix controller flag, assign scriptnames
* Rename SQL
* Core/AI: Remove distance check from home pos
* Core/BattlePay Can buy mount and gold delivery (work in progress)
* DB/Creature: Update stats, gossips, flags for SL start quests
* DB/Creature/Gameobject/Areatrigger: Missing stuff for Necrotic Wake
* Core\Items: Fix crash on Player::ApplyEquipCooldown (For example item 120978 "Ashbringer").
* TC-cherry-pick: Core/Spells: Add nullptr itemTarget check in Spell::EffectEnchantItemTmp.
* DB/Creature: Fix a lot of Multispawns in Orgrimmar
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Fix some missing spawns in SoA
* Core\Scripts: Disable LegionOnArrival for now, it causes rollbacks.
* Rename SQL
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* Rename SQL
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Added missing spawns and data for SoA pt 2
* Core\GameObject: Fix function UseDoorOrButton call for OnGossipHello.
Fixes all gobs that use key\lock and OnGossipHello.
Example: fixes quest 12848 "the endless hunger".
"use" function will NOT exit the "use" function if return value is set to "false" on "OnGossipHello".
this is how the script was originally made, but remember it when scripting.
* DB/Areatrigger: HoA && SoA data
* DB/Creature: Fix a lot of Multispawns in Stormwind City
* DB/Creature: Some missing spawns in HoA
* Rename SQL
* add missing check to last commit.
* Core\Spells: Implement LOCK_KEY_SPELL.
* DB/Quest: Remove obsolete stuff from Sunstrider Isle
* TC-Cherry-pick: Core/DataStores: Support all new hotfix status values
TC-Cherry-pick: Core/Scenes: Add support for encrypted scenes
TODO: change SceneMgr::playSceneByTemplate "const sceneTemplate" to "const* sceneTemplate".
* Core/Player Fix GetLastTargetedGO with big guids
* Script/Commmand Add "debug send playspellvisualkit"
* DB/Spawns Fix Stormwind portal rooms
* DB/Spawns Cleanup Oribos & Fix Orgrimmar portal rooms
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* DB\World: Fix Quest Stones of Binding Loot (Exo).
* DB\World: Fix all Nyalotha creature factions.
* fix id...
* remove db assignment from sql... :)
* Core\Scripts, DB\World: Fix all PlayerChoices.
(forget the comment on last commit, all fixed now and tested too).
* typooooo
* Core\Handlers: Temp fix for playerChoiceResponse->Reward crash. + fix quest 40051 "Fel Secrets".
playerchoices changed a lot on shadowlands.
old respose ids for this quest were 478 and 479, now they are 9 and 10...
so we need to check all playerchoices now.
* Core\Scripts: remove tempfix from quest "Fel Secrets".
TODO: check structure of WorldSession::HandlePlayerChoiceResponse
* Script/Commands Add .reload player_choice command
* Core/Mgr Fix player choices
* Core\GameObjects: Misc fixes.
* DB\Auth: Update default gm account to X#1 account standards.
* Core\Misc: Revert account creating back to X#1 standards. + some more cleaning.
* Core\AI: Redefine EscortAI.
* delete obsolete file, rename enum.
* Core\Misc: Clean core from useless scripts + start rewrite of OnArrival.
* Core\Scripts: CastleNathria full. (Incognito)
* More updates to creature_template for faction, level and flags from sniff data.
* DB/Creature: Fill creature spawns for Shadowlands intro quests, both version
* DB/Creature: Reorganize and phase unused Castle Nathria spawns
* DB/Creature: Fill creature gossips for ali/horde SL intro quests
* DB/Misc: SL intro quests, horde
* Rename SQL
* DB/Misc: All data for Shadowlands intro quests
* DB/Gameobject: Torghast
* DB/Instance: Assign Torghast
* Core/Scripts: Torgast pt.2
* Core/Scripts: Torgast
* Rename SQL
* DB/Creature: Torghast, Tower of the Damned
* Core/Custom: A little advertisement
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite into master
* DB/Creature: Fix typo, scriptname 9.0.5
* Updates to creature_template for faction, level and flags from sniff data.
* DB\World: Update go state.
* DB\World: Sniffs
Maldraxxuss part 4 and 5.
Maw part 3.
* DB/Gameobject: Change state of doors behind trash
* fix BattlePayPackets.cpp
* fix sql syntax
* Core\Player: Fix crash on player create.
* Core/BattlePay somes datas updated
* DB/Misc: Thorgast
* DB/Creature: Let's fill vendors
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Mechagon City
* Rename SQL, typo
* DB/Misc: Let's bring whole Mechagon City to life
* Rename SQL
* DB/Areatrigger: Areatriggers for all SL zones, dungeons
* DB/Creature/Gameobject/Areatrigger/AI/Cleanup:
* DB/Misc: Bastion
* Rename SQL pt.2
* Rename SQL
* DB/Misc: SL dungeons data
* DB/Misc: Castle Nathria
* DB/Misc: Revendreth
* DB/Misc: Maldraxxus
* DB/Misc: Ardenweald
* Unix fix error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘Position&’ to an rvalue of type ‘Position’ in boss_queen_azshara_ep
* DB/Gameobject: GO data for all SL zones
* DB/Gameobject: Another go data for all SL dungeons
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Castle Nathria
* Core/BattlePay small update for the battle pay
Add opcode structure :
* PacketIO Add opcode SMSG_SYNC_WOW_ENTITLEMENTS structure
* DB/Gameobject: More gameobject data
* DB/World fix SQL
* DB/Gameobject: Castle Nathria cleanup
* DB/Creature: Castle Nathria cleanup
* Rename SQL pt.2
* DB/Gameobject: Some missing go data for CN
* Rename SQL
* Move SQL
* DB/Zones Full SL start quest spawn (Frozen Throne + Maw)
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* Core/Scripts: Halls of Attonement
* Core/Scripts: Sanguine Depths
* Add new directory
* Add new directory
* Core/Scripts: Mists of Tirna Scithe
* Add new directory
* Core/Scripts: Instance DeOtherSide
* Add new directory
* Delete DeOtherSide
* DeOtherSide
* DB/Instance: Base data for all SL dungeons
* DB/Misc: Added teleport for SL Frozen Throne + assign all SL instance scripts
* Core/Scripts: Instance scripts for all SL dungeons
* Core\Handlers: Properly fix sScriptMgr->OnGossipHello.
creature script OnGossipHello function works now.
tested and verified.
* fix clientdata dbc in readme.md
(enUS only for now, i need to extract the rest).
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* Core/Defines: Define map for Castle Nathria
* Core-DB: ShadowCore Rewrite Part3.
mostly player.cpp rewrite.
* fix build
* Core\Scripts: BattleOfDazarAlor (Incognito).
* add override.
* fix build
* Core\Scripts: EternalPalace (Incognito).
* DB\World: CastleNathria db work (Incognito).
* remove obsolete scripts and fix build.
* Merge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/Varjgard/shadowcore-rewrite
* Core/Scripts: Prepare scriptloader for whole Castle Nathria
* Core\Scripts: Nyalotha complete with spawns (Incognito)
* DB\World: add teleport locations for sl.
* DB\World: Sniffs Part5.
Maldraxxuss part 3
Maw part 2
* DB\World: Sniffs Part4.
Maw part 2.
* DB\World: Sniffs Part3.
Maw (part1)
* DB\World: Sniffs Part2.
* Update readme.md clientdata and minimal client to
* DB\World: Sniffs Part1.
Maldraxxus part1
* Core\Tools: Fix gt extracting.
* Update gamebuild to
* remove temp sql (it is on rar file already).
* Core\Hnadlers: Fix HandleGameobjectReportUse.
* Core\Handlers: Fix unit->AI()->GossipHello function call.
* fix build
* Core\Scripts: Fix build errors on boss_queen_azshara.cpp.
define these and remove comment out:
* Unix - fix error: ‘MADV_FREE’ undeclared (first use in this function);
* Core/Scripts: Fix scriptloader
* Core/Scripts: Queen Azshara, rewrite
* Delete 2021_02_09_00_auth_update_gamebuild_to_37474.sql
(this client build needs more testing)
* clean
* Core\WorldSession: Fix worldsocket.
* Core-DB: ShadowCore rewrite part2.
old ones will work, but you will get errors on console!
* c 2021
* Core-DB: ShadowCore rewrite part1.
hotfix database updated to SLDB_902_2021_02_17.
db2 systems updated.
hotfix handling updated.
hotfix locales implemented.
hotfix optional data implemented.
depencies updated.
* Scripts/NecroticWake Spawns cleanup + transport rework to spawn Necropolis
* fix build
* remove double define.
* DB\World: Mechagnome Robo wolf.
* DB\World: Trainer humak grimmord (exo).
* DB\World: Some npc spellclick data (zgn).
* Core\Packets: Set cursor icon to default if object is a mining deposit.
* DB\World: Modify mining sql syntax a little.
* Core/SpellEffects: Add condition for mining nodes
* DB/Gameobject: Mark mining nodes
* Revert "Core\GameObject: Fix GameObject::UseDoorOrButton, now you can use doors and buttons."
This reverts commit 670388a3e2504b66bcbe5a77303e4c344bfbfa62
* Core/Player: Prevent enviromental damage from falling in Denathrius encounter
* Core/Defines: Enum The Observatorium for later use in Castle Nathria
* BattlePay/somes opcodes updated
* BattlePay/Update global code & implement StartCheckout & OpenCheckout & ValidatePurchaseResponse
* Core/BAttlePay update all data
* PacketIO/ add SMSG_BATTLE_PAY_DISTRIBUTION_UPDATE opcode structure
Последнее редактирование:


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14.03.2021 Обновление SL Oribos до версии ревизии от 2021_03_18 Через 30 минут. В течение 15 минут SL сервер будет отключен.
* included Battlepay manager to repack
* DB\Hotfixes, DB\World: broadcast_text, creature_template, gameobject_template etc from sniffs.
* DB/Misc: Lady Inerva Darkvein data
* DB/BattlePay: Fix charset for multilanguage table battlepay_display_info_locales
* DB/BattlePay: Fix charset for multilanguage table battlepay_product_group_locales
* Core/Spells: Vicious Lunge
* DB/Creature: Fix Huntsman Altimor default position
* DB\Creature: More Spawn Fixes on the Maw
* Merge branch 'master' of
* DB/Areatrigger: Song of Chiji, recreate at data for Windwalking
* Core/Spells: Fix damage/healing from Chi Burst
* DB/Areatrigger: Assign scripts for Chi Burst, recreate data
* DB/Creature: Vanessa Lightning Stalker, tempfix
* Core/Scripts: Fix achievement 12831, 12832, 12833
* DB/Creature: Assign script for Dark Ranger Thyala
* Core/Quest: Leader of the Pack
* Core/Spells: Ring of Peace
* DB/Creature: Fix flags for Brother Alen
* DB/Creature: Assign Storm, Earth and Fire AI
* Core/Spells: Metamorphosis, Storm, Earth and Fire
* Core/Spells: Fix Death Grip
* Core/Spells: Fix damage of Death and Decay and typo
* DB/Spells: Death and Decay
* DB/Misc: Spires of Ascension
* Core/Scripts: Call all boss scripts for Spires of Ascension
* OtherSide,SanguineDepths
* Init
* Core/Scripts: Margrave Stradama
* Core/Scripts: Domina Venomblade
* Core/Scripts: Doctor Ickus
* Core/Scripts: Update Plaguefall header
* DB/Misc: Cleanup for most SL dungeons
* DB/Gameobject: Fix init state of Shriekwing's door
* Rename SQL
* Implement Auto Restart Worldserver
* Core/Bank Fix guild bank item loading
* Core/Battlepet Fix loading of battle pets
* Core/Scripting Add multiple script helper
* Core/Item: Add item level boost
* DB\Quest: Fix Quest A Choice of Allies
* DB/Hotfixes: Create level boost item
* DB/Item: Assign script for level boost
* Rename SQL
* DB/Spells: Assign Rapid Fire
* Core/Spells: Rapid Fire
* DB/Creature: Missing spawns for quest Welcome to Stormwind
* DB/Creature: Fix Tormented Amalgamation flags
* Worldserver\Config: Update info on ThreatRadius.
* typo on comment
* Core\Config: Fix "ThreatRadius" config option. + change "DungeonFinder.UnlockAll" to boolean.
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
03.04.2021 Обновление SL Oribos до версии CONTINUED ревизии от 2021_03_31
"Fix crash"
f836c572... - "Fix crash" 16 hours ago
bca40bca... - "Fix crash" 17 hours ago
212db083... - "Theater of Pain data" 21 hours ago
0c6021fe... - "Fix Enchanting Trainer in Stormwind City, and delete Double Spawn Ithu..." 1 day ago
0dc20a79... - "Core/BG: Fix honor points gaining" 1 day ago
dde7138c... - "Core/Opcodes: Correct opcode values for SMSG_PVP_LOG_DATA,..." 1 day ago
a5c4efc7... - "Creature template model fixes from error log" 2 days ago
ace5e405... - "Update creature loot for The Maw zone" 2 days ago
13e799b1... - "Update creature loot for Revendreth zone" 2 days ago
428a0f14... - "Update creature loot for Maldraxxus zone" 2 days ago
d876b40e... - "Update creature loot for Bastion zone" 2 days ago
7ab05edf... - "Update creature loot for Ardenweald zone" 2 days ago
a671e93f... - "Fix crash" 2 days ago
3677e2a9... - "Adjust Mayor Quimby levels" 2 days ago
813f5e82... - "Improve ER relocate" 2 days ago
80001e88... - "Add double XP in weekends" 2 days ago
ab4c1bfc... - "Add double XP in weekends" 2 days ago
7a73c655... - "Some checks for Shriekwing" 2 days ago
1d95b2e8... - "Eternity's Call" 2 days ago
ce044884... - "Eternity's Call, little cleanup and assign scriptnames" 2 days ago
cf47ff1d... - "Added SHA256 licensing System." 3 days ago
edbb1258... - "Fix crash in DeOtherSide" 3 days ago
c5476609... - "Some Castle Nathria misc fixes" 3 days ago
30a5985e... - "Fix crash" 3 days ago
2f1567db... - "Fix crash" 3 days ago
49e0ead0... - "Fix exploit using Shoulder Mounted Drake Dropper" 3 days ago
3b199b47... - "Shoulder Mounted Drake Dropper" 3 days ago
9e4b91f0... - "Some misc fixes for Shriekwing, Huntsman Altimor, Hungerind Destroyer,..." 3 days ago
f5c67ae9... - "Fix sql syntax error" 3 days ago
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
05.04.2021 Обновление SL Oribos через 15 минут (Quick update, crashfixes + maps). В течение 10 минут сервер будет недоступен.
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
Обновление SL Oribos до ревизии от 07.04.2021 через 10 минут. В течение 10 минут сервер будет недоступен.
09668eca... - "Rewrite some spells" 18 hours ago
e43fd9c9... - "Fix Seek the Ascended" 1 day ago
1a234c2f... - "Pathscribe Roh-Avonavi script" 1 day ago
a7474e77... - "Fix The Path to Bastion credit" 1 day ago
094d1ea9... - "Fix some quest endings" 1 day ago
af03c9e4... - "Fix Oribos controller" 1 day ago
3f95b454... - "Fix portal from Oribos to Maw" 1 day ago
30b3487d... - "Reapply some updates" 1 day ago
ba90a68b... - "Revert "Adding lots of gossip text and menu options"" 1 day ago
9bc3e04a... - "Update Paladin stats" 1 day ago
5145d10b... - "Fix some gossips" 1 day ago
f638774e... - "Improve Shattered Soul fragment" 1 day ago
547bfe7c... - "Fix a lot of data related to creatures" 1 day ago
09cdd83f... - "Graveyards" 1 day ago
8709437d... - "Update Warrior stats" 1 day ago
508d1601... - "Some missing data" 1 day ago
782918b7... - "Fix custom drop rates" 2 days ago
ce37ae7f... - "Fix crash" 2 days ago
7e16cadb... - "Fix basic server rates" 2 days ago
ef35b7c5... - "Fix crash" 2 days ago
cc8a0f81... - "The Aspirant's Crucible pt.2" 3 days ago
de28c091... - "The Aspirant's Crucible" 3 days ago
73154ba4... - "Merge branch 'master' into m..." 3 days ago
0508b850... - "Cleanup creature_addon table" 3 days ago
d9e6df9d... - "DB/Creature Maldraxxus - cleaning up duplicates" 3 days ago
81025785... - "DB/Loot Put the bolvar back in place" 3 days ago
4dbcde00... - "Comment out useless log error" 3 days ago
bb10c827... - "Adding lots of gossip text and menu options" 3 days ago
327e4868... - "DB/Loot Fix loot drop quest items - Flameweaver Koegler" 3 days ago
7b8b205e... - "Fix crash" 4 days ago
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
Через 10 минут
обновление SL Oribos до версии ядра 9.0.5 38134
SL Oribos будет недоступен в течении часа.
2ef32f3a... - "Update realmist, 9.0.5" 6 hours ago
3c4c03c6... - "oooppssss" 7 hours ago
2e77d884... - "Core/Update to Beta 9.0.5" 7 hours ago
c4923273... - "Castle Nathria, fix some doors, duplicate spawns and creature scale" 7 hours ago
0013c7c6... - "Add folder pt.2" 7 hours ago
4a748538... - "Add folder" 7 hours ago
c2e39ce6... - "Fix General Kaal damage buff" 7 hours ago
56db0624... - "Fix General Grashaal immunity" 8 hours ago
0f45e19f... - "Define GO_DOOR_PATH_TO_SUN_KINGS_SALVATION" 8 hours ago
5b33ce5b... - "Open door after Lady Inerva defeat" 8 hours ago
79fa4564... - "fix compile paladin spells" 8 hours ago
e31d7dd7... - "update databases" 8 hours ago
5cb322ba... - "Fix consume Empyrean Power from Divine Storm" 10 hours ago
50b67189... - "Assign Empyrean Power script" 10 hours ago
9aa843ca... - "Fix Empyrean Power proc" 10 hours ago
c4aa58d3... - "Assign scriptnames for Paladin auras" 11 hours ago
6aa9a300... - "Fix base of Paladin auras" 11 hours ago
061ad935... - "Fix Transmogrifiers" 12 hours ago
df5325cf... - "Fix CN controller and Army of the Dead" 15 hours ago
02da1df2... - "Fix coords for teleport to Maw" 1 day ago
ee0e8cc0... - "DB: Assign script for Frostwyrm's Fury" 2 days ago
f6761911... - "Core/Scripts: Frostwyrm's Fury - 279302" 2 days ago
0c50eaa1... - "DB: Assign scripts for Alter Time" 2 days ago
948d3a12... - "Core/Scripts: Master of Time 342249" 2 days ago
e853e722... - "Core/Scripts: Alter Time aura arcane spec - 342246, frost, fire specs..." 2 days ago
3db5a38a... - "Core/Scripts: Alter Time trigger arcane spec - 342247, frost, fire spe..." 2 days ago
3dc74e0f... - "Implement all SL world bosses" 2 days ago
fdf46434... - "Fix Deathbringer's Rise controller" 2 days ago
d4c8c6d3... - "Rewrite Shriekwing + disable echoing sonar, screech due to incomplete..." 3 days ago
51c8b603... - "Assign script for Shriekwing's aura" 3 days ago
после обновления нашего сервера играть на старом клиенте 9.0.2 37474 уже не получится. Необходимо будет скачать новую версию игры.
Done. Выложены новые клиенты 9.0.5. Mini будут позже.
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
Обновление SL Oribos через 10 минут.
В течение 30 минут сервер будет недоступен.

List of Changes From 04/10/2021 to 04/26/2021
Fix Empyrean Power proc 04/10/2021
Assign Empyrean Power script 04/10/2021
Fix consume Empyrean Power from Divine Storm 04/10/2021
Fix compile paladin spells 04/10/2021
Fixed Open door after Lady Inerva defeat 04/10/2021
Fix General Grashaal immunity 04/10/2021
Fix General Kaal damage buff 04/10/2021
Castle Nathria, fix some doors, duplicate spawns and creature scale 04/10/2021
Core/Update to Beta 9.0.5 04/10/2021
Update realmist, 9.0.5 04/10/2021
Fix Lich King position 04/11/2021
Cleanup Mechagnom Starting Area, Fix Teleporter to Stormwind 04/11/2021
Fix door behind Domina Venomblade 04/11/2021
Improve Margrave Stradama + fix looting 04/11/2021
Welcome to Ardenweald 04/11/2021
Fix cinematics for all Allied races 04/11/2021
DB/auth Add win64AuthSeed 04/11/2021
DB/World Fix creature scaling Zone 718 Wailing Caverns and delete duplicates 04/11/2021
DB/World Fix creature scaling Zone 717 The Stockade and delete duplicates 04/11/2021
Welcome to Ardenweald pt.1 04/11/2021
Crusade - fix wrong base haste amount 04/11/2021
Assign Crusade 04/11/2021
Core/Scripts: Fix quest "An Undeserved Fate" 04/11/2021
Core/Scripts: Void Reaver - 268175 04/11/2021
Assign script names 04/11/2021
Core/Scripts: add spellscript missing register 04/11/2021
Core/Scripts: Fix Field Seance & Speaking to the Dead 04/11/2021
Welcome to Ardenweald pt.2 04/12/2021
Fix controllers for all SL dungeons 04/12/2021
Sathel the Accursed, fix flags 04/12/2021
Define FactionTemplates 04/12/2021
Remove faction define in the wrong place 04/12/2021
Removed factions defines from wrong places 04/12/2021
Black Temple rewrite 04/12/2021
DB/World Fix creature scaling Zone 2437 Ragefire Chasm and delete duplicates 04/12/2021
Black Temple misc 04/12/2021
Fix HandlePlayAllCommand 04/12/2021
Hotfixes pt.1 04/12/2021
Fix crash in Antorus 04/12/2021
Add scaling to Mayor Quimby 04/12/2021
edit readme and worldserver.conf (motd) 04/12/2021
DB/Fix somes startups errors before rewrite creature/gameobjects 04/12/2021
Removed enums FactionTemplate (FACTION_FRIENDLY) in scripts as they 04/12/2021
are defined in SharedDefines
DB/World rewrite alls creatures guid [program test 1] 04/12/2021
DB/Creatures fix somes datas [arcaniafr]
DB/World rewrite alls gameobjects guid [program test 1 04/12/2021
Fix paladin auras stacking 04/13/2021
Welcome to Revendreth pt.1 04/13/2021
Welcome to Revendreth pt.2 04/13/2021
A Plea to Revendreth 04/13/2021
Fix doom blossom script in Black Temple 04/13/2021
Fix Teron Gorefiend intro 04/13/2021
Fix Felmyst model 04/13/2021
Fix Bolvar Fordragon spawn 04/13/2021
Maldraxxus campaign begin 04/14/2021
Fix some vendor prices 04/14/2021
Unix - fix error cannot assign to non-static data member within 04/14/2021
const member function 'SetGridId'
Fix Linux comp error 04/14/2021
Revert "Unix - fix error cannot assign to non-static data member 04/14/2021
within const member function 'SetGridId'"
Fix Linux comp error 04/15/2021
GetFishingSkillValue 04/15/2021
Fixd FishingSpells 04/15/2021
Fix FishingSpells pt.2 04/15/2021
GetFishingSkillValue 04/15/2021
Update main fishing spell script 04/15/2021
GateTeleporter 04/15/2021
Adjust Welcome to Revendreth 04/15/2021
Fix Fishing Trainer Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Oribos 04/15/2021
Fix LK InhabitType 04/15/2021
Fix Stormwind Teleportation Unit 04/15/2021
Fix VoW doors 04/16/2021
Update Stormbringer to new script model 04/16/2021
Fix KulTiran and Shadowlands fishing 04/16/2021
Assign Barbed Shot 04/16/2021
Adjust Vampiric Felbat in VoW a little 04/16/2021
Fix Barbed Shot 04/16/2021
Fix all Trainers for Kul Tiran Fishing and Zandalari Fishing 04/16/2021
Core/Spells Fix Flametongue Weapon class Shaman 04/16/2021
Fix Wildfire Bomb 04/17/2021
Delete duplicate door spawn in NW 04/17/2021
Fix Mining Trainer in Orgrimmar 04/17/2021
Update Spells for Fishing Trainers 04/17/2021
Fix quest Not In the Face! 04/18/2021
Fix Tushui monks 04/18/2021
DB/World Fix Issue – 04/18/2021
Blizzlike fixes for capital cities 04/18/2021
Fix SpellEffects crash 04/18/2021
The Maw - GY 04/19/2021
Core/Scripts: Nature's Balance - 202430 (should be tested in game) 04/20/2021
Core/Scripts: Spirit Bomb - 247454 (should be tested in game) 04/20/2021
Core/Packets: SMSG_RUNEFORGE_LEGENDARY_CRAFTING_OPEN_NPC, CMSG_UPGRADE_RUNEFORGE_LEGENDARY (credits to arcaniafr for structure), 04/20/2021
- Implemented opening crafting window
Assign Runecarver script 04/21/2021
Add category file for legendary powers 04/21/2021
Fix portal to Torghast 04/21/2021
Fixed exit from Torghast 04/21/2021
Assign Torghast script 04/21/2021
Rename sql and add name prev commit 04/21/2021
"Core/Spells: Implement priest holy words + modify cooldown for a charge"
Fix Patchwork scaling 04/21/2021
Fix Linux compile 04/21/2021
More scaling for old DK zone 04/22/2021
Core/Items: Calculating item level + organized iterating over items 04/22/2021
Add category file custom scripts 04/22/2021
Register custom scripts 04/22/2021
Fix winged champions in SoA and ats, you can reach all bosses now 04/22/2021
Script and register winged champions 04/22/2021
Fix Devos position, movement 04/22/2021
Fix Oryphrion's frame 04/22/2021
Halls of Attonement Misc Fixes 04/22/2021
Halls of Attonement - handle all boss doors 04/22/2021
DB/Rewrite 564002 creatures guids
DB/Rewrite 186292 gameobject guids 04/22/2021
DB: Set english names for some exist object from wowhead 04/22/2021
Scripts/Spells: Fix Ferocious Bite damage increase from extra energy 04/23/2021
Fix portal to Torghast 04/23/2021
Correct Torghast map 04/23/2021
Improve portals from Oribos 04/23/2021
Exit from Torghast will be handled in different 04/23/2021
Fix Loque'nahak 04/24/2021
Fix Trainer Georgio Bolero Tailoring Trainer Stormwind 04/24/2021
Rewrite Blasted Lands Scripts 04/24/2021
Fix Emissary teleporters in OG/SW and data related to them 04/24/2021
Script Emissary teleporters 04/24/2021
Fix quest Purge the Totems 04/24/2021
Fix Eye of Kilrogg 04/25/2021
Fix Rezan gossip 04/25/2021
A lot of fixes for Torghast 04/25/2021
Torghast defines 04/25/2021
Fixed or added Torghast scripts 04/25/2021
Fix Oribos Blacksmithing Trainer and Jewelcrafting Trainer 04/25/2021
Fix GS and OG stablemasters, tempfix 04/25/2021
Remove old portal to Zuldazar and fix new one 04/25/2021
Fix Seal Fate 04/25/2021
Fix Chimera Shot 04/25/2021
Assign Chimera Shot 04/25/2021
Fix Amarth bug 04/25/2021
Fix door in Zul'Farrak 04/25/2021
Fix Frenzied Regeneration 04/25/2021
Learn Acherus Deathcharger on quest reward 04/26/2021
Fix Lord Walden 04/26/2021
Fix Lord Godfrey 04/26/2021
Tempfixes for basic Allied Races quests 04/26/2021
Fix portal to SW from Dalaran (Legion) 04/26/2021
Fix DeathCharger learn 04/26/2021
Creature quest drops 04/26/2021
Tempfix for quest By and Down the River (with Jailer cinematic) 04/26/2021
Fix quest A Good Axe 04/26/2021
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
Вышел ряд критических обновлений (quick update). Установлено.


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
SL Oribos временно (час, два, три) приостановлен, ведутся работы.
1. Проблему с лагами нашел, она понятна, решение будет позже. Работаю над этим.
2. Что бы не нервировать игроков, запускаю пока "лагающую" версию SL Oribos.
Что бы пока я занимаюсь решением, остальные могли играть.
3. Как только разберусь, напишу.

В ближайшее время будут кратковременные (до 30 мин) профилактические работы на всех серверах и длительные (часа 3-4) на SL Oribos (будет отключение и переезд на новую виртуалку).

SL Oribos перевел на новую виртуалку, тестируйте, лагов быть не должно. Позже накачу антифриз от зависаний и бекапы.
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
обновление SL Oribos. Обновлю завтра.
Через 30 мин обновление SL Oribos. В течение 30 мин игровой сервер будет недоступен.
Here is update from 27.4 to 2.5. Update was focused on some spells, lot of quests, hotfixes for Castle Nathria
c9c73fae... - "Fix portal to Draenor" 2 hours ago
fa3e0343... - "Fix Cyrus in Boralus" 9 hours ago
03da77b9... - "Fix Slice and Dice" 9 hours ago
5ea78efb... - "Assign Slice and Dice" 9 hours ago
8388f13f... - "Fix Golden Lotus Quartermaster" 10 hours ago
e2d4f1dd... - "Fix Zandalar map" 1 day ago
a0da9e7e... - "Rename SQL" 1 day ago
417a4471... - "Core/Scripts: Fix mirror image summon clones and AI logic" 1 day ago
4d051fe9... - "Set base script for Sanctum of Domination & Tazavesh, the Veiled M..." 1 day ago
c7ea610b... - "Move SQL" 1 day ago
d7b00a8d... - "Database cleanup" 1 day ago
eb2767b4... - "Fix some trainer data" 1 day ago
3bdc263b... - "Chromie timeline scripts" 1 day ago
beb4753c... - "Merge branch 'master' 2 days ago
fe537216... - "Fix git revision" 2 days ago
62153777... - "Implement heritage armor script for all Allied Races" 2 days ago
d75d38d4... - "Temp fix for quest Welcome to the Machine, Togistical Nightmare, Dropp..." 2 days ago
7eb37b30... - "Fix Nazjatar GY" 2 days ago
612c2b99... - "Fix timeline Chromie data" 2 days ago
6d8217b2... - "Prepare simple timeline script" 2 days ago
0cf9fe43... - "Fix autobroadcast" 3 days ago
c288d647... - "Rename SQL" 3 days ago
63f677ac... - "Castle Nathria - hotfixes pt.4" 3 days ago
5890399f... - "Castle Nathria - hotfixes pt.3" 3 days ago
d959cf56... - "Castle Nathria - hotfixes pt.2" 3 days ago
9dc8ed21... - "Fix data related to previous commit" 3 days ago
58eaa99a... - "Fix quest Hjalmar's Final Execution" 3 days ago
48215116... - "Add missing include" 3 days ago
0f7d88d7... - "Fiery Weapon, Unholy Weapon" 4 days ago
264eb270... - "Temp fix quest - Rise, Godfrey, Cities in Dust, Breaking the Barrier" 4 days ago
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
07.05.2021 Oribos x1, изменение рейтов до Oribos x3


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
В Пн. 17.05.2021 обновление SL Oribos.
Обновление SL Oribos через 10 минут. В течение 30 минут сервер будет недоступен.
* Chromie timeline scripts
* Fix some trainer data
* Database cleanup
* Move SQL
* Set base script for Sanctum of Domination & Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
* Core/Scripts: Fix mirror image summon clones and AI logic
* Rename SQL
* Fix Zandalar map
* Fix Golden Lotus Quartermaster
* Assign Slice and Dice
* Fix Slice and Dice
* Fix Cyrus in Boralus
* Fix portal to Draenor
* Fix CN controller + The Legion Returns
* Legion Returns pt.2
* Tempfix for init Legion questline
* More creature sniffs
* Prevent crash in Unit
* Hotfixes pt.3
* More sniffs related to quests
* Fix Homeless Stormwind Citizen for quest Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me
* SQL for previous commit
* Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
* HandleTimeSyncResponse
* SendTimeSync
* Override JustDied, DespawnAtEvade and force AI to clear all areatriggers
* Fix quest If You Want Peace...
* Fix coordinates
* Some fixes for Maldraxxus questline
* Fix build
* Fix quest Land of Opporturnitz
* Land of Opporturnity script
* Fix Copyright
* Core/Player: Fix skinning exp gaining
* Fix some factions
* Fix Lingering Anima
* Fix quest Backdoor Dealings
* SQL for previous commit
* Lingering Doubt check
* Fix another CN controller + assign Teleport to Moonglade
* Fix Teleport to Moonglade and update script
* Fix more Castle Nathria controllers
* Fix quest The Wolf's Offensive
* Some cosmetics for Dark Portal – WoD
* Hotfixes pt.4
* Hotfixes pt.4 modify SQL
* Fix quest The Missing Driver
* Assign script for previous commit
* Fix Predatory Swiftness
* Some Pandaria quest fixes
* Fix combo points gain from Feral Frenzy
* Fix Rip stun duration
* Assign script
* Fix some Oribos Inkeeper data
* Fix Entangling Roots
* Assign script
* Fix Winged Champion movement
* Fix Risen Skulker
* Fix quest giver pos for quest Death's Power Grows
* Fix Plaguebound flags
* Core: Updated allowed build to
* Fix Void Eruption damage
* Enum Eclipse passive
* Rewrite Blood Boil and script Hemostasis
* Fix quest Fel Machinations, Boss Whalebelly's in Charge
* Assign scripts
* Fix quest The First Act of War, Forging a Champion
* Fix Boralus ship
* Fix some gossip data
* Assign scripts, correct data
* Adjust range for Portal to Torghast
* Fix Judgment and holy power
* Update Lady Inerva stats
* Fix movement for some creatures
* Ebon Hold - rework teleport between floors
* Fix creature respawn in Castle Nathria
* Fix some of their movement
* Fix Spoils of Sin
* Fix Cache of the Sun King
* Fix Death Knight Initiate
* Fix some Plaguefall flags

18.05.2021, SL Oribos, quick update, done.
Последнее редактирование:


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297
26.05.2021 В DB внесены изменения по скалированию. Вступит в силу после перезагрузки.
Последнее редактирование:
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.
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