Архив 6.03.2024

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Warcraft Life team
2 501
2 297

Обновление, март 2024

* Move Rookery Hatcher script to db.
* Fix crash with Mutating Injection.
Closes 🐛 [Bug] crash in spell 28169: // Mutating Injection · Issue #2533 · vmangos/core
* Fix possible crash with Web Wrap mob.
* Always show honor maintenance message.
* Only melee abilities trigger weapon procs and damage shields.
* Make sure we are in world before sending miss log.
* Send SMSG_SPELLLOGMISS when SMSG_SPELL_GO is not sent.
This fixes nothing being shown in combat log when judgement misses.
* Undo changes to order of procs and damage.
* Correct BWL spawns. (#2191)
* Fix possible crash in Alzzin script.
* CI: Determine date using dedicated action. (#2528)
* CI: Replace automatic release action with maintained version. (#2526)
* CI: Merge artifacts together to fix not being able to use the same name. (#2525)
* CI: Update actions. (#2524)
* CI: Update APT package lists before installing packages. (#2523)
* Remove statue type from totems. (#2522)
* Fix spell targets for Spectral Deathknight and Patchwork Golem (#2521)
* Move Grobbulus Cloud script to db.
* Make sure horseman is not a spirit when summoning player.
* Check movement flags for interrupts on movement.
Closes 🐛 [Bug] Spells can be casted for a brief window while strafing (if using the turn key while holding right mouse, not if keybound to strafe) · Issue #2448 · vmangos/core
* Pause waypoint movement when casting.
* Make 4 Horsemen summon far away victim.
They are seen casting this spell in sniffs.
* Fix unintended bitwise condition in mmap generator.
Credits to SkyFire
Tools/MMaps: Fixed a suspicious bitwise condition. · ProjectSkyfire/SkyFire_548@89063ad
* [RealmMerge] Fix building on linux with gcc/g++ (#2519)
Fix for `g++ (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110`
* Check these columns for 0.
* Update some columns i missed.
* Add helper for merging character databases.
This tool will update guids and other keys in tables to avoid conflicts.
* Align Cell.data.Part fields by 8 bits and enlarge Cell structure to 8 bytes (#2261)
Credit to TrinityCore
* Fix not being able to pick pocket some mobs.
* Fix cheat status command.
* Unify god mode with invincibility HP threshold from EventAI.
* Define and implement CHARACTER_FLAG_RESTING.
Core/Misc: Defined and implemented CHARACTER_FLAG_RESTING by Ghaster · Pull Request #29695 · TrinityCore/TrinityCore
* Wait for database availability in workflows. (#2511)
* Anubisath Defender EventAI adjustements (#2441)
* Auto detect MariaDB dependencies (#2475)
Look for mariadb equivalent of mysql_config
* Clear partybot target after casting buff (#2479)
* PB need to clear the target so as not to enter UpdateInCombatAI.
* I missed some of them.
* Make partybots use Prayer of Shadow Protection (#2504)
* Remove auras after we are finished iterating through them.
* Do not remove Amorous auras on evade.
* Save the subnet mask as uint32.
* Use local address in realmd.
Now the `localAddress` and `localSubnetMask` fields are actually used and realmd will send you the local address if you are on the same network.
* Reimplement silithus wind stones.
* Handle procs after dealing spell damage.
Fixes bypassing EventAI's invincibility HP threshold if you have any procs that deal damage upon casting damaging spells.
* Handle procs after dealing auto attack damage.
Fixes bypassing EventAI's invincibility HP threshold if you have any procs that deal damage whene auto attacking.
* Reset emote state upon reloading creature addon.
* Fix migration.
* New script for Private Hendel.
The Missing Diplomat
* Move removal of auras with 'enter world cancels' interrupt flag.
Closes 🐛 [Bug] Crash in RemoveAurasWithInterruptFlags(AURA_INTERRUPT_ENTER_WORLD_CANCELS); · Issue #2489 · vmangos/core
* Make bots prioritize higher level gear templates.
Closes 🐛 [Bug]Battlebots now randomize gear sets far below their level · Issue #2490 · vmangos/core
* Dark Strand Cultists and Enforcers were undead before patch 1.6.
* Remove fungal bloom and spores when loatheb evades.
* Network: Remove redundant payload of SMSG_AUTH_CHALLENGE
Wotlk +
@ratkosrb authorship for noticing
* Player: Add afk kick after 15 minutes back in
* SL: Fix ambassador hellmaw going banished on reset
* Creature: Reimplement Creature::LockOutSpells with CreatureStaticFlags2::NO_INTERRUPT_SCHOOL_COOLDOWN
* [s2476] Spell: Also add AP columns and functionality
* Spell: Fix EffectSummonType always overriding level for wild spawns
🐛 [Bug Report] TBC Hellfire Ramparts Vazruden Heroic level 62 instead of 72 · Issue #3678 · cmangos/issues
* Roll spell_template into Spell.sql
If someone encounters issues with mysql 5.7, please submit a PR. I do not have a PC with it at hand.
* [s2475] Use bonus coefficient data from spell_template/DBC
* Tools/MMaps: Fixed a suspicious bitwise condition.
Tools/MMaps: Fixed a suspicious bitwise condition. · ProjectSkyfire/SkyFire_548@89063ad
* Network: Add back error handling from old code for packet header in mangosd
* [s2474] Auth: Adjust joindate to be datetime
* Sunwell: Add crash check and respawn fix against misuse of chat commands
* Adjust CreatureFamilyAssistanceRadius being too big
* Add serverside spell Summon Captured Critter 35136
Casted by Sally Whitemane 20357 during her RP script in TBC dungeon Old Hillsbrad Foothills.
Summons Captured Critter 20396.
* Network: Rework reconnection case to fix slow cpu race conditions
🐛 [Bug Report] Crashes by WorldPackets on last rev · Issue #3676 · cmangos/issues
* Scripts: Implement SCRIPT_FLAG_COMMAND_ADDITIONAL for SCRIPT_COMMAND_CAST_SPELL to pass nullptr target
* Bump MarkusJx/install-boost from 2.4.4 to 2.4.5
Bumps [MarkusJx/install-boost](https://github.com/markusjx/install-boost) from 2.4.4 to 2.4.5.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/markusjx/install-boost/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/markusjx/install-boost/compare/v2.4.4...v2.4.5)
- dependency-name: MarkusJx/install-boost
dependency-type: direct:production
update-type: version-update:semver-patch
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Network: Add a couple missing captures
* Fix memory leak, leaking a single script.
* PeriodicTriggerData: fix member initializer list.
This also fixes a GCC/clang 'unused parameter' [-Wunused-parameter]
compiler warning.
* fixed crash
* OHF: Handle areatrigger for Ashbringer event
* SHH: Correct omrogg head spawning location
* Chat: Implement .worldstate set X Y
* Scripts: Fix SCRIPT_COMMAND_OPEN_DOOR not working with dynguid
* AI: Disable assistance call for critters
* Creature: Fix crash due to missing enemy safeguard
* Network: Do not disconnect session when packet cooldown is triggered
* Network: Add missing error return clause to WorldSocket::processIncomingData
* Creature: Implement CreatureLinkingAggroDelay
* [s2473] Item: Adjust itemTextId in item_instance to correspond to packet, load and item_text width
* Item: Add check against RequiredLevel for lootable items
* Add couple safeguards to ProcessIncomingData against crashes
🐛 [Bug Report] Crashes after WorldSession changes · Issue #3672 · cmangos/issues
* Spell: Safeguard go use which has lockId and should be used by spell
* Clang: Fix compiler warnings
* Fix type of last dword in MSG_QUERY_NEXT_MAIL_TIME
also remove gameobject as sender for now.
* Fix NPC name in new mail notification when receiving mails from NPCs
If a player received a mail from a NPC with the same id as an existing character's guid, the mail notification would show the player's name instead.
* Spell: Reimplement SPELL_ATTR_SCALES_WITH_CREATURE_LEVEL using CLS as confirmed
* DB/Quest: The Purification of Quel'Delar
the gossip must be added only to entrance guards
* DB/Quest: The Purification of Quel'Delar
Updates #4866 by dr-j
NOTE: enter raid without raid is still missing.
* DB/QUEST: Bloodmyst Isle, missing and corrected quest emotes
closes #29777 by Jonne733
* DB/QUEST: Bloodmyst Isle, missing quest text
closes #29778 by Jonne733
* Core/Spells: Don't modify item charges in all slots on a single item spell cast
(cherry picked from commit 9ecb93f34d7ff05feea9ea09faaba1af73a40d0d)
* Fix ****** ci dockerfile for 3.3.5
* Core/Misc: Warning fixes
* Build: Reuse PCH file between all script modules
(cherry picked from commit eac4bf825ab7cc0f423dd11a6dea85ad3563af66)
* Core/CrashHandler: Support dumping variables stored in cpu registers (not accurate for all variables)
(cherry picked from commit 0743a2f7bb193bb26a3f148bb86e2b3a28d9905e)
* Core/CrashHandler: Support ARM64
(cherry picked from commit 2441ddbea6e9865bd6027c6ecc144559d13393b9)
* Core/Random: Use correct headers to obtain _mm_malloc definitions
(cherry picked from commit b9c2dca59f350edd5b2b877d8a34001389f17a13)
* Dep/SFMT: Support NEON on ARM with MSVC
(cherry picked from commit ea68ead90dea3abbfc8bc0c5b3414fb5cc4ca6d1)
* Dep/g3d: Support ARM with MSVC
(cherry picked from commit ddba74567c9f6e9cf4596ea9b052d254a0ee50f6)
* Build: Improve ARM target detection in cmake (needed by MSVC)
(cherry picked from commit 7e51d17a0aa06c7aaf25a836d90487b17383fca7)
* CMake: added MySQL 8.3 to FindMySQL cmake macro
(cherry picked from commit 7199ccf156e806f967471e24677d265b525aeb11)
* CMake: added MySQL 8.2 to FindMySQL cmake macro
(cherry picked from commit b6a35c79200e0a9bccc10fd3d5ec9bf1d5af6ebe)
* Dep/zlip: Upgrade to 1.3 (#29401)
(cherry picked from commit 9bedfece7a81f04e9cec027d1c700d207daa0753)
* Build: Fixed msvc version check
(cherry picked from commit eb847ff53767c4c88a54f893b002843166a9ffea)
* Dep/Boost: Drop windows boost hacks (#29358)
(cherry picked from commit 17c69368a351bcea8cd59e1969fbc4999ef88201)
* Build: Set CMake policy CMP0144 to NEW
(cherry picked from commit 4d7bf20237997c817fa447665c6ba4d33755d78f)
* Dep: Support mysql 8.1 on windows
(cherry picked from commit c489e2620759819b79a728ffaf62bc144b8e0438)
* Build/GCC: Disable useless warning
(cherry picked from commit 0aa644287cf0e085f21a8ffdae6c6e985e64e961)
* Build: Increase required msvc version slightly
(cherry picked from commit 1ed8bfa08017b69d59f2cb7703f59ab4a0a3bf79)
* Build: moved MSVC warning C5054 from warning level 4 to 3
(cherry picked from commit d535977c6d8e3ef3463dfc461c94590988cf5b1f)
* Build: Silence CMake warnings about boost version being too new
(cherry picked from commit ade8aa33a1b5b83c7087fd0a29789c6ec750d9ac)
* Docker: Fixed files being missing from circleci built images
(cherry picked from commit 907d9f1a79b838b043420f11a9a2122e3fa155c7)
* Build: Fixed copypaste mistake in appleclang version check
(cherry picked from commit 8d353f20fdc3b2e0b19bf2dd2634701852cb07a0)
* Core/Misc: Fix build with libc++
Closes #28909
(cherry picked from commit 083b8d6c846cfdf75abb1fae481a3eeb25c13c56)
* Build: Cleanup boost CMakeLists from pre-c++11 flag checks
(cherry picked from commit c9f1606b760d724851c12a6bc13405a3ec03cc0c)
* Build: Update required cmake version to 3.18
* Remove cotire
(cherry picked from commit add53fb3ef410812b73a9143cb1a32d09b43002a)
* Core/Crypto: Remove support for OpenSSL 1.0
(cherry picked from commit b8f18fad29df98d5e8dee1ba28cd5f01fbdf9832)
* Build: Make genrev more resilient to invalid source code checkouts
(cherry picked from commit 03837b252579bdacdb8a128e52a12a748855e2fe)
* Build: Fixed finding mysql binary on first cmake run
Closes #28133
(cherry picked from commit e9152679d78c456e05be3743d7fed308c8304555)
* Build: Removed duplicate find_package(MySQL) call
(cherry picked from commit 2e479707e3fcda0a2df72c6c339b2e616ce474e3)
* Build: Modernize mysql finding script
(cherry picked from commit ae6b9e6c41f882f6c0a48a6352b73b3ae098e012)
* Build: Improve automatic finding of libraries on mac
(cherry picked from commit 091e71502c58b824e1b04517907a2a449f3b168f)
* Build: Partial support for clang-cl
(cherry picked from commit 0b846b2107569209d6bb0106f3075b624c713244)
* Build: Enable some msvc warnings that are enabled for other compilers
(cherry picked from commit 73b4b1733a49430b2288417d26f96c24a19c8c28)
* Core/Units: Fix some cases where server was not sending power updates to client on time (#29573)
* DB/Creature: allow Chaotic Rift targeted with mouse
by CraftedRO
* DB/Creature: allow Chaotic Rift targeted with mouse
closes #11997 by CraftedRO
* DB/QUEST: Death knight starting zone, missing and corrected quest emotes
closes #29314 by Jonne733
* DB/QUEST: Azuremyst Isle, missing and corrected quest emotes
closes #29046 by Jonne733
* DB/Locale: Page mismatch in Sully Balloo's Letter
closes #29129 by methatronc
* DB/SAI: King Varian Wrynn outro for "Where Kings Walk"
closes #29317 by Jonne733
* DB/SAI: Daedal outro for quest "An Alternative Alternative"
closes #29078 by Jonne733
* DB/SAI: Tavara's Script during "Help Tavara"
closes #29048 by Jonne733
* DB/Creature: Add one more Crystalline Ice Giant in Dragonblight
closes #29722 by CraftedRO
* DB/Creature: Update gossip text for Darnassus Sentinel for Mage & Paladin directions
Closes #29045 by CraftedRO
* Core/Players: Move power regeneration calculations to Player::UpdatePowerRegen
* Core/Players: Auras that change the rate of energy regeneration should have an effect on client prediction.
* Core/Players: Adjusting the amount of rage and runic power lost over time.
Client/server sync issues have also been fixed.
* Scripts/Blackrock Depths: Replace player spells used by High Interrogator Gerstahn with correct ones for that creature (#29637)
* Core/Battlegrounds: Removed Honorable Defender from Alterac Valley (#29740)
Closes #12860
* DB/Quest: update NPC name in Progress text for "Return to Witch Doctor Uzer'i"
closes #29752 by Legoso
* DB/Quest: The Bloodsail Buccaneers
closes #29753 by Legoso
* DB/Quest: Dr. Terrible's "Building a Better Flesh Giant"
closes #27984 by CraftedRO
* Scripts/Stratholme: Portcullis Trap (#29596)
Co-authored-by: Shauren <shauren.trinity@gmail.com>
* DB/Quest: A Spirit Ally
stop spaming infinite amount of Feralfen Serpent Spirit
updates #20126 by offl
* DB/Conditions: King Varian Wrynn gossip menu text
closes #29316 by Jonne733
* DB/Creature: Remove stun immunity from Captain Balinda Stonehearth and Captain Galvangar
closes #29741 by CraftedRO
* DB/Creature: Add AnimTier Hover for two npc
closes #29724 by CraftedRO
* DB/Quest: The Return of Quel'Delar quest chain CompletionText and RewardText
closes #29625 by Legoso
* DB/Quest: add missing text to "The Hero of the Day" (Winter Veil Preserved Holly)
closes #29568 by Legoso
* DB/CONDITIONS: Velaada's Gossip Menu Text
closes #29056 by Jonne733
* Scripts/Zul'Gurub: Corrected brazier of madness boss despawn time
* Scripts/Zul'Gurub: Fixed Edge of Madness (#29593)
* Scripts/Pets: Implemented Elwynn Lamb minipet feature. (#29635)
* Scripts/Sunken Temple: fix Shade of Eranikus and Jammal'an the Prophet (#29663)
* Also minor modernization for instance script
Co-authored-by: 14shagov <14shagov>
Co-authored-by: Shauren <shauren.trinity@gmail.com>
* Core/Chat: Control CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER serverside
Closes #14868
Closes #29689
* Core/PacketIO: Removed wrong error packet used when trying to leave party in battleground
Closes #29726
* Core/PacketIO: Implemented SMSG_REAL_GROUP_UPDATE, used to access information about original group data while being in a lfg/bg group at the same time
Fixes GetRealNumPartyMembers, GetRealNumRaidMembers and IsRealPartyLeader lua functions
* Core/Spells: allow players to absorb fire damage from environmental damage spell effects
* Core/Spells: Fixed incorrect switch logic in Unit::SpellCritChanceDone
* Core/Spells: Allow spells with SPELL_DAMAGE_CLASS_NONE to crit
(cherry picked from commit b4064d38c83bc26efa20a248426a9b8cfea6793f)
# Conflicts:
# src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp
# src/server/game/Spells/SpellMgr.cpp
* Core/Spells: Changed unintuitive behavior of SPELLVALUE_CRIT_CHANCE (#29730)
* DB/SAI: Anchorite Fateema outro for "Medicinal Purpose"
closes #29077 by Jonne733
* DB/SAI: Paladin trainer Jol is missing intro for quest "Redemption"
closes #29080 by Jonne733
* DB/Quest: Quest: Free at Last
updates #16577 by offl
* DB/Quest: Add one spell_target_position for The Purification of Quel'Delar
closes #29719 by CraftedRO
* DB/Creature: Few updates to Duggan Wildhammer
closes #28746 by CraftedRO
* DB/Quest: Agmar's Hammer -12008 (Unable to access Wrathgate)
closes #29044 by cmangos
* DB/SAI: set target_type for Stillpine Ancestor Vark talk to player ($n visible)
closes #29559 by Legoso
* DB/Creature: UK Proto-Drake Handler shoud cast Unholy Rage on Enslaved Proto-Drake
closes #28935 by CraftedRO
* DB/Creature: Proto-Drake Whelp must fly
closes #28932 by CraftedRO
* DB/SAI: Bodley and Pieces of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
closes #29426 by Jildor
* DB/Conditions: Fix wrong Eye of Dominion condition questid for quest Stunning View
closes #29473 by Jildor
* DB/Quest: The Brothers Bronzebeard must have The Master Explorer
closes #29710 by
* DB/Object: Remove one more floating non-blizzlike spawn
closes #29708 by CraftedRO
* DB/Object: Remove floating non-blizzlike spawn
closes #26623 by CraftedRO
* DB/Creature: Fix Wild Turkey respawn time
closes #25672 by CraftedRO
* Core/DBUpdater: Changed autoupdater created databases to use utf8mb4 instead of utf8mb3
(cherry picked from commit 65e787d18be898532363fea3f8847fa4d7f21192)
* DB/Creature: Add SAI to some Obsidian Sanctum trash mobs
closes #28518 by CraftedRO
* DB/Creature: Add and update scripts to some creatures
closes #28906 by CraftedRO
* DB/WorldEvent - Love is in the Air
closes #29484
Co-authored-by: Jinnaix <jinnaix@users.noreply.github.com>
* DB/Creature: Update Honor Hold Archer
closes by CraftedRO
* DB/Creature: Fix some dberrors
closes #29653 by CraftedRO
* DB/Quest: Fix quest Cleansing the Scar
closes #29219 by CraftedRO
* DB/QUEST: Death knight starting zone, missing flag
closes #29315 by Jonne733
* move 2024_02_15_00_world.sql to proper place
* DB/Quest: Love is in the Air/You've Been Served quest progress & completion
closes #29704 by Legoso
* Core/SAI: Fixed SMART_ACTION_MOVE_TO_POS using target coordinates as destination if requested WorldObject target was not found
(cherry picked from commit 888ccd1e4421b83411cb00365c26b19234e1e46e)
# Conflicts:
# src/server/game/AI/SmartScripts/SmartScript.cpp
* Core/Instances: Name unknown EncounterFrameType ENCOUNTER_FRAME_PHASE_SHIFT_CHANGED
* DB/Creature: Quartermaster Vaskess shoud repair
closes #29699 by CraftedRO
* DB/Quest: make Blessing of Zim'Torga / Zim'Rhuk repeatables
closes #29471 by Jildor
* DB/Quest: adjust minimum reputation value required
for quests of The Ashen Verdict rings (Friendly)
closes #29216 by Jildor
* Core/MMAPs: Sprinkle master branch thread safety on mmap loading code
* Core/Players: Improvements for talent reset logic. (#29580)
* Clean up Player::ResetTalents() from unnecessary logic, such as withdrawing money. Move it to more suitable places.
* Implemented SMSG_TALENTS_INVOLUNTARILY_RESET and use it instead of old trinity_string.
* Do not reset the accumulated talent reset cost if CONFIG_NO_RESET_TALENT_COST is enabled.
* Core/Spells: Implement visual aura duration of Rogue talents Overkill and Master of Subtlety (#29693)
* Core/Spells: Immune a reflected spell if the original caster cannot be it's target. (#29645)
* Spell/DK: fixed Lesson of Razuvious
* Spell/DK: fixed Марш мертвых
* Spell/DK: update Anti-Magic Shell
* DK: correct reset runes.
* Spell/DK: correct reset cooldown Руническая стужа
* Spell/DK: fixed Руническая стужа
* Spell/DK: fixed Крушитель трона
* Spell/DK: fixed Сердце льда
* Core/Unit: improve SPELL_AURA_MOD_IMMUNE_AURA_APPLY_SCHOOL immunities
Версия сервера обновлена до 9.2.7.
Перенесено множество коммитов с тринитикора (подробности ниже).
Исправлена ошибка в луте связанная с золотом.
Добавлены мобы из обновления 9.2.7 в Орибос и частично в Зерет Мортис.
* Core/Misc: Replace boost::shared_mutex with std::shared_mutex (#24328)
* Dep: Switch to boost process instead of old standalone version
* Nopch fix
* Core/Misc: Replace boost::eek:ptional with std::eek:ptional part 2
* Core/Misc: Replace boost::eek:ptional with std::eek:ptional (#25047)
* Core/Util: Added new utilities
* Core/Util: Added another template utility - find_type_if
* Common/Utilities: Centralize string -> T conversion in StringConvert.h (PR #25335)
* Core/Scripts: Unify RegisterSpellScript and RegisterAuraScript macros to do the same thing and implemented passing custom arguments to spell script classes
* Core/DataStores: Updated WorldStateExpression function enum to 9.2.5
* Core/World: implement database support for default map and realm wide world states
* Core/Criteria: Implemented worldstate requirements for criteria updates
* Core/WorldStates: Migrate conditions and criteria to new worldstate api
* Core/WorldStates: Allow multiple map ids for world states
* Core/WorldStates: Migrate Wintergrasp worldstates to new system
* Core/Items: Fixed logic mistake in ItemTemplate::IsRangedWeapon
* Core/Movement: Allow overwriting number of steps for spline length calculations
* Core/Items: Fix weapon transmogrification (#27962)
* Core/Players: Fixed incorrect function being used to modify ActivePlayerData::TransportServerTime
* Core/Misc: Updated ChatMsg enum to 9.2.0
* Core/Groups: Execute all group related database cleanup at the beginning of LoadGroups. (#27935)
* Core/Corpses: Fixed crash in corpse creation
* Core/Vmaps: Use provided invDirection from G3D::Ray instead of calculating it ourselves (#27883)
* Core/Items: Implemented item effect trigger type 7 (On Looted)
* Core/Objects: Initialize position data and zone/instance script for all worldobject types (except player)
* Scripts/Spells: Implemented transformation and racial ability swap for battleground mercenary (193970 - Mercenary Shapeshift)
* Core/Units: Include SPELL_AURA_MOD_FACTION auras when restoring faction (either on aura removal or .gm off)
* Core/Players: Add player race argument to Player::LearnSkillRewardedSpells
* Core/DataStores: Fixed unsigned underflow in TaxiMask constructor happening before TaxiNodes.db2 is loaded
* Dep/zlib: Upgrade embedded zlib to 1.2.12
* DB/Locale: Add missing ruRU quest_request_items_locale
* DB/Spawns: Added some spawns for Secret of the First Ones Chapter 8 / Sylvanas Judgment
* DB/Spawns: Added Anima Courier spawns in Haven, Zereth Mortis
* DB/Template: Update creature wdb data to
* DB/Template: Update quest wdb data to
* DB/Spawns: Spawn Tamra and E'rnee in Haven, Zereth Mortis
* DB/Locale: Add missing ruRU quest_request_items_locale, quests 8001-9000
* DB/Locale: Add missing ruRU quest_request_items_locale, quests 9001-10000
* Tool/MMAP: Fixed invalid check causing certain tiles not to build (#27833)
* Core/Object: Fix WorldObject::SetZoneScript unsafe cast to InstanceMap (#27877)
* Core/AI: Fix crashes caused by charmed Creatures having null AI for 1 map update tick (#27434)
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 8373, 11321, 12278, 13001 - 26013
* DB/Locale: Add all missing ruRU quest_request_items_locale with duplicate text
* DB/Locale: Add missing ruRU quest_request_items_locale for quest with id 0-5000
* DB/Locale: Add missing ruRU quest_request_items_locale, quests 5001-8000
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for some quests with duplicate text. Part 2
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for some quests with duplicate text. Part 3
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing texts (Part 8)
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for some quests with duplicate text. Part 4
* Core/Spells: Interrupt spells and auras before sending loot to client (#27279)
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for some quests with duplicate text. Part 4, last
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 5501- 6500
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 6501- 7500
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 7501- 8500
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 8501 - 9000
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 9001 - 10000
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 10001 - 11000
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 11001 - 12000
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 12001 - 13000
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 1-300
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 301-600
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 526, 601-900
* Core/Combat Fix first autoattack being skipped after charging (#26860)
* Core/QuestHandler: Fix potential crash caused by QUEST_FLAGS_PARTY_ACCEPT with conditions (#26880)
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 742, 901-1200
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 1201 - 1500
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 1501 - 1800
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 787, 1801 - 2100
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 2101- 2700
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 2701-3500
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 3501- 4000
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 4001- 4500
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for quest id 4501- 5500
* DB/Locale/ruRU: Add missing offer rewards for some quests with duplicate text
* rework Ожерелье Ниды
* fixed areatriggers.
* Core/Vehicles: Remove unused field
* Dep/fmt: Upgrade to 7.1.3 (#26816)
* Dep/fmt: update fmt library to 7.0.3
* Core/SOAP: Fix new/free mismatch reported by ASan
* Core/SOAP: Fix memory leak on shutdown reported by ASan
* Core/Units: Renamed unknown unit flag (UNIT_FLAG_UNK_29 -> UNIT_FLAG_PREVENT_EMOTES_FROM_CHAT_TEXT)
* Core/DBLayer: escape MySQL keywords in page_text, page_text_locale, broadcast_text and broadcast_text_locale select queries
* Core/Spells: Correct swapped TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_ALLY and TARGET_UNIT_NEARBY_PARTY (#25837)
* Core/Spells: Fixed spell effect 43 (SPELL_EFFECT_TELEPORT_UNITS_FACE_CASTER) (#25945)
* DB/Quest: Update quest_poi bruteforce data
* Core/Proto: cleanup double newlines in generated code
* Core/Quest: Fix wrong feedback sent to the quest sharing sender with auto-accept quests. (PR #25477) Closes #25474.
* DB/Locales: Add missing esES & esMX quest locales (Part 38)
* DB/Locales: Add missing esES & esMX POI locales
* Core/Creature: Ignore combat reach when looking for assisting creatures
* Core/Spells: SPELL_AURA_MOD_HEALING_PCT should be negative if TargetType is enemy or BasePoints are negative (#25490)
* DB/Locales: Add missing esES & esMX quest locales (Part 40)
* DB: Add templates from builds 42521 and 42538
* Merge TC: * Core/Scripts: Fix Hotswap not reinitializing AIs after destroying them and then crashing due to AI being nullptr (#27744)
* DB/Creature: Added massparsed creature_equip_template data from patch 8.3.7 - 9.1.5
* DB/Class: Added massparsed player_classlevelstats data for patch 9.0.2 - 9.1.5
* Core/Loot: Raise max number of loot items from 16 to 18
* Core/PathFinding: Fix GetPathPolyByPosition() using only 2D distance instead of 3D
* disable errors money loot.
* test
* restore
* temp
* temp3
* temp2
* temp
* update gps, pinfo
* revert
* update locales chat
* test
* fixed broadcast texts 2
* fixed broadcast texts.
* Core/Gossip: Send broadcast text id in SMSG_GOSSIP_MESSAGE instead of npc_text id
* update world boss announce
* update world boss announce
* move old updates
* DB/Creature: Update creature_template wdb data from 9.2.0
* DB/Quests: Update quest_template wdb data from 9.2.0
* DB/Hotfixes: Added broadcast_text data from 9.2.0
* DB/Locales: Added locales from 9.2.0
* DB/Hotfixes: Added massparsed 9.0.2-9.2.0 broadcast_text data
* Core/Spells: Implemented using db2 PositionFacing for SPELL_EFFECT_LEAP_BACK
* Core/Spells: Pass cast item level to triggered spells
* Core/Spells: Implement SPELL_ATTR7_BYPASS_NO_RESURRECT_AURA (#27714)
* Core/Spells: Implement CAST_FLAG_EX_IGNORE_COOLDOWN - causes spells to not automatically trigger cooldown clientside (#27717)
* update reset runes dk
* Core/Unit: improve SPELL_AURA_MOD_IMMUNE_AURA_APPLY_SCHOOL immunities
* update UpdateFields p2.
* Core/Misc: Fixed ResetFailedReason enum values for 9.2.5 client
* DB/Hotfixes: Update hotfixes to build 45338
* DB/Hotfixes: Update hotfix database to build 45745
* restore
* Update UpdateFields 9.2.7
* fixed crash
* Merge TC:
* Core/Items: Defined new item bonus types
* Core/PacketIO: Fixed loading PreloadPos in character enum packet (#28285)
* fixed crash
* fixed crash.
* fixed GarrTalent.db2 9.2.7
* fixed Vignette.db2 9.2.7
* fixed SummonProperties.db2 9.2.7
* fixed map.db2 9.2.7
* fixed JournalEncounterItem.db2 9.2.7
* fixed GroupFinderActivity.db2 9.2.7
* fixed BattlePetState.db2 9.2.7
* fixed BattlePetState.db2 9.2.7
* revert cs_npc
* fixed compile boost 1.67
* fixed compile boost 1.67
* Revert "set openssl 1.1"
This reverts commit 5f7d95edea2cd7f803a724c44deee8eb80b106b3.
* set openssl 1.1
* fixed conflicts
* Core/Misc: Dynamic build fix (add missing TC_COMMON_API)
* Core: Updated allowed build to
* Core/PacketIO: Fixed structure of SMSG_PARTY_UPDATE
* Core/PacketIO: Drop correct field in SMSG_PARTY_UPDATE and utilize new bit properly
* Core/DataStores: Updated outdated check to
* Merge TC:
* Core/PacketIO: Rename m+ packet fields
* Core: Updated allowed build to
* Core/DataStores: Updated db2 structures to 9.2.7
* Core/DataStores: Sprinkle some constexpr on db2 meta
* Core/Crypto: Updated ARC4 code with openssl 3.0 support
* Core/Crypto: Fixed loading legacy openssl provider for RC4 on windows
* Core/Crypto: Fixed build with openssl 1.1
* Core/Crypto: Fixed GenericHMAC::Finalize wth openssl 3.0
* Core/Crypto: Fixed openssl 3.0 compatibility for custom hmac_sha256 digest for RSA
* Core/Crypto: Added Ed25519 implementation
* Core/Crypto: Removed unneccessary std::reverse in Ed25519::Sign
* Build: Prioritize manually selected openssl location over default installed one
* Core/Crypto: Fixed EVP_PKEY reference counting for copied objects
* Core/Crypto: Switch away from most deprecated openssl functions and removed upper version limit
* Core/Crypto: c++17-ify crypto code cherry picked earlier that was downgraded to c++14
* Core/PacketIO: Updated packet structures to 9.2.7
* Core/PacketIO: Fixed structure of SMSG_CALENDAR_RAID_LOCKOUT_UPDATED
* Core/PacketIO: Named unknown fields in FeatureSystemStatus (#28196)
* Core/Phasing: Fixed terrain swaps appearing on incorrect maps when player is added to a map wilth not meeting its condition but later condition gets satisfied
* Core/PacketIO: Fixed structure of SMSG_START_TIMER
* Core/PacketIO: Remove packet handlers for deleted opcodes
* Core/PacketIO: Implemented SMSG_SPELL_HEAL_ABSORB_LOG
* Core/PacketIO: Implement CMSG_CANCEL_MOD_SPEED_NO_CONTROL_AURAS (#27975)
* Core/PacketIO: Add flood exceptions to CMSG_MOVE_SET_FACING_HEARTBEAT and CMSG_MOVE_SET_PITCH
* Tools/Extractors: Implement remote casc mode (#27993)
* Core/PacketIO: Require valid WorldSession for CMSG_KEEP_ALIVE
* Core/PacketIO: Stop WorldSession packet processing loop immediately when AntiDOS kicks/bans the player
* Core/PacketIO: Continue processing packets even if player is not in world
* Merge TC:
* Core/DataStores: Updated structures to 9.2.5
* Core: Updated allowed build to
* Merge TC:
* Core/DataStores: Removed unused code from DB2DatabaseLoader
* Core/DataStores: Defined SkillLineFlags
* Core/DataStores: Removed hardcoded cap for taxi nodes mask
* Core/DataStores: Removed hardcoded cap for battlepet species
* Core/DataStores: Fixed a crash in db2 loader happening when trying to load additional localized strings from a db2 file newer than db2 for default worldserver locale
* Core/DataStores: Fixed LiquidTypeEntry structure broken by incorrect regex replacement
* Core/PacketIO: Updated packet structures to 9.2.5
* Merge TC:
* Core/PacketIO: Don't skip sending BroadcastSummon packets to summoned player
* Core/PacketIO: Implemented CMSG_MOVE_INIT_ACTIVE_MOVER_COMPLETE and ActivePlayerData::TransportServerTime updatefield
* Core/Player: Fixed phasing issues introduced in aa592e431b945800928f2e43b3812cfa240fada1
* now it doesn't appear like we'd have gm on all the time anymore
* Merge TC:
* Core/Auras: Implement SPELL_AURA_FORCE_BREATH_BAR (#27790)
* Core/Quests: Fixes response selection to use correct referenced identifier (#27808)
* Core/Quests: Do not tell the client to request questgiver details for the next quest in chain on quest reward if the player cannot accept it yet (#27816)
* Core/PacketIO: Fixed TransfertAbort size for SMSG_TRANSFER_ABORTED
* Merge TC:
* Core/Objects: Added helper structures to allow using customized updatefield sending packet functions with Trinity::MessageDistDeliverer
* Core/GameObjects: Implemented GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CAPTURE_POINT (#27034)
* Merge TC:
* Core/Objects: Add new 9.2 guid types
* Core: Updated allowed build to
* Core/PacketIO: Rename some new opcodes
* Merge TC:
* Core: Updated allowed build to
* Core/PacketIO: Fixed placeholders in DungeonScoreSeasonData
* DB/Hotfixes: Update hotfixes to build 42423
* Core/Auras: Implemented SPELL_AURA_DISABLE_INERTIA (506)
* Core/Misc: Update various enums for 9.2
* Core/DataStores: Updated db2 structures to 9.2.0
* Core/Auras: Feign death will no longer cause creatures immune to it to drop combat (and then reenter it because the unit feigning death is considered valid)
* Core/Creatures: Implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_2_IGNORE_SANCTUARY (ignore SPELL_EFFECT_SANCTUARY, used by Vanish)
* Core/Locales: Store empty localized strings present in database (#29779)
* Core/Units: Set UNIT_FLAG3_FAKE_DEAD as disallowed flag for database column
* Also stop sending npc flags for hostile creatures
* Core/Quests: Merged UpdateNearbyCreatureNpcFlags, UpdateVisibleGameobjectsOrSpellClicks and SendQuestGiverStatusMultiple on quest actions
* Fixes quest markers above NPC heads not disappearing when player stops seeing questgiver npc flag
* DB/Stormwind: Added some Nightelf Heritage spawns for Stormwind Embassy
* Core/Creatures: Implemented unsummoning and resummoning critter pets on flying mounts and teleports (and related static flags)
* DB/WorldStates: Added missing worldstates related to currencies
* DB/Skills: Added missing skill tier
* Core/PacketIO: Implemented and enabled SMSG_STOP_SPEAKERBOT_SOUND
* DB/Boralus: Added Katherine Proudmoore and Provisioner Fray
+ Added Questchain for Kultiran "For the Alliance"
* Core/Creatures: Fixed sparring
* CI/Github: Add macOS arm64 github actions support. (#29771)
* Core/Misc: Replace sprintf with safer alternatives (Trinity::StringFormat or snprintf)
* Build: Silence cmake warning about newline in variable
* Tests: Add missing include
* Build: Replaced deprecated exec_program with execute_process
* Core/Database: Silence deprecation warning on mysql_stmt_bind_param
* Core/Items: allow all soulbound common and poor items to unlock their appearance to reflect patch 10.0.5 changes
* Core/Spells: Implemented pausing spell cooldowns
* Core/Spells: Store truncated (only up to millisecond precision) cooldown times
* DB/Creatures: added some movement static flags and wander distance data for some Kelp'thar Forest creatures
* Core/Creature: corrected swimming toggle behavior for amphibious creatures
* Build: Perform CMake check_cxx_source_compiles checks using the same C++ standard as used in the project
* DB: fixed query added in b04ab91edd85ea4c96fc41f688cdbedf5face522
* Core/Misc: Rename `templat` to `characterTemplate` so it stop looking like a typo despite not being one. (#29421)
* Core/Movement: require a minimum wander_distance value of 0.1 and check the path length of generated random movement (#29766)
this serves as a means to reduce the console spam caused by failed spline validation
* Core/Creatures: implemented most movement related static flags and migrated existing movement data into static flags (#29541)
* implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_AQUATIC - creatures cannot leave liquids
* implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_AMPHIBIOUS - creatures can enter and leave liquids but remain on the ocean floor when swimming is not enabled until engaged
* implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_FLOATING - creatures have their gravity on spawn / reset disabled
* implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_SESSILE - creatures are rooted in place
* implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_CAN_SWIM - creature can swim in liquids
* implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_3_CANNOT_SWIM - Amphibious creatures cannot toggle on swimming
* implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_3_CANNOT_TURN - Creatures cannot turn at all
* implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_4_PREVENT_SWIM - Amphibious creatures won't toggle on swimming until their victim starts leaving the ocean floor
* deprecated CREATURE_FLAG_EXTRA_NO_MOVE_FLAGS_UPDATE as this flag was a hackfix to a wrong implementation that is now gone
* Scripts/Serpentshrine Cavern: Removed Spout hack and use correct spell ids
* Core/Movement: MoveRotate improvements
* Allow overriding rotation speed
* Allow limiting rotation using total rotation angle instead of duration
* Core/Misc: Allow formatting optionals with Trinity::StringFormat
* Core/Movement: Fixed MoveRotate not updating orientation
* Scripts/Forge of Souls: Fixed Devourer of Souls achievement worldstate expression requirement and rotate beam tick timing
* DB/PageTexts: Update multiple page texts
* DB/Stormwind: Update Love is in the Air stuff (Dragonflight)
* DB/Valsharah: Added Love is in the Air spawns
* DB/TheJadeForest: Added Love is in the Air spawns
* DB/Winterspring: Added Love is in the Air spawns
* DB/NorthernStranglethorn: Added Love is in the Air spawns
* DB/WanderingIsle: Update Racemasks for Pandaren Warlock
+ Add missing Gameobject spawn
Closes #29229
* Scripts/Spells: Fix DK talent Permafrost (#29759)
* Core/Units: Added helper function to clear boss emote frame and enable SMSG_CLEAR_BOSS_EMOTES
* Core/Creatures: Implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_2_ALLOW_MOUNTED_COMBAT and overriding default mount from creature addon
* Core/Items: Fixed possible out of bounds array access when applying enchantments to equipped profession tools
* Core/Logging: Call Log::instance() only once in each log statement
* Core/Battlegrounds: Isle of Conquest Rework (#29687)
* DB/ForbiddenReach: Added some spawns for The War Creche
* Core/Spells: Don't modify item charges in all slots on a single item spell cast
* DB/Mulgore: Update questchains for Mulgore
Closes #29742
* DB/Durotar: Update questchains for Durotar
Closes #29739
* DB/DunMorogh: Update questchains for Dun Morogh
Closes #29725
* DB/Durotar: Update questchains for Echo Isles
Closes #29709
* DB/ElwynnForest: Update questchains for Northshire
Closes #29672
* DB/Durotar: Added ExclusiveGroup for Quests Lazy Peon and Vile Familiars
Closes #29737
* DB/DunMorogh: Update questchain for New Tinkertown
Closes #29716
* DB/DunMorogh: Update questchain for Coldrige Valley
Closes #29713
* DB/AzuremystIsle: Update questchains for Ammen Vale
Closes #29685
* DB/ElwynnForest: Update questchain for Elwynn Forest
Closes #29675
* Core/Auras: Implemented SpellEffectAttributes::AuraPointsStack
* Core/Players: Drop Player::SaveGoldToDB() and move it's code to Player::SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB() (#29582)
* Core/Players: Support race and faction changes for new races (#29755)
* Core/Units: Update facing spline movement immediately after launching (#29494)
* DB/DunMorogh: Implementing quests Forced to Watch from Afar and Operation Recombobulation
* also fixed Wendigo spawn positions & waypoints
Closes #29606
* DB/Gilneas: Added script to Crows in Merchant Square
Closes #29594
* DB/Gilneas: Added cosmetics to Panicked Citizens
CLoses #29590
* DB/Gilneas: Added some Merchant Square cosmetic fixes
Closes #29603
* DB/ElwynnForest: Added missing aggro and death texts to Kurtok the Slayer
Closes #29505
* DB/Teldrassil: Fixed loot for several creatures in Shadowglen
* Young Thistle Boar
* Thistle Boar
* Webwood Spider
* Grell
* Gellkin
* Githyiss the Vile
* Young Nightsaber
Closes #29666
* DB/Teldrassil: Fixed some cosmetics in Shadowglen
Closes #29667
* DB/DunMorogh: Added scripts for Father Gavin, Kelaan and Lowan Featherbreeze at Misty Pine Refuge
Closes #29736
* DB/DunMorogh: Added script for Buin "Phloppy" Freehand at Misty Pine Refuge
Closes #29735
* DB/DunMorogh: Some cosmetic fixes for Steelgrill's Depot
Closes #29734
* DB/DunMorogh: Added script for Grimlock Pilsnor
Closes #29733
* DB/DunMorogh: Added script for Tognus Flintfire in Kharanos
Closes #29732
* DB/DunMorogh: Added script for Kogan Forgestone in Kharanos
Closes #29731
* DB/DunMorogh: Added path for Golorn Frostbeard in Kharanos
Closes #29729
* DB/DunMorogh: Added some cosmetics for Frostmane Retreat
Closes #29717
* Scripts/Spells: Fix energize for spell Doom (Warlock) (#29748)
* Scripts/Spells: Fix Shield of the Righteous armor bonus (#29749)
* Build: Reuse PCH file between all script modules
* Scripts/ExilesReach: Implemented Ride SE Boar, Re-Deather and Stocking Up quest (#29670)
Co-authored-by: ModoX <moardox@gmail.com>
* Scripts/Spells: Update Vampiric touch script implementing the talent Misery and the dispel fleeing (#29743)
* Core/Creatures: Implemented UNIT_NPC_FLAG_GOSSIP as viewer dependent and update npcflags on quest changes (#29646)
* Scripts: Removed unused global variables
* Core/Position: Allow constexpr use of Position
* Core/Vehicle: Don't set players movementInfo on vehicle dismiss (#29744)
* Scripts/ForbiddenReach: Added spawn handling for dracthyr intro personal summons (#29682)
Co-Authored-By: ModoX <moardox@gmail.com>
* Core: Update allowed build to
* Core/Battlegrounds: Move some areatrigger handling to scripts (#29700)
* Scripts/Spells: Implemented Priest talent Pain Transformation (#29720)
* Warning fix
* Build fix
* Core/Movement: Removed template from FleeingMovementGenerator
* Core/Creatures: Implemented CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_4_NO_MELEE_APPROACH and fixed CREATURE_STATIC_FLAG_NO_MELEE_FLEE implementation (should cause fleeing from melee range)
* DB/Conditions: Remove a unneeded condition for Quest: "Hanazua"
Closes #29714
* DB/Tirisfal: Update questchains for Deathknell
Closes #29686
* DB/Mulgore: Update questchains for Camp Narache
Closes #29661
* Core/Spells: Fixed incorrect switch logic in Unit::SpellCritChanceDone
* Core/Creatures: Prevent resetting creature sparring health thresholds on evade if it was changed to a custom value by a script
* Core/Movement: MoveCirclePath new features
* Duration limit
* Customizable speed
* DB/Durotar: Update questchains for Valley of Trials
Closes #29659
* DB/Teldrassil: Update questchains for Teldrassil
Closes #29658
* DB/Teldrassil: Update questchains for Shadowglen
Closes #29656
* Core/CrashHandler: Support dumping variables stored in cpu registers (not accurate for all variables)
* Core/CrashHandler: Support ARM64
* Core/Random: Use correct headers to obtain _mm_malloc definitions
* Dep/SFMT: Support NEON on ARM with MSVC
* Dep/g3d: Support ARM with MSVC
* Dep/protobuf: Support ARM with MSVC
* Build: Improve ARM target detection in cmake (needed by MSVC)
* Core/Misc: Defined and implemented CHARACTER_FLAG_RESTING (#29695)
* Core/SAI: Fixed SMART_ACTION_MOVE_TO_POS and SMART_ACTION_JUMP_TO_POS using target coordinates as destination if requested WorldObject target was not found
* Add missing changes for cc7e1bdcaed1ef1f6b4394378c99c56c8438b049
* Core/Instances: Added back missing cases to InstanceScript::SendEncounterUnit that are supported in 3.3.5 branch
* DB/Hotfixes: Added some broadcast_text entries (Love is in the Air)
* Core/Creatures: ed0b621d1569a14174a9802027b68dbe4329da69 followup
* Core/Auras: Allow SPELL_AURA_MECHANIC_IMMUNITY_MASK to apply aoe/chain targeting immunity
* Core/Clubs: Reserve memory for entire member array in club::v1::GetMembersResponse
* Core/Spells: Fixed duplicate SMSG_SPELL_EXECUTE_LOG being sent if there are effects handled on spell launch (such as summoning)
* Core/Gossips: Don't send NpcInteraction for GossipOptionNpc::None (#29691)
* Core/Guilds: Implemented club basics to restore old guild functionality (#29587)
* Updated BGS status names enum. Values bigger than 0x0000AFCD & some others are preserved for compatibility reasons. They were not in the client by default.
* Added services & service methods required for guilds.
* Allow club stream messages the usage of LANG_UNIVERSAL.
Co-authored-by: Shauren <shauren.trinity@gmail.com>
* DB/Boralus: Removed duplicate spawns
* DB/Phases: Added phases for The Gala of Gifts (Love is in the Air)
* Core/Quests: Don't send update of already completed CriteriaTree objectives to the client when accepting quests (#29665)
* Scripts/Spells: Implemented Priest talent Indemnity (#29669)
* Core/Spells: Allow spells with SPELL_DAMAGE_CLASS_NONE to crit
* Scripts/Spells: Implemented Priest talent Train of Thought (#29676)
* Scripts/Spells: Implemented Priest talent Crystalline Reflection (#29677)
* Scripts/Spells: Implemented Priest talent Divine Aegis/ Fixed PW:S Crit (#29683)
* Core/Creatures: Set InteractSpellID for npc spellclick
* DB/EversongWoods: Update questchains for Sunstrider Isle
Closes #29662
* DB/Teldrassil: Added Tallonkais Jewel drop to Ferocitas the Dream Eater
+ remove deprecated drop of Gnarlpine Necklace
* DB/Disables: Disable some deprecated Quests in Camp Narache
Closes #29678
* DB/Tele: Added teleport locations for Emerald Dream
Closes #29617
* DB/Spells: Set SchoolMask of recently added spell_proc entries to 0 as its not required for those spells and the field is optional
* DB/Priest: Added spellproc data for Borrowed Time
Closes #29642
* DB/Priest: Added spellproc data for Power of the Dark Side
Closes #29640
* DB/Priest: Added spellproc data for Weal and Woe
Closes #29633
* DB/Priest: Added spellproc data for Apathy
Closes #29632
* DB/Priest: Added spellproc data for Words of the Pious
Closes #29628
* Core: Update allowed build to
* TDB 1025.24021 - 2024/02/08
* Scripts/Spells: Implemented Priest talent Heaven's Wrath (#29671)
* Core: Update allowed build to
* CMake: added MySQL 8.3 to FindMySQL cmake macro

Shadowlands: Переход на новую версию игры 9.2.7 (45745).

За предоставленные обновления спасибо Firerz
Последнее редактирование:


Доброго времени суток. Не хочу создавать лишнюю тему засоряя форум, интересует вопрос х64 совместимости клиента 4.3.4 . Х64 исполняемый файл (он же патч в одном флаконе) я уже выложил на файлообменник сервера. Собственно работоспособность частичная, так как сервер не до конца понимает что клиент модифицирован и некоторые функции и нпс реагируют не корректно. Знаю что исходников нет, нужно писать коучам по этому поводу, по сему интересуюсь может ли администрация донести данную информацию на рассмотрение команде разработчиков, или же прислушиваются к обычным пользователям и писать на прямую? С английским проблем нет, имеется так же исполняемый файл х64 для MacOS и рабочий русифицированный клиент для вышеуказанной оси если потребуются. Благодарю за внимание.


Не по теме конечно, но уже несколько дней ошибка у енота со сбербанком


Добрый вечер ,хотел бы спросить происходили ли занижения по игровому миру х5 тбк
и какие и как?
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.
Сверху Снизу