Архив 9.02.2024

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Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297

Обновление, февраль 2024

* Pick random gear template if multiple are available for same role.
Closes ? [Bug]Bots don't randomize gear templates · Issue #2484 · vmangos/core
* Fix crash upon loading invalid auction house id.
Closes ? [Bug] Incorrect house_id in auction table crashes the application at start · Issue #2482 · vmangos/core
* Dispatch Commander Metz should finish Writ of Safe Passage.
* Fix default movement being reset after charge.
* Fix gossip when mule dies.
* Add script for Guard Didier.
* Copy item enchants when cloning party bots (#2478)
* Guard bound instances behind mutex.
* Fix Noxxion not being lootable.
Closes ? [Bug] Noxxion can die while phasing, becoming unlootable · Issue #2472 · vmangos/core
* Fix SetHealthPercent causing bugged alive state.
* Send master loot list each time someone opens loot window.
* Implement weapon based parry auras.
* Define order of events when Overlord Mok'Morokk reaches 30% HP.
* Update migration scripts to use UTC. (#2460)
* Correct wrong Immolate spell used by Lord Alexei Barov (#2469)
* Prevent pulling some Naxx bosses out of their rooms.
* Do not add a mark if it already exists. (#2456)
* Skip chat command if player is not in world.
Closes ? [Bug] The server crashed, the reasons are unknown. · Issue #2359 · vmangos/core
* Check `deleted_account` for NULL in DeleteOldCharacters.
* Followup to previous commit.
* This packet does not exist in earlier clients.
* Remove not needed include.
* Fix channel animation when recasting channeled spell.
* Increase inDist limit to 5 yards.
Fixes bugged spot in Stormwind.
* Revert "Fix stormwind entrance pathing (#2088)"
This reverts commit dc7f0c45d94a42064a44dfe4f211797074c10f6d.
* Fix Solakar Flamewreath event (#2454)
* Make some casts tied to Timer events only go on cd if cast succeeds.
* Make some casts tied to Range events only go on cd if cast succeeds.
* Always allow connecting to world server from same machine.
This prevents the 'Account IP differs' error if you set real ip in realmlist table but are using in realmlist.wtf. The world server will no longer enforce that the IP connecting to is the same one that went through the login server if the client IP is the same as the server IP.
* Add Jaedenar Warlock to the list.
* Don't interrupt spell casting to enrage.
* Add support for Spell Hit Target event in EventAI.
* Fix SPELL_EFFECT_WEAPON_PERCENT_DAMAGE damage on creatures that don't have a weapon (#2396)
Classic logs show creatures that aren't holding a weapon don't do %auto damage from SPELL_EFFECT_WEAPON_PERCENT_DAMAGE, rather they do a static amount from the effect's basepoints.
* Remove help for non existent commands.
* Add missing new line in printf statement.
* Fix unit flags of battleground spirit guides.
Closes ? [Bug] Cast spells on Spirit Guides · Issue #1862 · vmangos/core
* Fix wrong Z coordinate of Vilebranch mob.
Closes ? [Bug]Bugged mob spawn position · Issue #2444 · vmangos/core
* Reduce respawn time of Tablet of Will.
Closes ? [Bug]Tablet of WIll object respawn time · Issue #2446 · vmangos/core
* Implement ability to check script result from EventAI.
If the flag is applied and action fails, cooldown will not trigger. Also fixes Abort on Failure not interrupting further script execution in EventAI scripts.
* Prevent drowning after teleport.
* Fix infinite crit chance exploit.
1. Equip weapon with Elemental Sharpening Stone
2. Enter cat or bear form
3. Swap to weapon without enchant
4. Profit
* Fix logic error.
* Check result of some script actions.
* Quest 'Deep Ocean, Vast Sea' did not reward money before 1.5.
* Implement changes to Krinkle Goodsteel.
* Players charmed by creatures should not be flagged upon attacking another player.
* Fix thread unsafe access to MapPersistentStateMgr.
Thanks to Giperion.
* Mark all totems as immune to aoe and taunt.
Closes ? [Bug]AoE spells hit Earthgrab Totems cast by Skullsplitter Witch Doctors · Issue #2435 · vmangos/core
* Fix passing std string instead of c string to log.
* Fix players not getting flagged for pvp after flight ends.
* Sort tris by Z before rasterize (#2197)
* Maps/Vmaps: Make high res default and fix code duplication.
* Fix the naxx slime properly.
* Fix liquid type detection in Naxxramas.
Add additional liquid handling code to account for TBC/WOTLK diff · cmangos/mangos-classic@e6cd2c1
Thanks to Wall for finding out what's missing.
* Fix mmap poly builder (#2436)
* Check for naxx map id in slime check.
* Fix requirements for Shard of a Felhound and Shard of an Infernal.
* Fix slime damage in naxx (#2438)
Closes ? [Bug] There is no slime debuff standing in the green liquid of Naxxramas · Issue #2175 · vmangos/core
* Fix sapphiron engage animation (#2437)
Closes ? [Bug] Sapphiron no BOSS animation and Kel'Thuzad do not summon creatures of Naxxramas · Issue #2184 · vmangos/core
* Add waypoints to Greater Firebird and Murderous Blisterpaw. (#2375)
* Remove debug printf.
* Check allowed looters list for group loot and master loot.
* Add command to learn pet spells.
* Fix an assert when you teleport out of dungeon.
* Refactor some spell los checks.
Closes ? [Bug]Terrain / Objects "eating" spell casts · Issue #2431 · vmangos/core
* Add missing enchants to GM island enchant vendors (#2428)
* Allow generic gameobjects to break los even if using m2 model.
May fix ? [Bug]About Naxxramas-Sapphiron · Issue #2312 · vmangos/core
* Remove custom change to Summon Various DND.
Fixes short range issue with summoning Lord Valthalak.
* Add missing single target flag to some spells.
* Fix not being able to trade after its cancelled in some cases.
Core/PacketIO: Implemented CMSG_BUSY_TRADE and CMSG_IGNORE_TRADE by r4d1sh · Pull Request #29570 · TrinityCore/TrinityCore
* Implement RBAC for chat commands.
* New script for quest The Defias Brotherhood.
* Fix pet interaction when enslaving Bleakheart Hellcaller.
Closes ? [Bug] Enslaved Demon Summon invalid target · Issue #2415 · vmangos/core
* Fix Cannon for quest Death From Below.
* Make battlebots cast some instant spells when carrying flag.
* The Lobotomizer should not drop from Grunnda Wolfheart.
* Add some missing chinese page text locales.
* Lightning Shield should not remove Corrupted Mind.
* Fix summoning Lord Valthalak.
Closes ? [Bug] quest 8995 'Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak' cannot be completed · Issue #2268 · vmangos/core
* Fix startup error.
* New script for Mograine and Whitemane.
* SHH: Fix typo causing threat multiplication on omrogg
* Spell/Engineering: Goblin Bomb Dispenser
* Use item 10587 "Goblin Bomb Dispenser" - casts spell 23134 "Goblin Bomb"
* 10% chance to malfunction with spell 13261 "Malfunction Explosion or 90% chance to proceed with spell 13258 "Summon Goblin Bomb"
* Creature 8937 "Pet Bomb" is summoned - level is player's engineering skill divided by 5
* Pet Bomb has aura 13260 "Pet Bomb Passive" on spawn - triggers 13259 "Explosion" on successful melee hit
[CLASSIC] Goblin Bomb Dispenser · Issue #637 · cmangos/issues
* Fix compilation errors
* Realmd/Core: Adjust username length to proper max length allowed during creation
* Paladin: Port Judgement of Command to spellscript
? [Bug Report] Paladin Judgement of Command · Issue #3596 · cmangos/issues
* BRD: Adjust motion type used by Nagmara & Rocknot
Mistress Nagmara 9500 (npc_mistress_nagmara)
Private Rocknot 9503 (npc_rocknot)
? [Bug Report] The Love Potion event failure · Issue #3529 · cmangos/issues
* ManaTombs: Prep npc_shaheenAI for spell list
Make him a caster and fix text usage.
We'll give him combat abilities in the DB.
? [Bug Report] Someone elses hard work pays off - Problem with quest · Issue #3633 · cmangos/issues
* ManaTombs: Add missing init to npc_shaheenAI
? [Bug Report] Someone elses hard work pays off - Problem with quest · Issue #3633 · cmangos/issues
* Generalize XP rate mod of previous commit and unify GetXPModRate call
* Support expansion-specific XP modifiers
* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4
Bumps [actions/upload-artifact](https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact) from 3 to 4.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact/compare/v3...v4)
- dependency-name: actions/upload-artifact
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-major
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump rjstone/discord-webhook-notify from 1.0.4 to 1.1.1
Bumps [rjstone/discord-webhook-notify](https://github.com/rjstone/discord-webhook-notify) from 1.0.4 to 1.1.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/rjstone/discord-webhook-notify/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/rjstone/discord-webhook-notify/compare/v1.0.4...v1.1.1)
- dependency-name: rjstone/discord-webhook-notify
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-minor
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4
Bumps [actions/checkout](https://github.com/actions/checkout) from 3 to 4.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/actions/checkout/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/actions/checkout/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/actions/checkout/compare/v3...v4)
- dependency-name: actions/checkout
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-major
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4
Bumps [actions/download-artifact](https://github.com/actions/download-artifact) from 3 to 4.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/actions/download-artifact/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/actions/download-artifact/compare/v3...v4)
- dependency-name: actions/download-artifact
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-major
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* chore: Included githubactions in the dependabot config
This should help with keeping the GitHub actions updated on new releases. This will also help with keeping it secure.
Dependabot helps in keeping the supply chain secure Keeping your supply chain secure with Dependabot - GitHub Docs
GitHub actions up to date Keeping your actions up to date with Dependabot - GitHub Docs
scorecard/docs/checks.md at main · ossf/scorecard
Signed-off-by: neilnaveen <42328488+neilnaveen@users.noreply.github.com>
* Should fix nix build
* Add stats support for 2 same item id in same loot entry.
* Move loot entry check to more correct place
Check for loot entry fit more to LootStore class.
* Add loot command to ChatHandler
Also add a different way to visualize simulation result for specified loot id
try `.loot f c 448`
command can be tested either in server terminal or ingame
* Remove debug lootdropstats command
Replace it with '.loot stats'
Also prepare .loot fullstats
* Simplify loot process call
no more need of group id and store
* Simplify memory management for loot template
* Realmd: Remove leftover printf
* Realm/Core: Improve start script for mangosd and add realmd one
* Network: Remove built in nagle algo and fully go async (#653)
* Network: Remove built in nagle algo and fully go async
* Fix compilation due to printf error
* Fix hang on shutdown
* Add changes requested in comments
* Make last session key update in sequence sync to avoid race condition with db
* Spell/Unit: Disable charge proccing in proc system for spellmods
Closes ? [Bug Report] Ele Shaman all clearcasting buffs removed on first cast · Issue #3648 · cmangos/issues
* ShatteredHalls: add missing spell_script, fix typo and add db handling for legionnaire 6
* Add some missing spells
* Shattered Halls - Shattered Hand Legionnaire script rework (#648)
* Shattered Hand Legionnaire - add base script into other file
add Legionnaire 001 group handling using worldstate
modernize script using bct
* Add legionnaire 002 reinforcement part
* spawned fel orcs now use database for correct waypoints
add 3rd legionnaire felorc handling
* Add 4th legionnaire spawning
* already cleanup file a bit
* Legionnaire 005 spawn
* cleanup
* corrrect evenType for ReceiveAiEvent
* Add legionnaire 6
* Add legionnaire 07
* add last legionnaire
* Fix some formatting and use string ids instead of guids
* use GetCreatures instead of GetWorldObjects
* some more cleanup and add hall of fathers intro part 1
* Add legionnaire 04 and 05 intro handling
* Add reputation/xp farm protection
First group in this dungeon respawns as long the legionnaire is active, they dont drop any loot and dont give any xp
* Fix TempSpawnType
* Fel Orc broadcast_text
* correct waypoints for legionnaire 06
* Fel orc convert on death cript
* update handling of last legionnaire group
* update
* remove hackfix, and use IsInCombat instead of SelectHostileTarget
* put worldstates into correct files
* use string version instead of id
* fix sleeping npc reinforcemet call, using db waypoints now
* correct text error, and remove running mode done via db
* i cant count
* correct last legionnaire groups
* SQLite: Fix missed truncate syntax update
* SpawnGroup: Add errors for using same type dbGuid twice
* StringId: Add const qualifiers to params to enable passing const strings
* Spell: Make s.16093 use dead state not sleep
* Chat: Fix npc info parts not working with dynguid
* Stormwind: Fix typo in merged sql for npc_lady_katrana_prestor
* Player: Mark SendCancelTrade as const
* STV: Add support for randomized spawn groups prototype
* Spell: Abstract m_usableWhileStunned
Also rolls into it m_guaranteed crit
* Unit: Add Unit::GetAura const
* Spell: Implement GetDamageForEffect for scripting purposes
* Pet: Add assert for double unsummon of same pet.
Diagnostics for this PR:
Pet: fix heap-use-after-free due to trying to unsummon an already unsummoned pet by Karth-Xyver · Pull Request #478 · cmangos/mangos-wotlk
* Spells: Allow secondary target checking for area auras
Closes Spells: Allow secondary target checking for area auras by insunaa · Pull Request #456 · cmangos/mangos-wotlk
* Spells: Allow secondary target checking for area auras
* Quest: Fix Reginald Windsor script for 'The Masquerade'
Closes Quest: Fix Reginald Windsor script for 'The Masquerade' by insunaa · Pull Request #514 · cmangos/mangos-classic
* Null pointers check
* Map: Fix order of operations causing new dynguid fixes not working for active entities
* Spell: Add check for single target to resist/miss channeled spell cancel
Closes fix: resist/miss channeled AOE spell cancel by obi23lipnik · Pull Request #645 · cmangos/mangos-tbc
I altered your PR a bit because:
Line with SPELL_MISS_IMMUNE2 should never be hit except for single target target. When spell is AOE, we do not supply unit target so check is redundant.
In second case, SPELL_MISS_RESIST - we want to just check if its the single target target. Like before, AOE does not supply that to the spell so its quicker.
The code is there for a spell like Mind Flay and nothing else really.
* Fix #3480 Replace hardcoded gossip strings with database entries for localization
* Dialogue: Fix dialogue helper not working with BCTs
Closes Dialogue: Fix dialogue helper not working with BCTs by insunaa · Pull Request #639 · cmangos/mangos-tbc
* [Spell] Retching Plague 30079 should not be removed on Evade
Closes [Spell] Spore Burst 38471 should not be removed on Evade by AnonXS · Pull Request #634 · cmangos/mangos-tbc
* [Spell] Spore Burst 38471 should not be removed on Evade
* [SD][Spell] Add s.16331 Incorporeal Defense for mobs_spectral_ghostly_citizen
Closes [SD][Spell] Add s.16331 Incorporeal Defense for mobs_spectral_ghostly… by AnonXS · Pull Request #630 · cmangos/mangos-tbc
* [Spell] s.7131 - npc 2638,4785,5097,6493,6932,11027,11263
Resolves Illusionary Phantasm - Killing them problem · Issue #920 · cmangos/wotlk-db
Based on Implement aura Illusion Passive. · vmangos/core@d4622ef
* Kara: Add back bct on repentance
@miraco your commit was fine apart from this. I generally keep the spells in here and I also put the bct here so its easier to maintain the boss a little.
* Add maiden of Virtue to spell_list
* Add Maiden of Virtue texts to bct
* [SD] Add SPELL_DOUBLE_ATTACK 19818 to sapphiron CombatAI
* [SD] Add missing Fire Shield Aura passive for c.9816
Currently does not work, supposedly due to his fire immunity (schoolimmune 4)
* [Spell] s.3235,3338 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Grip of Command 21130 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Spirit Particles (green) 18951 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Deadly Poison 21788 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Shield Spike 12782 & Wither Touch 13483 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Double Attack 19817 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Spirit Particles 17327 should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] 16577 Disease Cloud should not be removed on Evade
* [Spell] Fire Shield 13377 should not be removed on Evade
* [SD] Magtheridon: SetInCombatWithZone when he is freed, Cleave Timer
SMSG_CHAT: "%s breaks free!"
Also correct this Cleave Timer to match CCSDB TBC data.
Closes [SD] Magtheridon: Add SetInCombatWithZone when he is freed by AnonXS · Pull Request #604 · cmangos/mangos-tbc
* Remove suspicious comma
* Prevent unneeded item_instance update when loading from db.
* Don't generate pet number twice on tame.
vmangos had same issue https://github.com/vmangos/core/commit/b1e49ba3e6043a21416480b03bd3ff74f60e441f
* Fix mistake when updating score in Alterac Valley
* Spell: Add dyngo fake caster support
Caster is dyngo, caster unit is dyngo owner in spell packet
* Core/PacketIO: Implemented CMSG_BUSY_TRADE and CMSG_IGNORE_TRADE
Co-Authored-By: Mykhailo Redko <13364438+r4d1sh@users.noreply.github.com>
* SQLite: Fix null-data handling
* SQLite: Add SQLite DB backend support
* Unwanted value copies fixes.
* Add cyclic detection for loot reference
Choosed to set the invalid reference to 0 instead of shutting down the server.
Error in starting log should be enough clear for db Devs.
* Add reference support for grouped loot tables.
Now, grouped reference_loot_template entries can also reference other reference loot lists.
This enhancement may simplifies certain redundant loot tables.
Grouped loot refers to items where the 'groupId' in the '*_loot_template' is greater than 0.
INSERT INTO `reference_loot_template`(`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`, `condition_id`, `comments`) VALUES
(35040, 13955, 0, 1, 1 , 1, 0, 'Stoneform Shoulders'),
(35040, 13983, 0, 1, 1 , 1, 0, 'Gravestone War Axe'),
(35040, 14024, 0, 1, 1 , 1, 0, 'Frightalon'),
(35040, 16734, 0, 1, 1 , 1, 0, 'Boots of Valor'),
(35040, 60294, 0, 1, -60294, 1, 0, 'NPC LOOT (Green World Drop) - (Item Levels: 59-63) - (NPC Levels: 60) - VANILLA NPC ONLY');
For example, the provided SQL INSERT INTO statement demonstrates a reference_loot_template entry (entry: 35040) with several items.
This entry can be referenced in any loot table, and the outcome will be as follows:
- Only one item from the list will be chosen.
- The last line, which is a reference, will be treated with the same chance as any other item (considered an equally chanced group).
- The rules for referenced items with entry 60294 can be customized, resulting in one or multiple items.
* SpawnManager: Fix missing init of m_updated
* DB/Channels: Allow name to be accent-sensitive (#29668)
* Fix typo in Player.cpp (#29638)
copseReclaimDelay -> corpseReclaimDelay
This should not break anything.
* DB/Misc: Enable tavern in Shadow Vault (Icecrown). It should only work in phase 1.
Closes #26292
* Core/Conditions: Added conditions for AreaTriggers (AreaTrigger.dbc) (#27174)
Cherry-picked from 6ebd592
* Core/PacketIO: Implemented CMSG_BUSY_TRADE and CMSG_IGNORE_TRADE (#29570)
Closes #29308
* Scripts/Commands: .account set seclevel command will update security level for online session (#29600)
* TDB 335.24011 - 2024/01/21
* DB/Text: Delete two cata texts from db
closes #29588 by CraftedRO
* CircleCI: Enable creating docker images for wotlk_classic
* Fix sql name
* Core/Spells: Kill incorrect attribute implementation
* Misc: Add wotlk_classic to readme
* Scripts/TempleOfAhnQiraj (#29571)
Fix The Eye of C'thun spell Dark Glare not being updated visually with the correct orientation
* Druid/Spell: Dash shoud only be usable in cat form
closes #28992 by CraftedRO
* DB/RBAC: Link RBAC_PERM_IGNORE_IDLE_CONNECTION to correct root permission.
* Scripts/Commands: Implemented .bg start and .bg stop commands.
* Core/Misc: Add permission that allows player to be AFK on the battleground.
* Core/Misc: Do not apply Deserter debuff to players teleported from the battleground by gm command (.appear/.summon).
* Core/RBAC: Add permission that prevents getting a battleground deserter debuff.
* Scripts/Bloodmyst Isle: Add missing Legoso Talk target (fixes $n) (#29554)
Updates #21586
Исправлена 1 причина падения сервера.
* Item/Spell: Корректирвока скалирования предмета Контракт ловчего Бездны
* Item: Исправлен бонус к броне https://www.wowhead.com/ru/item=153544;
* Items/Stats: Fixed ITEM_MOD_EXTRA_ARMOR;
* Spell/Item: Исправлен урон от предмета Контракт ловчего Бездны
* Spell/Item: Исправлен эффект при завершении дебаффа https://www.wowhead.com/ru/item=147019;
* Spell/Item: Исправлен предмет Лунные глефы затмения.
* Реализовано отображение панелей гильдии.
* Core/Achievements: Fixed updating EarnAchievement criteria type for guilds and quest objectives (#29648)
* Core/Conditions: Fixed typo in worldstate expression evaluation (#29639)
* DB/Boralus: Added some more spawns for Tradewinds Market
* DB: Added more creature_immunities
* Core/Spells: Moved hardcoded immunity data for SPELL_AURA_MECHANIC_IMMUNITY_MASK to database
* Scripts/Spells: Fixed possible crash in From Darkness Comes Light
* 863a005ef229d62c81543355b558d719f013aca1 followup
* DB/Phases: Added missing phase name for Outland Cup - Skettis Scramble Reverse
* b3b3f26f7dd84a3e02d2fa4b8340d85de6855020 followup
* Core: Update allowed build to
* DB/Phases: Added phase names for Outland Cup
* Core/Achievements: Fixed BuyItemsFromVendors criteria type
* DB/Misc: Update recent filename of fe128c9221016804315151ccacaa19ac59c7e100
* DB/Undercity: Implemented The Warchief Awaits (50476)
* Core: Update allowed build to
* Core/Creatures: Move immunities to separate table and implemented setting immunties to dispel, spell effects, aura types, aoe and chain targeting
* DB/Boralus: Added some more spawns
* DB/Stormwind: Update positions for Allied Race Emissary spawns
+ added phase names for them
* Scripts/Boralus: Implement Quest "Sanctum of the Sages"" (#29636)
* Scripts/Priest: Implemented Priest talent From Darkness Comes Light Aura (#29631)
* Scripts/Spells: Implemented Priest talent Protective Light (#29630)
* Core/Loot: Fixed items some not being lootable on second opening of a lootable item
* Core/Players: fixed a possible crash in SendInitialPacketsBeforeAddToMap when uninstanced maps don't have a valid MapDifficulty entry
* DB/Spell: Added Inspiration spell_proc data for priest
Closes #29627
* DB/Spell: Limited Body and Soul to Power Word: Shield and Leap of Faith
Ref #29613
* DB/Boralus: Implement Quest "Ferry Pass"
+ chain quests up to "A Nation Divided"
* DB/AreaTrigger: Implemented Power Word: Barrier (Discipline Priest)
Closes #29624
Co-authored-by: ModoX <moardox@gmail.com>
* Scripts/Boralus: Implement quest "The Old Knight" (#29622)
* Core/Battlegrounds: Strand of the Ancients Rework (#29576)
* Core/Battlegrounds: Added OnMapSet hook
* Core/Players: Fixed CharacterCache by-name storage holding data for deleted characters
* DB/Durotar: Added sparring & AI to Novices in Darkspear Training Grounds
Closes #29556
* DB/Durotar: Updated positions and added sparring to Spitescale nagas and Darkspear trolls on Echo Isles
Closes #29563
* DB/Durotar: Implemented Saving the Young (24623)
Closes #29557
* DB/Quest: Added quest_request_items for some Echo Isles, Dun Morogh and Kezan quests
Closes #29601
Closes #29597
Closes #29595
* DB/Quest: Fix previous quest of The Refusal of the Aspects (929)
Closes #29610
* DB/Creature: Added Ragged Wolf Hide to drop table of Ragged Wolfs
* fixes quest All the Other Stuff (24475)
Closes #29521
* Scripts/ExilesReach: Implement The Scout-o-Matic 5000 and The Choppy Booster Mk. 5 (#29575)
* Core/Scene: Skip vehicle guids as transport for scene play until further research
* Core/Misc: Update ResponseCodes for 10.2.5
Closes #29618
* DB/Templates: Added missed data
* DB/Locales: Added zhCN locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Locales: Added zhTW locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Locales: Added koKR locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Locales: Added ruRU locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Locales: Added itIT locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Locales: Added esES locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Locales: Added deDE locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Locales: Added frFR locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Locales: Added ptBR locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Locales: Added esMX locales for 10.2.5
* DB/Quest: Added 10.2.5 quest poi data
* DB/Template: Added 10.2.5 wdb data + broadcast_text
* Core/Unit: Set DemonCreator for wild allied summons
* Core/PacketIO: Fixed QuestSession QuestCompleted size
* Core/PacketIO: Handle QueryCountdownTimer (#29539)
* Add it to battleground
* Base implementation countdowns in Group
* Fix timer sync between groups in battlegrounds
* Core/PacketIO: Fixed CreateObject packet structure for areatriggers
Closes #29616
* Core/World: Fixed crash when shutting down server from console (#29615)
* Core/Players: Fixed typo preventing OOC regen (#29614)
* Scripts/Baradin Hold: cleaned up some leftovers from Argaloth's rework and applied some missing coding standards
* Core: Update allowed build to
* Core/Loot: implemented a custom server config setting to enable or disable AE loot (#29602)
This config primarily serves as a means to reduce potential code differences between the master and classic branches as now we no longer have to meddle with code
* Core/Database: Fixed HotfixDatabase not being closed on shutdown with --update-databases-only
Closes #29599
* Scripts/Baradin Hold: rewrite Argaloth encounter (#29604)
* handle all missing mechanics and visuals
* modernized instance script
* Core/Object: use the final keyword for several (World)Object classes that should not get derived from (#29585)
* Core: Updated to 10.2.5
* Core/Bnet: Added SRP http endpoints
* Scripts/Durotar: Implemented Vol'jins Visions (#29553)
* on quest More Than Expected rewarded
* on quest An Ancient Enemy rewarded
* Scripts/ExilesReach: Update phasing when Stand your Ground quest removed (#29589)
* Core/Creatures: fixed a logic mistake in personal skinning loot that was causing creatures without loot to despawn instantly (#29586)
* Core/Units: moved health and power ordering predicates from Unit header into CommonPredicates (#29584)
* Core/Worldserver: Split Worldserver services into separate files (#29555)
* Core/Units: moved CharmInfo class and its definitions into a own file (#29583)
* Core/Bnet: Prevent crashes cauised be invalid values in salt column in battlenet_accounts
* CircleCI: Enable creating docker images for wotlk_classic
* Core/Spells: Kill incorrect attribute implementation
(cherry picked from commit 8b183ddac3b77eea47eae578226ce8b928d262b8)
* Core/Conditions: Added stringid condition type
* Core/Conditions: Refactor ConditionMgr internals to get rid of separate containers for some condition source types
* Scripts/ExilesReach: Fix copy paste fail
* fixes combat training for priest & warlock
Closes #29574
* Core: Update allowed build to
* Scripts/ExilesReach: Implemented quests Down with the Quilboar and Forbidden Quilboar Necromancy (#29540)
* also added scripts to creatures in the area
* Core/Conversations: Use WorldObject actors if CreatureId is not provided in conversation_actors
* Core/Conversation: Implemented conversation flags (#29552)
* Scripts/Boralus: Implement Quest "Get Your Bearings" (#29566)
* Misc: Add wotlk_classic to readme
* Core/Spell: Fix target check for TARGET_UNIT_RECT_CASTER_ENEMY
* DB/Creature: Added more personal summons which should be removed on quest remove
* DB/Waypoints: Fixed some move types
* DB/Draenor: Added some questchains for Alliance Garrison V1
* Core/Creatures: Moved autoattack handling from scripts to game
* DB/Creature: Added some personal summons which should be removed on quest remove
* Core/Creatures: Added possibility to automatically despawn personal summons on quest remove (#29114)
* Core/Spells: Added option to override orientation for target types using spell_target_position table (#29551)
* DB/Waypoints: Fix delay of Ardsami node
* ec6a5c9bf5d6a5879b31e67cfc0cc9fb4fa572c9 followup
* DB/Misc: Followup for c7330f0d649c53e95128dd84840c6015ae01a6e0
* DB/Disables: Disable deprecated Quest "Palm of the Tiger"
Closes #29558
* DB/Teldrassil: Update gameobject flag for "Melithars Stolen Bags"
Closes #29537
* DB/Tirisfal: Added disableGravity to Agatha, Daschla and Aradne
Closes #29528
* DB/Durotar: Added some paths and cosmetic scripts
Closes #29527
Co-authored-by: Naddley <64811442+Naddley@users.noreply.github.com>
* Core/GameObjects: Fixed incorrect startup error log
* Core/AreaTrigger: Fix areatrigger debug output not printing spawnid properly

Dragonflight: Переход на новую версию игры 10.2.5 (53162).
Для тех, у кого уже есть клиент, - скачать и распаковать в папку с игрой этот патч.
Для тех, у кого клиента нет, - минимальный клиент.

За предоставленные обновления спасибо Firerz
Последнее редактирование:


не запускается игра после установки патча, никаких ошибок нету, просто ничего не происходит

а ещё дополнительно в df за мага, квест подготовка к удару, где нужно подойти к капитану, капитан просто не выдаёт никакую миссию
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Странно другое, находясь только в меню, всего за несколько минут раздал свыше 200 мб. Как это объяснить? Быстрее торрента... Если включить оригинальную игру, то там Кб в минуту
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