Архив 13.10.2023


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297

Обновление, октябрь 2023

* Fix account data types in older versions.
If you logged in with a pre 1.9 client and then a newer one or vice versa, your settings would get messed up because the account data type indexes changed.
* Correct SMSG_ITEM_ENCHANT_TIME_UPDATE structure before 1.11.0.
* Add an offmesh connection to SM graveyard. (#2218)
Allows a Haunting Phantasm to path out of its spawn position.
* Fix local time condition.
* Implement SPELL_ATTR_EX_NO_AUTOCAST_AI for charmed players (#2104)
* Fix Tranquility and Starshards channeling visual disappearing.
Closes ? [Bug] The spells Starshards and Tranquility don't continue channeling animation effects after a few seconds · Issue #2214 · vmangos/core
* CI: Use mysql dll bundled with core.
* Remove double semicolons.
* Optimize mover lookup in movement handler.
* There is no need to lookup the mover here.
* Improve active mover handling.
Closes ? [Bug] Can't move creature during possession if creature was moving · Issue #2213 · vmangos/core
* Implement aura Illusion Passive.
Closes ? [Bug] Illusionary phantasms in Scarlet Graveyard don't die on hit · Issue #2206 · vmangos/core
* New script for quest Ammo for Rumbleshot.
* Flightmasters at Valors Rest in Silithus were added in 1.3 (#2211)
* CI: remove choco openssl package (#2210)
choco package changes the openssl way too often, we should just use our internal openssl
* Fix raid group set assistant leader pre 1.12 (#2209)
* Fix group set leader pre 1.12 (#2208)
* Fix first phase of Kel'thuzad fight.
Closes ? [Bug] Kel'thuzad phase 1 doesn't send in, or respawn mobs · Issue #2205 · vmangos/core
* Fix battleground spawns respawning prematurely.
Should fix AV becoming totally broken after running for multiple days.
* Add config option for max realmd session duration.
* Implement using Seal of Ascension during UBRS Stadium Event.
* Fix copy paste mistake in continent instance checks.
* Do not check effect index for Mother's Milk aura condition.
* Correct coordinates for Gnomeregan Explosion spells.
* Add missing spaces to translations in mangos_string (#2200)
* Remove unused variable in PoolManager (#2186)
* Minor refactor of filterLedgeSpans (#2187)
* Fix Orb of Deception for patch 1.6 and below (#2190)
Before patch 1.7, Orb of Deception was applied as a Dummy aura instead
of a Transform aura. Otherwise the spell is nearly identical, so we
simply reuse the existing Transform aura handling.
* [Core/MMAP] Reduce chances of breaking tile connections.
[Core/MMAP] Reduce chances of breaking tile connections · cmangos/mangos-classic@b4da8e2
* Fix gossip menu options for client version 1.5 (#2193)
* Fix gossip menu options for client version 1.5
Decompiled 1.5 client code shows that...
1. The icon is read as a 32-bit integer instead of 8-bit.
2. The "coded" field is not read at all, indicating that that field was
added in patch 1.6. This lines up with the Blue Murloc Egg being likely
the first item obtainable by gossip-code in late 2005.
Before this change, opening a gossip menu with options would crash the
* Correct version check style
* CI: Fix openssl binary path (#2196)
information from Daribon:
windows build curently failing in actions since openssl can't be found
it now installs it at C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\
while it tries to find it in C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\
* Fix Elemental sharpening stones applied to an offhand weapon. (#2167)
* Unsummon guardians when Isalien evades.
* Add some missing quest greetings.
* Restore old version of some STV quests.
* Fix texts for quest The Horde Needs Spotted Yellowtail!
* Implement creature group based selection of creature ids.
* Fix Nature's Ally buff resetting pvp timer.
* Only init warden after session is added to world.
* Unit/Creature: Implement CreatureStaticFlags::DESPAWN_INSTANTLY
* Add s.44288
* BRD: Implement s.27673
* Fix unit_condition not being insertable on db end
* OHF: Port thrall script to bct
* Scripts: Fix SCRIPT_FLAG_BUDDY_BY_GUID with dynguid
* SSC: Rework Hydross using spell lists, BCT, CombatAI and area aura for transition
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Hellfire: Fix kazzak twisted reflection healing tank
Closes ? [Bug Report] Kazzak spell Twisted Reflection don't work right. · Issue #3572 · cmangos/issues
* Spell: Fix typo preventing healthstone create and typo assigning pala script
* Spell: Add missing comment naming to all existing class spell scripts
* SSC: Partial rewrite of hydross
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Spell/Warlock: Port healthstone script to spell scripts
* Spell/Auras: Implement last custom aura damage switchcase using spell scripts
Actually a functional change because now it will be used during stacking step
* Spell: Add castItem to OnAuraValueCalculate
* Spell: Remove redundant code
* Add missing spell 20409 for Onyxia transform.
Fixes cmangos/issues#3539.
* Fix a few typos in the Shattered Halls scripts.
* Remove unused member from instance_gruuls_lair.
* Shartuul: Fix legacy spell set choice
* HFR: Port all texts to bct
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* BF: Port all texts to bct
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Fix memory leak in G3D::Array
Bug introduced in Fix an old crash that happen randomly especially at startup · cmangos/mangos-wotlk@2fa08e3
* Spell: Add spellInfo to OnCritChanceCalculate
* GameObject: Despawn/Refill chests 5 min after first opening even if not looted
* Spell: Add DamageEffectType damageType parameter to OnAbsorb
* Unit: Another batch of renames
* [Spell] Add spells to should not be removed on Evade (#620)
* [Spell] Hakkar Power 24692 should not be removed on Evade
Else after resetting boss once he is easily killable without clearing anything else
* [Spell] Darkshore Frenzy 5888 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Bogling Passive 5667 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Illusion Passive 7131 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Improved Blocking 3418 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Elemental Spirit Invisibility 8203 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Stone Watcher of Norgannon Passive 11011 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Sand Storm 10092 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Frost Vulnerable 10868 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Perm. Illusion Bishop Tyriona 11048 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Putrid Breath 21080 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Defensive State (DND) 5301 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Add "Controlled" Prevention for Backstab and Gouge Spells
* [Spell] Ghost Visual Spells should not be removed on Evade
* SHH: Gladiator RP (#627)
* Shattered Halls - Gladiator RP
* Add rnd emotes to centurion
* Fix some errors
* Correct they way gladiators start fighting players when centurion gets attacked
* Fix gladiators not starting to fight players when player starts aggroing gladiator
* Remove hackfixed aggro, now working with spawn_group flag CREATURE_GROUP_AGGRO_TOGETHER
* SpawnGroup: Allow spawn group aggro from previous commit for MC/Charm case
* SpawnGroup: Disallow aggro of same group member through CREATURE_GROUP_AGGRO_TOGETHER
* TimerAI: Do not reset timers on evade for TIMER_ALWAYS
* Add s.26215
* Move spell scripts to vanilla section
* Pet: Fix default behaviour for IgnoresOwnersDeath
* Player: Make GetReqKillOrCastCurrentCount const
* Map: Properly pass instance id to dk map
? [Bug Report] WotLK Death Knight starter zone does not work correctly with more than one char in map. · Issue #3528 · cmangos/issues
* Add script to go.181054
* Bloodmyst: Enable legoso support for spell lists
* Warlock/Spell/Pet: Fix warlock infernal summon spell for scaling auras
* Spell/Wand: Make wands use weapon skill for hit and crit chance calc
TODO: Confirm whether wanding hit shares die with resist in vanilla and tbc or separate die
* Unit/Spell: Add missing hook into CalculateEffectiveCritChance for SCRIPT_LOCATION_CRIT_CHANCE
* Unit/Spell: Fix AnyFriendlyUnitInObjectRangeCheck missing assistability condition
* Extractor scripts: fix bad command arg generation
* Unit/Spell: Resolve weapon skill usage bugs
? [Bug Report] Hammer of Wrath always misses · Issue #3525 · cmangos/issues
* Fixed all occurrences of 'SC2086 - Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting' in the extraction scripts
Also fixed some SC2006 style warnings.
* Changed ExtractResources.sh to not prompt for any settings when started with the "a" parameter
Also changed the high-resolution prompts to indicate no is the default value.
* Fixed error handling in ExtractResources.sh
* GameObject: Generic check for ignoring GO los by marking it m2 is incorrect
Tested stratholme back entrance on official and vs ours and it is meant to produce LOS
If some GOs are confirmed to ignore los, need to go the per go route
* Doomwalker: Fix typo
* Adjust ExtractResources script to be POSIX-compliant again
Also set CMAKE to copy the extraction scripts over with the executable flag set on Linux.
Co-authored-by: Dwyriel <Dwyriel@users.noreply.github.com>
* SMV: Rework doomwalker using combatai, spell lists and spell scripts
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Outland: Port doom lord kazzak to spell lists and combat ai and spell scripts
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* add cd to peon rp's
* SHH - Netherkurse intro
* SHH: Add nethekurse void zone correct aura
* [Spell] Fix two typos in unlearn blacksmithing weaponspecs
* SHH - add Shattered Hand Scout waypoints into database using wotlk sniffed coords
also let players infight with scout till he despawns at the end of his path
Closes SHH - rewrite gauntlet event using new systems by miraco · Pull Request #625 · cmangos/mangos-tbc
* Unit/Spell: Fix linux compilation of previous commit
* Unit/Spell: Remove last batch of SCRIPT_LOCATION_SPELL_DAMAGE_DONE and implement T5 4 set warlock bonus
* Paladin: Reimplement Judgement of Light and Wisdom using intermediate spells
* Unit: Propagate spell_increased_healing_done_dummy to more spells
* Paladin: Roll crusader strike damage bonus of seal of the crusader into its spell script
* Spell/Mage: Implement m_damageDoneMultiplier and use it for Ice Lance frozen bonus
* Map: Fix linux compilation of previous commit
* Map: Fix ScriptedInstance::RespawnDbGuids for spawn group
* Rogue: Fix linux compilation
* Spell: SPELL_ATTR_EX3_IGNORE_CASTER_MODIFIERS should not affect armor application
* Spell: Add safeguard against affect checking nullptr spell
Case for scripting melee affect using override scripts
* Spell/Paladin: Add attacker to OnDamageCalculate hook and reimplement Blessing of Light
* Shaman: Reimplement Healing Way using spell script
* Rogue: Reimplement Cheating Death damage mitigation using spell script
* Druid: Reimplement mangle bleed bonus
* Spell/Aura: Implement OnAffectCheck
* Unit: Rename MeleeDamageBonusTaken spellInfo
* Mage: Implement ShatterMage using SCRIPT_LOCATION_CRIT_CHANCE
* Spell: Implement SCRIPT_LOCATION_CRIT_CHANCE and rename CalculateSpellCritChance
* Mechanar: Modernize pathaleon the calculator with spell lists and spell scripts
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Mechanar: Rework sepethrea using spell lists and combat ai
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Mechanar: Tag nether charge action to only occur in combat
* Mechanar: Rework mechano lord capacitus using spell lists and spell script
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Mechanar: Port all texts to bct
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Mechanar: Modernize instance script
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Botanica: Port warp splinter to spell lists
* Botanica: Initial rewrite of Warp splinter
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Botanica: Readd back missing texts for thorngrin
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Fix warden scans terminator logic.
Fix warden scans terminator logic. · vmangos/core@eeb6d45 - all credit goes to this
* Botanica: Modernize thorngrin the tender with spell lists and add missing text
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Unit: Move LOS check from just EAI to general spell target picking for AI
* Add s.5667 for boglings
* EAI: Fix EVENT_T_DEATH not working with two layers deep PCs and fix npcs not being checked against cond
* Botanica: Add spell lists to laj and rework his elemental shift
TBC - Dungeons - Boss reworks · Issue #3444 · cmangos/issues
* Fix an old crash that happen randomly especially at startup
Using lock_guard to let the compiler decide when its time to unlock seem to fix the issue.
* Chat/Creature: Fix removing a dynguid gameobject and prevent spawn group gameobject from being removed
* Chat/Creature: Fix removing a dynguid npc using .creature delete and prevent spawn group creature being removed
* Build: Fixed tools only build (#29341)
(cherry picked from commit 592e01cf7a5d7b6f7ec63d30edc09dd9d4062b62)
* Core/World: refactored locale detection to resolve a ill-defined for loop warning
* Core/Player: return player corpse locations by reference instead of creating copies
* Core/World: added underlying types to world config enums
* Core/Battlegrounds: Fix group loot (#29300)
* Core/Groups: Reduce differences between branches (define naming) (#29332)
* Core/Pets: Avoid loading creature_addon/creature_template_addon (#29331)
*Also removed spawnId when the pet is created
* Core/Misc: mac build fix
(cherry picked from commit 752309fbe30d0dfff44272fe4ab74ec1864e123c)
* CI/appveyor: Upgrade dependencies
* Boost 1.83.0
* OpenSSL 3.0
* MySQL 8.1
(cherry picked from commit 3f948672a670e8bab30cd891a5f5720c30d571f1)
* Core/Misc: Silence compile warning in boost::process with version 1.83
(cherry picked from commit d8c98579d4a2c4191e42c2542901274ffe53083c)
* CI/AppVeyor: Upgrade boost version to 1.82
(cherry picked from commit 3ecd678a09afeb8d6089421a1ec6d577e4fa4cf5)
* DB/Conditions: Fixed targeting of Koralon's Burning Breath (25 mode)
* DB/Instances: Fixed targeting of Koralon's Burning Breath, it should just free spin instead of following a player
Closes #29287
Co-authored-by: Shauren <shauren.trinity@gmail.com>
* DB: Allow reserved_name to be accent-sensitive
Closes #29310
* SQL: Move update to correct directory
* Core/Misc: Silence a false positive warning
* Core/Vehicles: Fixed crash happening if a vehicle despawns during handling of control vehicle aura removal
Closes #29290
(cherry picked from commit 2b54376d65c52c0c805a73665bb8a7d0578181f0)
Исправлена 1 причина падения сервера
Вихрь - корректировка прока (вторая часть заклинания).
Время и пространство - корректировка прока.
Рассекающий удар Бездны - исправлено.
Рассекающий удар - исправлен лимит целей.
* Core/PacketIO: Fixed structure of SMSG_ITEM_PUSH_RESULT
* Scripts/Mardum: Implement Quest: "Eye On the Prize" (#29352)
* Core/Objects: Added GameObject type parameter to FindGameObjectOptions (#29356)
* DB/Spells: Implement some generic update zone auras and phases serverside spells
Closes #29234
* Core/Chat: Corrected chat channel flag implementations
* Core/Objects: Treat areas that have ParentAreaID filled but dont have IsSubzone flag as zones instead of areas
* TDB 1017.23101 - 2023/10/06
* Core/Realms: Replaced hardcoded realm category list with Cfg_Categories.db2
* DB/Hotfixes: Updated hotfixes to
* Core/DB2: Add Mardum map to be split by faction (#29353)
* DB/Hotfixes: Added some tact keys from massparses 9.0.1 - 10.1.7
* DB/Hotfixes: Added some massparsed hotfix_optional_data data, 9.0.1 - 10.1.7
* DB/Locales: Added locales for 10.1.7
* DB/Phases: Added phase names for Dragon Glyphs
* DB/GameObjects: Added massparsed template data from 10.0.2 - 10.1.7
* Core/GameObject: Update spawn conditions when new ControlZone event is triggered (#29349)
* Core/Achievements: Fix mistake in loading criteria with start events (#29348)
* Core/GameObject: Implement ControlZone gameobject type (#29320)
* Scripts/Mardum: Implement Quest "Enter the Illidari: Coilskar" (#29345)
* Core/AreaTriggers: Add missing null checks for serverside areatriggers
Closes #29346
* Core/AreaTriggers: Implement missing functionality
* Scale curves are now taken into account when searching for units inside
* Implemented SpellModOp::Radius for areatrigger radius
* Implemented OverrideMoveCurve updatefields - overrides areatrigger position
* Implemented ***Target fields for all shape types
* Fixed facing calculation for areatriggers with spline movement
* Core/Misc: Fix log format string (#29343)
* Core/Players: Implement mastery and versatility in character_stats (#29342)
* Core/GameObjects: Implemented data22 for chests (allow opening while immune)
* Core/Spells: Implemented NoImmunity spell effect attribute
* DB/Mardum: Script personal Clone for Sevis after accept quest 40379
* DB/Mardum: Added spawns for Molten Shore
* Core: Update allowed build to
* Core/Spells: Defined and implemented more spell effect attributes - AlwaysAoeLineOfSight, IsHarmful, PlayersOnly, EnforceLineOfSightToChainTargets
* Core/Misc: Fixed copypaste mistake in error log
* Core/Creatures: Allow UNIT_FLAG2_INTERACT_WHILE_HOSTILE to be set in database
* Tools/Extractors: Log error message instead of crashing when downloading tact keys fails
Closes #29338
* Core/Spells: Fix logic error in HandlePetCancelAuraOpcode (#29337)
* Core/Achievements: Fixed achievement criteria StartEvent and FailEvent
* Criteria using StartEvent cannot be updated without that event triggering first (not only for timed achievements)
* Implemented most StartEvent and FailEvent types
* Fixed saving criteria removed by RemoveCriteriaProgress
* Core/Spells: Removed unneccessary checks from skill spell effects
* Core/Commands: Fixed accessing empty optional in .modify faction command
* DB/SAI: Fix startup errors
* Core/Quests: Fixed optional quest objectives incorrectly changing quest state when they change completion state
* Core/Skills: Fixed updating riding skill value when learning riding spells automatically
* Core/Players: Fixed learning riding spells (#29326)
* Core: Update allowed build to
* Scripts/Mardum: Fix build
* Scripts/Mardum: Implement Quest "Enter the Illidari: Ashtongue" (#29324)
* Scripts/Draenor: Implement quest 34422 (Blaze of Glory) (#29304)
* Contrib/Scripts: Make check_codestyle script usable on sources checked out on windows
* Core/Achievements: Send both SMSG_ACCOUNT_CRITERIA_UPDATE and SMSG_CRITERIA_UPDATE if the same criteria is used by account and character achievements
* Build: Set CMake policy CMP0144 to NEW
* Core: Update allowed build to
* Core/Quests: Fix questgiver status for trivial and future quests (#29328)
* Core/Instances: Kill instance_encounters table, it is no longer neccessary
* DB/Draenor: Added spawns for quest "Bled Dry"
Closes #29298
* Core/Instances: Removed deprecated field from InstanceScript (here too)
* Core/Instances: Removed deprecated field from InstanceScript
* Scripts/Nexus: Removed old code to get team in instance
* Scripts/Dire Maul: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Stratholme: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Stratholme: Added missing dungeon encounter ids
* DB/BlastedLands: Added Vindicator Maraad at Dreadmaul
Closes #29232
* DB/BlastedLands: Added Vindicator Maraad at Shattered Beachhead
Closes #29231
* DB/Draenor: Added Rephuura and Ashka for Assault on the Dark Portal
Closes #29301
* DB/Draenor: Added some more phased spawns for Assault on the Dark Portal
Closes #29291
* DB/Valdrakken: Added Hamuul Runetotem and Shandris Feathermoon
* Scripts/Scholomance: Added missing dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Lower Blackrock Spire: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Zul'farrak: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Scarlet Monastery: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Sunken Temple: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Gnomeregan: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Uldaman: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Razorfen Kraul: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Wailing Caverns: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Scripts/Blackrock Depths: Added dungeon encounter ids
* Core/Misc: mac build fix
* Core/Players: Fix environmental damage from lava (#29327)
* Core/SSL: Build fix for openssl 1.1.1
* Core/SSL: Support more certificate formats
* Core/Spells: Move all summoning spell effects to launch phase
* Core/Groups: Implemented 10.1.7 ping system
* Core: Update allowed build to
* CI/appveyor: Upgrade dependencies
* Boost 1.83.0
* OpenSSL 3.0
* MySQL 8.1
* Core/Misc: Silence compile warning in boost::process with version 1.83
* CI/AppVeyor: Upgrade boost version to 1.82
* SQL: Fixed wrong game build in default realmlist data
* Core/Pets: Improved pet despawn behavior when mounting
* Pets will now only be despawned when starting to fly
* Fixed crash when summoning a pet that is different than the one that was despawned by flying
Closes #29303
* DB/Hotfix: Updated broadcast_text data to
* DB/Quest: Added quest poi data for
* DB/Templates: Added quest and creature wdb data for
* Core: Update allowed build to
* Misc: Force LF line endings in .sh files even on windows
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Zereth Mortis
Closes #29275
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Korthia
Closes #29272
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for The Maw
Closes #29271
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Revendreth
Closes #29262
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Maldraxxus
Closes #29261
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Ardenweald
Closes #29259
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Bastion
Closes #29258
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Eredath
Closes #29268
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Mechagon Island
Closes #29267
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Nazjatar
Closes #29266
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Krokuun
Closes #29270
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Antoran Wastes
Closes #29269
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Isle Of Giants
Closes #29256
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Isle Of Thunder
Closes #29255
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Timeless Isle
Closes #29253
* DB/Mardum: Added spawns for Kayn and Korvas after Quest: Invasion Begins
* DB/Gossip: Update gossip data for Inkeeper Haelthol
Closes #29225
* Scripts/Mardum: Implement The Invasion Begins quest (#29302)
Co-authored-by: ModoX <moardox@gmail.com>
* Core: Update to 10.1.7
* Core/AreaTriggers: Added SpawnDifficulties for spawned areatriggers (#29284)
* Core/Creatures: Fix instant despawn for summons with unlimited duration (#29307)
* DB/Draenor: Added some more spawns for Assault on the Dark Portal
Closes #29278
* DB/Mardum: Added Despair Ridge spawns for phase 0
* Dep/CascLib: Update to ladislav-zezula/CascLib@5c60050770767f2e606f6fec0c35beb8b9b00c60
* Core/Auras: Defined and implemented new aura interrupt flags
* DB/Draenor: Added more phased gameobjects for Assault on the Dark Portal
Closes #29251
* DB/Mardum: Added Despair Ridge spawns for Phase 5310
* Scripts/Spells: Implement warrior talent Strategist (#29235)
Co-authored-by: Shauren <shauren.trinity@gmail.com>
* Core/AreaTriggers: Added SpellForVisual for db spawned areatriggers (#29277)
* Core: Update allowed build to
* Core/Creature: Fixed logic for npcflag, unitflags when saving creatures to db
* 06ea822a315a771fa0b3410716361b9df091cf6f followup
* Core/Vehicles: Fixed crash happening if a vehicle despawns during handling of control vehicle aura removal
Closes #29290
* DB: Added missing conditions for spell 53110 from 3.3.5 branch
* Core/Creature: Save npcflags and unitflags as NULL in db if they are equivalent to creature_template entry
Closes #29297

Dragonflight: Переход на новую версию игры 10.1.7 (51485).
Для тех, у кого уже есть клиент, - скачать и распаковать в папку с игрой этот патч.
Для тех, у кого клиента нет, -
минимальный клиент.

За предоставленные обновления спасибо Firerz
Последнее редактирование:


ееее ждемс:D


Привет. Сегодня зарегистрировалась, скачала клиент с сайта. Не могу зайти. Скрин ниже 2023-10-14_23-12-07.png


Благодарю. Все получилось)


Урра, теперь можно пройти стартовую цепочку квестов на драктиров, и мой персонаж благополучно вышел из пещеры :3


мде.... для дк бы сделали старт цепочку рабочей, как и таланты которые еле еле дышут ( у адк )


Большое спасибо)))


Здравствуйте. Играю за ДХ . На 10 лвл не активируется выбор специализации из за чего не работает половина спелов. В связи с этим дохну постоянно, а так как с вендором ремонтником в начальной локе можно только поздороваться - шмот весь красный. Это как то можно исправить иначе вероятность выхода из начальной локации крайне мала. Спасибо.


Здравствуйте, сервер драгонфлай рабоает? а то не заходит=(


Server with host name logon.df.warcraft.life does not have a trusted certificate attached.
If you are the server owner be sure to generate one and replace the default bnet server certificate.
One way to generate one is through Let's Encrypt.

Ребят, вы бы сделали чего нибудь, а то третий день уже на драгонфлае такое


Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297


Здравствуйте. Сервер Драгонфлай: активация специализации у охотника на демонов не работает - специализацию выбрать невозможно; Кезан: квесты "Кружим по кварталам" и "Потрошение" не работают - мобы в машину не садятся, использование "Потрошения" не засчитывается. С этим можно что-то сделать или на игру за ДХ и гоблина стоит забить? Спасибо


В дополнение к предыдущему, у драктиров тоже не активируется специализация. Начальная локация эльфов крови: квест "Смерть от рук презренных" - нет тела курьера"; квест "Дворфийский шпион" - разговор с геологом не запускает дальнейшее действие. Дирижаблей от Подгорода нет, от слова совсем, никуда (честно прождал 20 минут)
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